Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3440
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3440
Analysis of biofilm formation by
Candida albicans
in different types
of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Análise da formação de biofilme por
Candida albicans
em diferentes tipos de aparelhos e dispositivos ortodônticos fixos
Ellen Eduarda FERNANDES
, Daniela Fernandes Lobo Molica OLIVEIRA
, Renata Pilli JÓIAS
, Pamela Aparecida DINIZ
Patrícia Pimentel de BARROS
, Antônio Olavo Cardoso JORGE
, Wagner de OLIVEIRA
, Sigmar de Mello RODE
1 - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biociências e
Diagnóstico Bucal, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
2- Escola Multicampi de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Caicó, RN, Brazil.
3 - Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Departamento de Materiais Odontológicos
e Prótese, São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil.
How to cite: Fernandes EE, Oliveira DFLM, Jóias RP, Diniz PA, Barros PP, Jorge AOC, et al. Analysis of biolm formation by
Candida albicans
in different types of orthodontic xed appliances and devices. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(2):e3440. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3440
Objective: in this study, biolm formation by
Candida albicans
in xed orthodontic appliances was evaluated.
Material and Methods: a total of 300 conventional metal brackets (MC), ceramic (CB), self-ligation (SLB),
nickel-titanium (NiTi), and nickel-chromium (NiCr) wires, and ligatures types were organized into thirty groups
(n=10). To induce biolm formation, brackets, wires, and ligatures were joined, sterilized, placed in 24-well
plates, contaminated with standardized suspensions of
C. albicans
cells/mL), and incubated at 37 °C for
48 h with shaking. The biolms formed were detached using an ultrasonic homogenizer, and suspensions were
serially diluted and plated on Sabouraud dextrose agar to determine colony-forming units per mL. Scanning
electron microscopy was performed before and after the biolm formation. Results: lower amount of biolm
formation was observed in the MC group than in the CB and SLB groups (
<0.0001). SLB and CB showed similar
biolm formation rates (
=0.855). In general, the cross-sectional wires .018”x.025” showed higher biolm
formation when associated with the three types of brackets. When brackets, wires, and ligatures were associated,
the sets with NiCr wires and SSL ligatures with MC brackets (
=0.0008) and CB (
=0.0003) showed higher
biolm formation. Conclusion: thus, brackets of MC with NiTi and NiCr wires showed lower biolm formation,
regardless of the ligature and cross-sectional or gauge of the wire and, MC and CB brackets with NiCr wires and
SSL ligatures were more likely to accumulate biolms.
Candida albicans
, Orthodontic appliances, Orthodontic brackets, Scanning electron microscopy.
Objetivo: neste estudo, a formação de biolme por
Candida albicans
em aparelhos ortodônticos xos foi avaliada.
Material e Métodos: um total de 300 bráquetes metálicos convencionais (MC), cerâmicos (CB), autoligados
(SLB), com os de níquel-titânio (NiTi) e níquel-cromo (NiCr) e tipos de ligaduras foram organizados em
trinta grupos (n=10). Bráquetes, os e ligaduras foram unidos, esterilizados, colocados em placas de 24 poços,
contaminados com suspensões padronizadas de
C. albicans
células/mL) e incubados a 37°C por 48 h para
a formação de biolmes. Os biolmes formados foram rompidos por meio de um homogeneizador ultrassônico
e suspensões foram diluídas e semeadas em ágar Sabouraud-dextrose para determinar as unidades formadoras
de colônias por mL. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi realizada antes e após a formação do biolme.
Resultados: foi observada menor formação de biolme no grupo MC em comparação aos grupos CB e SLB
<0,0001). A formação de biolme foi semelhante nos grupos SLB e CB (
=0,855). Em geral, os os de seção
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3440
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different
types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Studies have shown that xed orthodontic
appliances are biofilm retainers that can
hinder hygiene [1,2,3], forming sites for
accumulation of food residues and aggregation
of microorganisms [4]. Together, brackets,
wires, bands, and ligatures can further aggravate
these conditions [5]. Although modications in
these accessories are made to minimize biolm
retention, doubts remain regarding whether
these modications result in the greater or lesser
accumulation of residues and microorganisms
when compared with conventional and self-
connected devices [6-10].
The permanent consolidation of biolm can
cause periodontal changes, white spots in the enamel,
and even dental caries [5,11,12]. Many studies have
reported that the main microorganisms involved in
caries are
spp. and
However, it is known that caries are not caused by a
limited number of specic bacteria, but by a change
in the microbial population in which
play an important role [12].
is a collecting
agent present in the oral cavity of approximately
30% to 35% of the adult population without
evidence of infection [13]. Therefore, in certain
individuals and in specific situations, they can
assume lamentary form, producing oral diseases
such as oral candidosis.
There is an indication of the cariogenic
potential of
C. albicans
in enamel and dentin lesions
in cooperation with
Streptococcus mutans
It was observed that glucans produced by certain
bacteria, such as
S. mutans
, can increase the
adhesive capacity of
C. albicans
[15] and that
yeast can be used by
S. mutans
to support its
adhesion and aid the cariogenic process [16].
In vitro
studies suggest
C. albicans
has a high
acidogenic potential and ability to cause mineral
loss and, therefore, is adjunct to the process
of establishment of dental caries [17,18].
In addition, it can increase the incidence of caries
in rats when associated with microbiota with low
cariogenic potential [19].
Perkowski et al. (2019) [20] evaluated oral
microbiota as a risk factor for health complications
in patients treated with removable or xed devices
compared with patients without a device and found
the prevalence of
C. albicans
to be higher in patients
with xed apparatus, with a statistically signicant
difference in the presence of
C. albicans
in patients
treated with appliances when compared to those
not treated. They also found that the use of a xed
orthodontic appliance alters the state of the oral
cavity, impacting the colonization of the biolm by
opportunistic/pathogenic strains and, consequently,
increasing the risk of its dissemination to various
tissues and organs, emphasizing that the oral cavity
can act as a reservoir of microorganisms that can
induce infections of clinical importance. Having
acknowledged the participation of
C. albicans
biolm in some pathogenic processes, the aim of
this study was to evaluate the biolm formation of
C. albicans
on the surface of orthodontic brackets
of different materials, together with wires and
Production of biolms
The sample consisted of 300 orthodontic
rods of the upper central incisors of the
straight wire technique, Roth prescription,
with a .022” slot (Morelli®, Sorocaba, Brazil),
and 300 segments of 1 cm wires fastened by
elastomeric and metallic ligatures. Thirty groups
(n=10) were created based on the type of bracket
(conventional metallic/MC, self-ligating brackets/
SLB, ceramic bracket/CB), wire metallic alloy
(Nickel-Chromium/NiCr, Nickel-Titanium/NiTi),
wire size and cross-section (.014”, .018”, .018” x
.025”) and ligatures types (025 mm-stainless steel
ligature/SSL, elastomeric chain/EC) (Table I).
transversal .018”x.025” apresentaram maior formação de biolme quando associados aos três tipos de bráquetes.
Os conjuntos com os de NiCr e ligaduras SSL com bráquetes MC (
=0,0008) e CB
=0,0003) apresentaram
maior formação de biolme. Conclusão: bráquetes MC com os de NiTi e NiCr apresentaram menor formação
de biolme, independente da ligadura e secção transversal ou bitola do o e, braquetes MC e CB com os de
NiCr e ligaduras SSL foram mais propensos a acumular biolmes.
Biolmes, Candida albicans, Aparelhos ortodônticos xos, Bráquetes ortodônticos, Microscopia eletrônica de
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3440
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different
types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Biolms were cultured in 24-well culture plates
(TPP®, Trasadingen, Switzerland) containing
different brackets, following the methodology
described by Pereira et al. (2011) [21], with
necessary modications. Suspensions of strains
C. albicans
(ATCC 18804) were adjusted to
cells/mL using a spectrophotometer (B582,
Micronal, São Paulo, Brazil), and 2 mL BHI broth
(Brain Heart Infusion, Difco, Detroit, USA) was
added to each well. The plates were incubated
with shaking at 75 rpm (Quimis, Diadema, Brazil)
for 90 min at 37°C to facilitate initial adhesion.
After the adhesion phase, the suspension was
aspirated and each well was washed with 2 mL
of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) to remove
non-adherent cells. Subsequently, 2 mL of BHI
broth was added to each well to form a biolm.
All the plates were incubated at 37°C for 48 h with
shaking at 75 rpm. After the incubation period,
the brackets were washed twice with PBS and
the biolms were detached using a Sonopuls HD
2200 ultrasonic homogenizer (Bandelin Electronic,
Berlin, Germany) at 50 W for 30 s. The suspensions
were serially diluted and plated on Sabouraud
dextrose agar (Difco, Detroit, USA) to determine
the colony-forming units per mL (CFU/mL).
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
After biolms formation, the devices were
fixed in 1 ml of 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 1 h.
Specimens were then dehydrated serially using
increasing concentrations of ethanol (10%, 25%,
50%, 75%, and 90%) for 20 min each, followed by
immersion in 100% ethanol for 1 h. The plates were
kept in an incubator at 37°C for 24 h to permit total
drying of the specimens. After drying, the specimens
were transferred to aluminum stubs and sputter
coated with gold for 160 s at 40 mA (Vacuum Desk
II; Denton Vacuum LLC, Moorestown, NJ, USA).
The specimens were examined and imaged using
a JSM-5600 scanning electron microscope (JEOL
USA, Inc., Peabody, MA).
Statistical analysis
The CFU/mL (log
) counts were analyzed
by ANOVA and Tukey’s test using the GraphPad
Prism 6 program (GraphPad Software, Inc., San
Diego, CA, USA), with a signicance level of 5%.
The MC group showed a lower amount of
biolm formation in relation to the SLB and CB
groups, which were very similar to each other
(Figure 1).
Table I - Research groups according to bracket type, arc metal alloy
and ligature type
Group Bracket Archwire Ligature
G1 MC .014” NiTi EC
G2 MC .014” NiTi SSL
G3 MC .018” NiTi EC
G4 MC .018” NiTi SSL
G5 MC .014” NiCr EC
G6 MC .014” NiCr SSL
G7 MC .018” NiCr EC
G8 MC .018” NiCr SSL
G9 MC .018”x.025” NiTi EC
G10 MC .018”x.025” NiTi SSL
G11 MC .018”x.025” NiCr EC
G12 MC .018”x.025” NiCr SSL
G13 CB .014” NiTi EC
G14 CB .014” NiTi SSL
G15 CB .018” NiTi EC
G16 CB .018” NiTi SSL
G17 CB .014” NiCr EC
G18 CB .014” NiCr SSL
G19 CB .018” NiCr EC
G20 CB .018” NiCr SSL
G21 CB .018”x.025” NiTi EC
G22 CB .018”x.025” NiTi SSL
G23 CB .018”x.025” NiCr EC
G24 CB .018”x.025” NiCr SSL
G25 SLB .014” NiTi No ligature
G26 SLB .018” NiTi No ligature
G27 SLB .014” NiCr No ligature
G28 SLB .018” NiCr No ligature
G29 SLB .018”x.025” NiTi No ligature
G30 SLB .018”x.025” NiCr No ligature
Figure 1 - Quantitative analysis of biofilm formation by CFU/mL
count in different types of brackets: Means and standard deviations
C. albicans
ATCC18804 CFU/mL (log) values in the following
groups: conventional metallic/MC, self-ligating brackets/SLB,
ceramic bracket/CB. ANOVA and Tukey’s test,
≤ 0.05.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3440
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different
types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
The amount of biolm formed on different
sets of brackets and wires is shown in Table II.
In general, greater biolm formation by
C. albicans
was observed when .018”x.025” rectangular wires
were used together with brackets. For the MC and
CB brackets, a greater accumulation of biolm
was observed when NiCr wires were used. It was
impossible to identify a greater accumulation of
biolm, for the SLB brackets, when NiCr or NiTi
alloys were used.
In the interaction between the types of
ligatures, brackets, and wires, different amounts
of CFU/mL were observed in the colonization
C. albicans
biolms. The combinations that
showed highest biofilm accumulation were
MC-NiCr-SSL and CB-NiCr with both EC and SSL.
The sets that exhibited low biolm formation
were MC-NiCr-EC and CB-NiTi-SSL. There was
a significant difference in biofilm formation
between sets when the types of brackets, MC and
CB were considered (Figure 2).
SEM analysis performed based on these
results, showed that the bracket surfaces had
recesses, sharp angles, grooves, and clips, as in
SLB brackets, that facilitated biolm retention
(Figure 3). In Figure 3C, it is possible to observe
the presence of yeasts and hyphae of
C. albicans
mainly in the niches formed by the bracket clip.
Table II – Means and standard deviations of CFU/mL (log
) in the tests performed in different types of brackets and archwires
CFU/mL (log
.014” .018” .018”x .025”
MC 5.076± 0.336 4.871 ± 0.201 5.278 ± 0.091
< 0.0001CB 5.309 ± 0.148 5.487 ± 0.108 5.298 ± 0.129
SLB 5.166 ± 0.059 5.416 ± 0.078 5.534 ± 0.145
MC 5.300 ± 0.284 4.849 ± 0.308 4.680 ± 0.155
< 0.0001CB 4.886 ± 0.212 5.237 ± 0.436 5.240 ± 0.043
SLB 5.310 ± 0.069 5.264 ± 0.126 5.332 ± 0.054
Figure 2 - Quantitative analysis of biofilm formation by CFU/mL count in different types of brackets, wires and ligatures: Means and standard
deviations of
C. albicans
ATCC18804 CFU/mL (log) values in the following groups: conventional metallic/MC and ceramic bracket/CB with
types of wires and ligatures. ANOVA and Tukey’s test,
≤ 0.05.
Figure 3 - Scanning electron microscopy images of biofilms formed by
C. albicans
on SLB brackets surfaces, as follows: (A) 80X; (B) 1500X; (C),
3000X magnifications. It is possible to observe the presence of yeasts (
), and hyphae ( →) of
C. albicans
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3440
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different
types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Information about the formation of
C. albicans
biofilms in components of fixed orthodontic
appliances, which hinders oral hygiene and
increases plaque retention, is essential because
this microorganism is present in oral microbiota
and can participate in pathological processes
such as caries [22,23]. This study simulated
xed orthodontic appliances to contribute to the
understanding of the adhesion of
C. albicans
biofilms during orthodontic treatment, which
contributes to the formation of more retentive areas.
The association between
and the establishment of dental caries has been
reported in several works [22-24]. Caries begin
with the formation of biofilms by cariogenic
microorganisms such as
S. mutans
[25]. The interaction between these
microorganisms can be mutualistic, where both
are favored, with a greater ability to adhere to
surfaces when in association [16].
In vitro
suggest that
C. albicans
has a high acidogenic
potential and capacity to cause mineral loss and is
therefore an adjunct in the process of establishing
dental caries [18]. Furthermore, although the
role of
C. albicans
in periodontal disease is not
well established, it is considered an important
pathogen in both the progression and persistence
of this disease [26].
Brackets cause the maintenance of good oral
hygiene difcult and create microbial shelters,
resulting in biofilm build-up. The use of SLB
became widespread, as it did not include elastic
or metallic ligatures and was believed to be more
hygienic [27,28]; however, this hypothesis was
not proven in our study.
Pellegrini et al. (2009) [27] evaluated
biofilm retention during treatment with
conventional brackets in interaction with
rubber band ligations and self-ligated brackets
(In-Ovation R/Mini-Ovation, GAC) and
concluded that patients with self-ligated brackets
had lower biolm rates than those who received
conventional brackets. However, in this study,
the levels of hygiene of the sample were not
considered, and the results from Pellegrini et al.
(2009) [27] study could be inuenced by the
location of collection, which was performed
around the bracket and at the tooth and bracket
interface as opposed to our methodology, which
evaluated the formation of biolms on the entire
surface of the bracket by sonication. However,
corroborating our results, the authors state that
SLB retain more biolm either because they have
more retentive areas [29,30], larger dimensions
and a more complex design [31], or because of
the clip [6,32].
According to Van Gastel et al. (2007) [29],
when analyzing the distribution of the biolm
through the brackets using SEM, irregularities
in the interface between different parts of the
self-ligating brackets were observed. This was
confirmed in our results through the same
analysis. Regardless of the type of bracket, the
authors agree that the slot region closed by the
clip retains the most biolm, probably because it
behaves like a closed tube [6,32].
In this study wires with a round cross-section
(.014” or .018”) did not differ signicantly in
terms of biolm accumulation. The wire with a
rectangular cross-section (.018”x.025”) promoted
greater accumulation of biofilm, probably
because of the formation of more retentive
niches due to the presence of sharper angles
in its conformation. Particularly, in phases of
orthodontic treatment, when it is necessary
to use larger wires, according to our results,
individuals might be more susceptible to biolm
formation and creation of retentive areas, which
suggests that there is a correlation between
biofilm removal and the use of auxiliary and
professional methods to preserve the patient’s
oral health. Thus, the orthodontist needs to pay
greater attention to these parameters.
There was no signicant difference in the
accumulation of biolm between EC and SSL,
corroborating the literature on the presence
P. gingivalis
[1]. In some combinations,
one type accumulated more biofilm; in other
combinations, it accumulated less biolm. More
biolm was always observed in combinations
with SLB. When evaluating the retention of
S. mutans
biofilms around MC brackets with
SSL, EC, and SLB brackets, combinations with
EC showed greater biolm accumulation [30].
Through real-time PCR, the authors observed
that the accumulation of
S. mutans
S. sobrinus
L. casei
, and
L. acidophilus
in MC with SSL and
SLB was similar [33]. Although no ligatures
are used in self-ligated brackets, calcification
of bacterial plaque in the cervical region may
occur [32], making it difcult to open and close
the clip, which can lead to its malfunction. It is
important to adopt effective mechanisms of daily
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3440
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different
types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
oral hygiene by the patient and periodically by
the professional to negate these issues [34].
In this study a signicant increase in number
of colonies of
S. mutans
C. albicans
individuals with fixed orthodontic appliances
and the effectiveness of removing this biolm
through proper brushing was observed. Thus,
even if an individual is undergoing orthodontic
treatment and accessories conducive to greater
accumulation of microorganisms are used, such as
self-ligating brackets and rectangular NiCr wires,
professional prophylaxis and proper instruction
in oral hygiene are essential for a significant
reduction in bacterial plaque, and plaque control
in orthodontic patients is extremely important
for maintaining oral health and preventing
periodontal disease [35,36]. As a relevant adjunct
to more effective oral hygiene, professionals
should guide their patients regarding the daily
use of mouthwashes [37,38].
Thus, brackets of MC with NiTi and NiCr
wires showed lower biolm formation, regardless
of the ligature and cross-sectional or gauge of the
wire and, MC and CB brackets with NiCr wires
and SSL ligatures were more likely to accumulate
The authors are grateful to the Institute of
Science and Technology, São José dos Campos
Campus, São Paulo State University – UNESP and
are grateful to Specialist in orthodontics Thácia
Oliveira Silva for content contributions during
the development of this manuscript.
Author’s Contributions
EEF, DFLMO, RPJ, PAD: Conceptualization.
EEF, DFLMO, RPJ, PAD: Hypothesis. EEF,
DFLMO, RPJ, PAD: Experiments. EEF, DFLMO,
RPJ, PAD, PPB: Writing. PPB: Data tabulation.
PPB: Statistical. AOCJ, WO, SMR: Supervision.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
This study was supported by private funding.
Regulatory Statement
The study was waived of ethical approval
because it did not include patients or animals,
only standard microbiological samples acquired
for laboratory studies were used (Candida ATCC).
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Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3440
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Fernandes EE et al.
Analysis of biofilm formation by Candida albicans in different
types of orthodontic fixed appliances and devices
Sigmar de Mello Rode
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Instituto de Ciência e
Tecnologia, Departamento de Materiais Odontológicos e Prótese, São José dos
Campos, SP, Brazil.
Email: sigmar.rode@unesp.br
Date submitted: 2022 Mar 16
Accept submission: 2022 Nov 21