Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
open access scientific journal
Volume 26 N
01 - 2023 | Special Edition
Campus de São José dos Campos
1998 - 2023
1998 - 2023
Source: macrovector / Freepik
Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3485
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-
implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Distribuição de tensões na mesialização do segundo molar inferior usando mini-implantes: um estudo piloto usando análise
de elementos finitos 3D
João Maurício Ferraz da SILVA
, Juliana da Costa LISBOA
, Fernanda Zapater PIERRE
, Rodrigo Máximo de ARAÚJO
Cleidiel Aparecido Araujo LEMOS
, Ronaldo Silva CRUZ
, Fellippo Ramos VERRI
1 – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Departamento de Materiais Odontológicos
e Prótese. São José dos Campos, Brazil.
2 – Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Odontology Department. Governador Valadares, Brazil.
3 – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Dentistry Science Program on the Dental Materials and Prosthodontics
Department of the Dentistry School. Araçatuba, Brazil.
4 – Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Dental Materials and Prosthodontics Department of the Dentistry School.
Araçatuba, Brazil.
How to cite: Silva JMF, Lisboa JC, Pierre FZ, Araújo RM, Lemos CAA, Cruz RS, et al. Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization
using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D nite element analysis. Braz. Dent. Sci. 2023;26(1):e3485. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3485
Objective: to analyze the stress distribution in a 3D model that simulates second molar mesialization using two
different types of mini-implants. Material and Methods: a mandible bone model was obtained by recomposing
a computed tomography performed by a software program. The cortical and trabecular bone, a lower second
molar, periodontal ligament, orthodontic tube, resin cement and the mini-implants were designed and modeled
using the Rhinoceros 4.0 software program. The characteristics of self-drilling orthodontic mini-implants were:
one with 7 mm length, 1 mm transmucosal neck section and 1.6 mm diameter and another with 5 mm length
and 1.5 mm diameter. A total of 235.161 and 224.505 elements were used for the mesh. These models were
inserted into the bone block and then subjected to loads of 200 cN (centinewton). The results were calculated
and analyzed by the Ansys 17.0 software program for qualitative verication through displacement and maximum
principal stress maps. Results: it was possible to observe that the periodontal ligament presented low displacement
and stress values. However, the physiological values presented are among those capable to provide orthodontic
movement, with compression and tensile area visualization staggered between 0.1 and -0.1 MPa (megapascal).
Conclusion: within the limitations of the study, the mini-implants tested showed similar results where the
load on the tooth allowed dental displacement (molar mesialization), with a tendency to rotate it, theoretically
allowing the second molar to take the location of the rst molar.
Finite element analysis; Orthodontic anchorage procedures; Fixed orthodontic appliances; Mini dental implants;
Tooth dislocation.
Objetivo: analisar a distribuição de tensões em um modelo 3D que simula a mesialização do segundo molar
usando dois tipos diferentes de mini-implantes. Material e Métodos: um modelo de osso mandibular foi obtido
por recomposição de uma tomograa computadorizada realizada por um software. O osso cortical e trabecular,
um segundo molar inferior, ligamento periodontal, tubo ortodôntico, cimento resinoso e os mini-implantes foram
projetados e modelados no software Rhinoceros 4.0. As características dos mini-implantes ortodônticos auto perfurantes
foram: um com 7 mm de comprimento, 1 mm de secção transmucosa e 1,6 mm de diâmetro e outro com 5 mm de
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Patients who have malocclusions due to
tooth loss are commonplace in dental ofces.
According to data in the literature, the first
permanent lower molar is the most affected, as
it erupts in the oral cavity in childhood around
6 years of age [1]. Thus, it is often mistaken for a
deciduous tooth, and if there is any carelessness
in the child’s brushing or diet, there may be an
accumulation of biolm, progress to caries, and
depending on the state of the disease, could end
up causing the loss of element [2].
Dental surgeons are frequently questioned
about treatment alternatives for rehabilitation
or space closure. Multidisciplinary treatments in
these cases are generally a good rehabilitative
approach [3]. Therefore, the dental surgeon must
always pay attention to the clinical examination
and anamnesis, in addition to the general
health status of the patient to design a good
treatment plan, be predictable and avoid as many
complications as possible [4,5]. Some important
aspects in the case of tooth loss should be
analyzed, such as the presence of malocclusion,
bone and root integrity, treatment time and
geometry of dental positioning to conclude if
space closure would guarantee nalization in
agreement with experts’ ideals [6].
Molar mesialization is an effective resource
in orthodontic mechanics and benets patients
by reducing the need for replacing missing
teeth by prostheses. Not including orthodontic
treatment in treatment possibilities will always
generate a high number of extractions or implant
indications which could be avoided. However,
movement demands longer treatment time,
mechanics induce some side effects, and the
factors involved in alveolar bone atrophic quality
should be analyzed and considered in order to
avoid adverse effects [6].
Lower second molar mesial movement
usually results in incisor lingual inclination
and mesial inclination when performed in a
conventional manner [6]. The anchorage, which
results from the use of the mini-implant, provides
an appropriate force vector targeting, generating
dental movement with radicular parallelism.
In other words, the force applied is free of
inclination, eliminating the need for inclusion of
other teeth in mechanics. Moreover, it eliminates
any possibility of unwanted movement of
previous teeth [7].
The rising use of implants as temporary
anchoring has been systematically reported in
the scientic literature over the last decades [8].
It introduces the possibility of dental movement
with increased predictability of results [9-11].
Mini-implants became widely used due to the
considerable clinical efciency and accessibility that
they provide (among others factors). Diameters
range vary from 1.2 to 2.0 mm (millimeters) and
length from 5 to 12 mm for self-drilling or self-
tapping designs, and 0 to 3 mm for transmucosal
neck [12]. In addition, they present high fracture
resistance and low propensity to osseointegration
due to the grade V titanium alloy (Ti-6AI-4V) which
they are made from [12]. The mini orthodontic
implant was also considered an option to obtain
maximum anchorage during anchorage loss [13].
The mechanism of action and reaction
of mini-implants in molar mesialization can
be biomechanically studied through the nite
element analysis (FEA) method. FEA consists of
a mathematical method through a large system
which is subdivided into elements, retaining
their original properties. It transforms a complex
comprimento e 1,5 mm de diâmetro. Para a malha, foram utilizados 235.161 e 224.505 elementos. Esses modelos
foram inseridos no bloco ósseo e então submetidos a cargas de 200 cN (centinewton). Os resultados foram calculados
e analisados pelo software Ansys 17.0 para vericação qualitativa por meio de mapas de deslocamento e tensões
máximas principais. Resultados: foi possível observar que o ligamento periodontal apresentou baixos valores de
deslocamento e tensões. Porém, os valores siológicos apresentados são capazes de proporcionar movimentação
ortodôntica, com visualização da área de compressão e tração escalonada entre 0,1 e -0,1 MPa (megapascal).
Conclusão: dentro das limitações do estudo, os mini-implantes testados apresentaram resultados semelhantes
onde a carga sobre o dente permitiu o deslocamento dentário (mesialização do molar), com tendência a girá-lo,
permitindo teoricamente que o segundo molar ocupe do lugar do primeiro molar.
Análise de elementos nitos; Procedimentos de ancoragem ortodôntica; Aparelhos ortodônticos xos; Mini
implantes dentários; Deslocamento dentário.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
problem into a sum of several simple problems,
solving the whole set [13,14]. Therefore, it
is possible to model mathematically complex
structures with irregular geometries of natural
and articial tissues, such as teeth, bones, and
biomaterials. Furthermore, it is possible to apply a
system of forces, with it being possible to promote
displacement and stress information about the
analyzed object [13,15]. With the help of patient-
specific simulation, orthodontists can predict
the outcome precisely, and lower the stress by
adjusting the force or changing the appliance if
it is higher than expected [13].
The purpose of this study was to analyze the
displacement and stress distribution, mainly in the
cortical bone tissue and periodontal membrane,
in using lower molar mesialization with different
types of mini orthodontic implants as anchorage
through nite element analysis (FEA).
A three-dimensional model was produced
in the Rhinoceros 4.0 software program
(Seattle, WA, USA) containing: a block of left
mandibular posterior region, a lower second
molar, periodontal ligament, a single Roth
prescription orthodontic tube with hook (REF
20.11.222 - Morelli Ortodontia, Sorocaba, SP,
Brazil) added to a power-arm, resin cement,
and a 7 mm long self-drilling mini-implant, with
1 mm transmucosal neck section and 1.6 mm
diameter (Mini-implant for Absolute Anchorage
- Straumann / Neodent, Curitiba, PR, Brazil) for
the rst simulation; and a mini-implant of 5 mm
length and 1.5 mm diameter (Mini-implant for
absolute anchorage - Titanium Fix, São José dos
Campos, SP, Brazil) for the second simulation,
always placed horizontally, mesially to the molar
tooth at a distance of 10 mm (Figure 1).
The bone block was obtained by recomposing
a computed tomography performed by the
InVesalius software program (CenPRA, Campinas,
SP, Brazil) as in a previous study [14-16]. This
program uses
format to generate the solid
body of the analyzed region and simplications
before exporting were made to try to smoothen
the external surface when possible. The trabecular
bone simulation was performed by bone block
external surface offset. Thus, the cortical bone of
2 mm thickness surrounded the trabecular bone,
simulating the bone type II. This simulation was
performed after exportation in the CAD Rhinoceros
4.0 software program (Seattle, WA, USA).
The mini-implants were installed as close
as possible to the occlusal plane to decrease the
intrusive vector in molar mesial, and consequently
its inclination. They were designed from a prole
photograph in high resolution and modeled by
a revolution tool in the Rhinoceros 4.0 software
program (Seattle, WA, USA), following a
simplification methodology presented in a
previous study [17]. The orthodontic tube design
was equally simulated for the mini-implant.
The natural tooth design was performed
by a profile drawing of an extracted natural
molar tooth. Photography and measurements
(using a digital caliper) of all its faces was taken
in order to guide the drawing. Simplications
were performed to facilitate the computational
processing, mainly smoothing surfaces to improve
computer performance.
Next, the models were exported in STEP
format to an analysis software program (Computer-
Aided Engineering, ANSYS version 17.0, Ansys,
Inc., Canonsburg, PA, USA). The meshes were
created by CFD physical preference, using
automatically mesh created by the program with
target skewness of elements of 0.9, constituting
the regions of interest (periodontal ligament and
contact with cortical bone, mini-implant and
Figure 1 - 3-D modelling. Legend: a) general model; b) cortical bone;
c) trabecular bone; d) tooth; e) periodontal ligament; f) orthodontic
tube; g) resin cement; h) Neodent mini-implant; i) TitaniumFix mini-
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
contacts with trabecular and cortical bones),
and rened when necessary. The models had
235.161 (Neodent) and 224.505 tetrahedron
elements (TitaniumFix) (Figure 2).
The mechanical properties of the materials
used in the study were obtained from previous
research data and are shown in Table 1. All were
simulated in a homogeneous, isotropic and linear
The force application point was positioned
near the center of molar resistance in order
to make the tooth movement feasible, located
approximately 1 mm apically to the furcation.
Loads of 200 cN were applied in action-reaction
pair, both in the implant and in the orthodontic
device handle, in order to simulate orthodontic
elastic in function. The model was xed in mesial
and distal faces, cortical surfaces and trabecular
bones along the x, y and z axes, not allowing the
model displacement, but granting the possibility
of undergoing the simulated internal forces.
The analyzes were performed by static structural
linear mode, and displacement and maximum
principal stress maps were plotted to visualize
the results.
The displacement maps indicate movement
tendency of the analyzed structures, in which
‘mm’ (millimeters) was the scale unit adopted.
The maximum displacement values were
approximately 1.2 mm for both models, always
showing a greater movement tendency in
the orthodontic device handle, near the force
application region. The displacement values in
the mini-implant anchorage region were close
to 0.001 mm in both models. The periodontal
ligament was individualized for qualitative
analysis due to its importance.
It is possible to observe that the maps are
quite similar regarding the periodontal ligament
individualization, regardless of the implant used.
Both show a slightly higher tendency to move to
the mesial region (yellow area on maps), which is
due to the force application direction (Figure 3).
Maximum principal stress qualitatively
shows areas prone to compression (negative
values) and an area prone to tensile stress
(positive values), for which the unit scale adopted
was MPa (megapascal). Individualized areas of
interest represent implant contact area on the
bone tissue, ligament, and lamina dura cortical
bone. It was possible to observe maximum values
close to 11 MPa and -3.7 MPa for tensile stress
and compression in the bone tissue implant
contact area in the TitaniumFix implant model,
respectively, and 7.9 MPa and -2.3 MPa for the
Neodent implant model (Figure 4).
The periodontal ligament presented low
values of maximum principal stress, with
Figure 2 - Finite element meshes. Legend: a) general model; b)
cortical bone; c) trabecular bone; d) tooth; e) periodontal ligament;
f) orthodontic tube; g) resin cement; h) Neodent mini-implant; i)
TitaniumFix mini-implant.
Table 1 - Mechanical properties of the materials used in the study
Modulus of
Cortical Bone [16,17] 13,700 0.3
Trabecular Bone [16,17] 1,370 0.3
Tooth [18] 20,000 0.3
Periodontal Ligament [16] 68.9 0.45
Stainless Steel [15,18] 210,000 0.3
Resin Cement [16] 7,000 0.3
Titanium [14,17,18] 110,000 0.3
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
compression and tensile areas visualized with a
scale between values of 0.1 to -0.1 MPa. Even with
low values, it was possible to observe a tendency
of compression in the distal root mesiobuccal
region and in the disto-lingual region, with
both being close to the furcation area. On the
other hand, there was a tensile stress area in the
mesial root distobuccal areas. The tensile stress
and compression areas were the same internally,
indicating a clockwise rotation tendency of the
tooth which received the orthodontic force. Both
mini-implants showed similar results. The results
using TitaniumFix mini-implant is illustrated in
Figure 5.
It was possible to observe that the stress
transmission in the cortical bone was quite
low. However, some specic areas in the image
(Figure 6) should be highlighted. As shown, the
maps were very similar, and both presented a
slightly more pronounced compression region
near the mesial root distal-lingual region, close
to the furcation. Moreover, a more pronounced
tensile stress area near the distal root mesial
buccal region, indicating a force moment which
tends to turn the molar clockwise, as seen in the
There has been a signicant increase in the
demand of adult patients looking for orthodontic
treatment in recent years. This demand is not only
for aesthetic corrections, but also for occlusion
rehabilitation and satisfactory mastication.
In this context, the first lower molar loss has
been observed, followed by a consequent natural
movement of the second molar crown [6,19,20].
In this study, the near ideal mini-implant
Figure 3 - Periodontal ligament displacement maps (scale units in
millimeters). Legend: M) mesial; D) distal; B) buccal; L) lingual.
Figure 4 - Cortical and trabecular bone maximum principal stress maps of the contact region with the mini-implant (scale unit in MPa).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
positioning situation was simulated at 1 mm
apically to the molar furcation, and technically
using action-reaction pair on the mini-implant’s
neck embrasure mesial surface and the distal
embrasure of the orthodontic device as a simple
elastic for orthodontic movement. This situation
is near to what is clinically expected and achieved
by clinicians.
Some studies have shown that lower molar
orthodontic mesialization is a mechanical action
which rehabilitates edentulous spaces when used
with caution and considering limitations and
individuality of each case, thereby leading to the
possibility of treatment for the patient [6,21].
That said, it is possible to state that this fact
corroborates the results found in this study as
the applied force showed a tendency to move
the dental element. The movement action can
be observed in maximum principal stress maps,
mainly of cortical bone (Figure 6). A compression
zone on cortical bone will generate a resorptive
area and a tensile stress zone on the opposite area
of bone when considering orthodontic forces of
low intensity and continuously. As compressive
zones were located at the distal-lingual region of
mesial root contact and tensile stress zones on the
mesial-buccal region of distal root, a spin of the
root is expected when the forces are applied to
the mesial direction which could be transferred
in a straight move by use on orthodontic wires
to guide the movement.
Mini-implants have been proven to be
effective as an anchorage method in orthodontics,
and it is possible to extend treatment possibilities,
as well as to make orthodontics cases which
used traditional anchoring methods considered
complex easier [22]. There are many reports in
the scientic literature reporting success in the
use of mini-implants in different tooth movement
situations in both the mandible and in the
maxilla [23,24]. This is also in agreement with
the ndings of this study, in which mini-implants
were effective in lower molar mesialization
The distal buccal region selected for the
second pre-molar used for installing the mini-
implants was made taking into account works
which emphasize the importance of inserted
gingiva and adequate amount of cortical
bone [25]. The ideal location for mini-implants
in molar mesialization is the premolar distal
(edentulous space) or between the premolar
roots [20]. It is preferably installed as close
as possible to the occlusal plane in order to
reduce the mesial molar intrusive vector and
consequently its inclination [6].
The resistance center location of a tooth
varies according to root length and radicular
Figure 5 - Maximum principal stress maps of the periodontal
ligament in several views (scale unit in MPa). Legend: M) mesial; D)
distal; B) buccal; L) lingual.
Figure 6 - Cortical bone maximum principal stress maps in several
views (scale units in MPa). Legend: M) mesial; D) distal; B) buccal;
L) lingual.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
morphology, number of roots and level of
supported alveolar bone [20]. Considering
molars, the resistance center is located
approximately 1 mm apical to the furcation [6].
A power-arm was incorporated to the orthodontic
tube in order to apply the load as close as
possible to the resistance center, optimizing the
translation movement with radicular parallelism.
Considering that physiological limits for
cortical bone are around 140 to 170 MPa for
compression stress, and 72 to 76 MPa for tensile
stress [26], it was observed that the installation
area chosen and the mini-implant measurements
were adequate for the purpose of this study. This
is because the bone tension and compression
values found around the mini-implants were
lower (varying between -3.7 MPa to 11 MPa),
which suggests that used devices had no tendency
to resorption.
The optimal force for orthodontic tooth
movement should stimulate cell activity
without completely occluding blood vessels.
The periodontal ligament response is not only
determined by force, but also by the pressure
distribution produced by the applied force per
unit of radicular area [22].
The applied force of 200cN was chosen based
on previous studies [19,20,27], and it generated
compression and tensile stress areas around the
dental root, leading it to a clinical situation. It is
believed that these areas indicate places where
bone remodeling will occur, assuming a tendency
to mesial tooth movement.
There was a greater tendency of movement
in the distal root mesial buccal region, which
suggests a molar rotation clockwise, as shown in
Figures 5-6. This undesired effect was expected
and could be avoided in clinical practice or
also through the installation of mini-implant by
lingual region [6].
The study of loads and movements
through FEA is of great importance. Since it is
a mathematical, theoretical, and comparative
study, much analysis could be used in order to
try to demonstrate actions and reactions of any
model. Thus, an action and reaction pair was
used in this study, which could simulate the real
relation between elastic ligature, since there are
two opposite forces acting in dental movement.
However, it is known that this movement
occurs by the action of these forces. In fact, it is
not a long-term analysis, and it is understandable
that there is not a single dental chair time capable
of conducting the entire orthodontic movement,
since force is generated in each appointment to
induce movement.
In addition, it must be emphasized that
movement simulation following the orthodontic
wire is warranted by the restrictions made in
movement direction, which was restricted in the
model. Opposite forces following a described vector
were applied, however any movement of force
which should not be along this vector line pair was
restricted. This is an engineering consideration, and
it is possible to consider it plausible since two pairs
of forces were used, one for each dental button area
(upper and lower areas).
Regarding these aspects of FEA, there is a
need for biomechanical studies that investigate
the movement quantity and efciency in different
situations, as well as the metabolic condition
interference and systemic factors, such as diseases
which affect bone metabolism and diabetes in
the dental movement process, reviewing the
specic literature [28]. This technique has some
limitations, including the need for correct values
for materials involved in the study, the application
of forces which is an approximation of clinical
use for molar mesialization, and mainly that is a
computer technique which simulates a biological
situation using a static analysis in this study, but
that is a continuous movement in clinical reality.
Thus, the data presented should be extrapolated
with caution to the daily orthodontic clinic. There
are few reports in the literature regarding molar
mesialization movement, which demonstrates
how little this mechanism is used in dental reality.
The lack of knowledge about this technique and
the difculty of nding a scientic basis could be
a reason why specialists discard this treatment
option. This paper intends to collaborate for this
scenario, aiming at changing this situation. Lastly,
more studies are needed in order to provide the
possibility of this mechanism being incorporated
into dental routines.
According to the methodology used and
within the limitations of this study, it is possible
to conclude:
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3485
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
- The mini-implants tested showed similar
results and achieved the expected
- The load tested was effective to induce the
distribution of stress in the bone tissue, which
shows a tendency of dental displacement
occurring in the mesial direction;
- The stress distribution around the mini-
implants shows that the device characteristics
used in this study are in agreement in order
to promote an effective anchorage for the
studied movement;
- The design used demonstrated that a
clockwise movement is expected during
- The movement created theoretically allows
the second molar to take the location of the
rst molar.
Author’s Contributions
JMFS, RMA, FRV: Conceptualization. JCL,
RMA, CAAL, RSC, FRV: Methodology. JCL,
CAAL, RSC: Data Curation. JMFS, JCL, FZP,
FRV: Writing - Review & Editing. JMFS, FRV:
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
The authors declare that no nancial support
was received.
Regulatory Statement
Not applicable.
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Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Silva JMF et al.
Stress distribution in lower second molar mesialization using
mini-implants: a pilot study using 3D finite element analysis
Date submitted: 2022 Apr 13
Accept submission: 2022 Sept 09
João Maurício Ferraz da Silva
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Instituto de Ciência e
Tecnologia, Departamento de Materiais Odontológicos e Prótese. São José dos
Campos, Brazil.
Email: joao.mauricio@unesp.br
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