Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
CASE REPORT DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3569
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants
submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Avaliação do nível ósseo peri-implantar de implantes dentários com carregamento antecipado submetidos a protocolos
protéticos diferentes: relato de caso
Rodrigo Hideki YOSHIYASU
, Carolina Accorsi CARTELLI
, Camila Pereira VIANNA
, Waleska CALDAS
Sergio Rocha BERNARDES
, Larissa Carvalho TROJAN
, Rubens Moreno de FREITAS
1 - Prática privada, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
2 - Neodent, Segurança Clínica, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
3 - Faculdade Ilapeo, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
4 - Neodent, Clinical Affairs, Irvine, CA, USA.
How to cite: Yoshiyasu RH, Cartelli CA, Vianna CP, Caldas W, Trojan LC, Bernardes SR, et al. Peri-implant bone level assessment of
early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report. Braz. Dent. Sci. 2023;26(2):e3569. https://doi.
Aim: The present split-mouth case report aims to describe the clinical and radiographic long-term outcomes of
the implant rehabilitation of two mandibular premolars in which the digital workow was used to apply different
prosthetic protocols. Case description: A female 42-year-old patient with the absence of both mandibular second
premolars was submitted to guided surgery for the placement of platform-switching Grand Morse connection
implants. Digital workow was used for implant and prosthetic planning, applying early loading protocol 21 days
after surgery. The implant on the right side received the nal abutment at the time of surgery (without loading),
whereas the implant on the left side had a healing abutment placed, which was replaced by a temporary abutment
and then by a nal abutment. Two months after surgery, both implants had nal ceramic restorations delivered.
The patient was followed clinically and radiographically for 30 months, presenting excellent hard and soft tissue
outcomes, with bone level changes lower than 2mm for both implants. Conclusion: The use of digital workow
and early loading, made the present implant-supported rehabilitation predictable, safe and time-efcient, resulting
in total patient satisfaction. Peri-implant bone level was observed to be stable after early loading protocol for
both platform-switching connection implants inserted, despite the prosthetic protocol applied.
Dental implants; Prosthesis; Computer-aided design; Platform-switching; Bone loss; Patient satisfaction.
Objetivo: O presente relato de caso de boca dividida tem como objetivo descrever os resultados clínicos e
radiográcos a longo prazo da reabilitação com implante de dois pré-molares inferiores em que o uxo de
trabalho digital foi usado para aplicar os conceitos de “
one abutment-one time
” em uma das reabilitações e
troca de componente no outro. Descrição do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 42 anos, com ausência de ambos
os segundos pré-molares inferiores, foi submetida à cirurgia guiada para colocação de implantes de conexão
Grand Morse plataforma-switching. Foi utilizado uxo de trabalho digital para planejamento de implante e
prótese, aplicando protocolo de carga antecipada 21 dias após a cirurgia. O implante do lado direito recebeu o
componente protético denitivo no momento da cirurgia (sem carga), enquanto o implante do lado esquerdo
recebeu um cicatrizador, que foi substituído por um pilar provisório e depois por um componente denitivo.
Dois meses após a cirurgia, ambos os implantes tiveram restaurações cerâmicas nais entregues. A paciente foi
acompanhada clínica e radiogracamente por 30 meses, apresentando excelentes resultados de tecidos duros e
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols:
a case report
The use of the CAD-CAM technology in the
field of implant dentistry provides consistent
accuracy and reproducible outcomes by means
of digital designs and computer-aided production
of surgical guides and restorations [1,2].
Reduced intraoperative discomfort as well
as postoperative morbidity are some benefits
that have been associated with guided implant
surgery. This technique uses Cone Bean Computed
Tomography (CBCT), intraoral scanning and
virtual treatment planning to achieve optimal
implant positioning, regarding anatomical and
prosthetic parameters [3]. Moreover, this system
can be very helpful to reduce the time between
implant placement and loading, since it provides
better surgical predictability [4].
Another factor that reduces treatment time
is the immediate or early loading of implants,
that have been applied especially in cases of
good bone quality, providing enhanced esthetics
and function, with high implant survival rates.
The insertion of a prosthesis within 72 hours of
implant placement denes the immediate loading
protocol [5] whereas when implants are put into
function between 1 and 8 weeks after surgery,
it defines early loading [6].The reduction of
the healing period is not expected to result in
increased marginal bone loss or implant failure,
as reported in several studies [7,8].
Regarding marginal bone loss preservation,
the use of implants with platform-switching
conguration has already been reported as an ally
to achieve better long-term results [9]. Moreover,
the one abutment one time concept has been
introduced to avoid repeated dis/reconnection
of abutments - which can jeopardize peri-implant
tissue stability - thus maintaining all the platform-
switching advantages [10]. However, it is still not
clear if different prosthetic protocols really have
clinical signicance.
Therefore, the present split-mouth case report
aims to describe the clinical and radiographic
long-term outcomes of the implant rehabilitation
of two mandibular premolars in which the digital
workow was used to apply the concept of early
loading of dental implants while applying the
concept of one abutment at one time in one of the
rehabilitation and abutment removal in the other.
Surgical and prosthetic procedures
A female, 42-year-old patient, referred
to Ilapeo College (Curitiba, Brazil) with the
absence of both mandibular second premolars,
ASA 1, wishing for implant-supported prosthesis
rehabilitation (Figure 1). The patient gave written
consent, and the study was approved by the local
ethics committee (CAAE: 11965719.6.0000.5218)
under the protocol 3.367.313. Pre-operatory
intraoral scans and CBCT were obtained. The “.stl”
and DICOM files were then sent for virtual
planning on coDiagnosticX Software (Dental
Wings GmbH, Chemnitz, Germany) (Figure 2)
and, after surgeon´s approval, the surgical guide
was printed (Rapid Shape GmbH, Heimsheim,
Germany). Before surgery, the guide was tried-in
to verify its adequate seating (Figure 3).
Surgical procedure was performed by a
single operator and carried out under local
anesthesia (mepivacaine 2% with epinephrine
1:100.000) in order to avoid inferior alveolar
nerve lesion and to keep patient´s partial
sensibility. Stabilizing pins were screwed through
the sleeves into the implant connection with the
specic Guided Surgery Surgical kit for Helix
GM implants (Neodent, Curitiba, Brazil) to
increase guide stability. Each site was prepared
following the drill sequence recommended by
the manufacturer and 3.75x10mm platform-
switching Grand Morse connection implants (GM
moles, com alterações do nível ósseo inferiores a 2mm para ambos os implantes. Conclusão: O uxo de trabalho
digital e carregamento precoce, tornou a presente reabilitação implantossuportada previsível, segura e eciente
em termos de tempo, resultando em total satisfação do paciente. O nível ósseo peri-implantar foi observado
como estável após o protocolo de carregamento inicial para ambos os implantes de conexão plataforma-switching
inseridos, independente do protocolo protético aplicado.
Implantes dentários; Próteses; Desenho assistido por computador; Plataforma-switching; Perda óssea; Satisfação
do paciente.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols:
a case report
Helix Acqua, Neodent, Curitiba, Brazil) were
inserted in both, with a nal toque of 35 N.cm.
In order to evaluate peri-implant bone level
alterations regarding the one abutment one time
concept, the following protocol was applied: on
the implant of the left side, a GM Customizable
Healing Abutment (Neodent, Curitiba, Brazil)
was inserted and, on the one on the right side, a
3.5x6x1.5mm Titanium Base (Neodent, Curitiba,
Brazil) was placed and protected with a cement-
retained Zirconia Coping that had been planned
and milled previously to the surgery, without
loading (Figure 4). Antibiotics (Amoxicilin
Figure 1 - Patient´s initial aspects. A) Periapical x-ray, B) lateral and C) occlusal view showing the absence of teeth 35. D) Periapical x-ray, E)
lateral and F) occlusal view showing the absence of teeth 45.
Figure 2 - Implant and prosthetic digital planning on CoDiagnosticX Software. A) Occlusal view of digital planning. B) and C) lateral views of
digital planning.
Figure 3 - Surgical guide try-in to check adequate seating on
adjacent teeth.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols:
a case report
875mg) and pain relief medication (Ibuprophen
600mg) were prescribed.
Nineteen days thereafter, the GM Customizable
Healing Abutment of implant #35 was removed
and conventional impressions were obtained of
both regions, at implant (#35) and abutment
level (#45). After that, the healing abutment was
placed back on implant #35. At the 21
day after
surgery, early loading was applied on both implants
by means of insertion of Polymethyl methacrylate
(PMMA) acrylic resin prostheses – with centric and
eccentric occlusal contacts. For that, a 5.5x4.5mm
Pro Peek Abutment was inserted on implant
#35 and the Titanium Base maintained in place
on implant #45 (Figure 5).
Two months after surgery, a new intraoral
scanning was performed for the confection of
a printed model and final prostheses planning
(Figure 6). A 3.5.x6x1.5mm titanium base was
selected in order to replace the Pro Peek Abutment
on region #35 and a Zirconia coping was drilled.
Final prostheses were then delivered, and periapical
x-rays were taken (Figure 7). Prosthetic procedures
were performed by another clinician. A summary of
procedures sequence is shown on Figure 8.
Figure 4 - A) to D) Immediate clinical and radiographic conditions after implants and abutments insertion on region 35. E) to H) Immediate
clinical and radiographic conditions after implants and abutments insertion on region 45.
Figure 5 - A) View of prostheses occlusal points. B) and C) Lateral view of acrylic resin provisional rehabilitation on regions 35 and 45.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols:
a case report
Figure 6 - A) Printed model with analogue of implant 35. B) Customized zirconia coping on Tibase of region 35. C) Drilled copings of #35 and
#45. D) Final zirconia-ceramic crowns.
Figure 7 - A) and C) Frontal and occlusal view of final protheses. B) and D) Periapical x-rays of rehabilitation of #35 and #45.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols:
a case report
Follow-up and outcomes
The patient was followed-up with visits at
6 ,12 (Figure 9) and 30 months (Figure 10) after
loading. Keratinized tissue width measurement with
a graded periodontal probe was performed [11],
and photographs were obtained by a third
clinician. Digital periapical x-rays were obtained
(Heliodent Plus, Dentsply Sirona, USA), using the
parallelism radiography technique to standardize
the images.
No complications were observed during
the follow-up period and both implants
presented clinical and radiographic success
by means of implant stability, absence of
signs of peri-implantitis, complete implant
osseointegration [12]. Regarding peri-implant
bone level, it was measured at mesial and
distal peri-implant bone levels closest to the
implant platform [13], using Sidexis XG version
2.6 software (Sirona, Bensheim, Germany). Mild
changes could be observed after loading, with
region 35 (abutment removal) presenting mean
bone loss of 1.8 mm and region 45 (one abutment-
one time) only 0.3 mm after 30 months. Soft tissue
evaluation revealed good outcomes [14] with
keratinized gingiva width of 1mm after denitive
prostheses placement and increasing to 2mm at
the 30-month follow-up visit. In addition, very
good soft-tissue esthetic outcomes were achieved
in the long-term, by means of maintenance of
harmonic interdental papillae shape and natural
form of gingiva margin [15].
Figure 8 - Summary of surgical and prosthetic procedures.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols:
a case report
Figure 9 - A) and B) Periapical x-rays of regions 35 and 45 at the
one-year follow-up.
Figure 10 - Clinical and radiographic aspects at 30-month follow-up
visit. A), B) and C) Occlusal and lateral view of regions 35 and 45. D)
and E) Periapical x-rays of #35 and #45.
Patient satisfaction
The Portuguese translation of OHIP–14 (Oral
Health Impact Prole) questionnaire [16] was
applied during screening visit, and the patient
reported she very often had trouble eating, relaxing,
felt self-conscious and that life was less satisfying
in general, because of her teeth problems. All that
resulted in an OHIP-14 score of 15.7, revealing
how unsatisfied she was with her initial oral
conditions. However, at the 12-month follow-up,
OHIP-14 score decreased to 0, showing patient´s
great satisfaction with treatment outcomes, which
remained at the 30-month follow-up.
New technologies and different approaches are
continuously applied in the dentistry eld to obtain
accurate, predictable, and time-efcient diagnosis,
planning and treatment [17]. In the present case
report, digital workow, guided surgery, platform-
switching, and one abutment-one time concepts
were combined along with early loading to provide
an efcient treatment to the patient and evaluate
differences regarding bone loss.
The guided surgery based on CBCT images
allows the ideal placement of implants according
to the planned restoration, surrounding anatomy
and principles of implant positioning and
spacing. This is known to enhance safety and
predictability when compared to freehand
technique, preventing undesiring adverse events
and reducing patient´s morbidity [4]. In the
present case, no adverse events such as excessive
bleeding, edema or pain was reported in the intra
or post-operative period.
Another factor that should be considered
when using surgical guides is the possibility of
overheating during implant site preparation, that
can culminate in bone loss. This phenomenon
can happen due to reduced access for adequate
irrigation [18]. In the post-operative periapical
images of the presented case, no signs of
overheating as early bone loss [19] can be
observed, since adequate drilling protocol and
irrigation were followed.
Regarding loading protocol, PMMA acrylic
provisional prostheses were inserted 21 days after
surgery, characterizing early loading, since both
implants achieved primary stability (35 N.cm) [20].
It has been reported that immediate or early
loading can only be successful when protheses are
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/June;26 (2): e3569
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols:
a case report
delivered without centric and eccentric occlusal
contacts [21]. In the present case, however,
provisional prostheses were inserted with occlusal
forces and osseointegration and, thus, implant
survival was not jeopardized. Furthermore,
PMMA presents durability, strength, high impact
toughness and resistance to the environment [22].
For the nal prostheses, zirconia was the chosen
material, since used it has been reported to be
successful for posterior restorations [23].
The soft tissue health was also evaluated
and presented good outcomes, which might be
related to the zirconia-based restoration that does
not affect soft tissues, corroborating with other
authors [24].
Another concern when applying immediate
or early loading, is extensive bone loss [25]. Thus,
platform-switched implants have been introduced
as a great alternative as they may present reduced
marginal bone loss even in one-stage procedures,
when compared to platform-matched implants [26].
Moreover, the non-removal of the abutment placed
at the time of implant insertion, known as one
abutment one time concept, has been reported to
help in maintaining peri-implant bone level [9,10].
This could be observed in the present case, since the
region in which the nal abutment was inserted at
the time of implant placement surgery presented
less bone loss than implant in which abutment
removal was performed during temporary and nal
prostheses confection process.
Nevertheless, neither implants presented
extensive bone loss and both were considered
successful, with bone level changes lower than
2mm, at the 30-month follow-up. Therefore,
although applying the one abutment one time
protocol seems benecial regarding bone level, it
may not be clinically relevant to the clinician nor
to the patient, as discussed by other authors [9].
Likewise, the need to replace the abutments may
not be critical to the stability of peri-implant bone
level, when implants with platform-switching
taper connection are used, corroborating with
previous results [8].
Regarding patient´s satisfaction with
treatment, the OHIP-14 questionnaire score
showed that the patient´s quality of life was initially
affected by her teeth problems, as reported in the
literature [27]. That, however, was completely
resolved with the implant-supported rehabilitation,
improving her quality of life in the long-term.
The difference regarding the prosthetic protocols
seemed to not affect patient´s perception.
Since this is a report of a single case, there
is a lack of ability to generalize the outcomes,
further controlled studies with larger samples
and blinded procedures are needed to provide
better evidence.
The use of digital workow and early loading,
made the present implant-supported rehabilitation
predictable, safe and time-efcient, resulting in
complete patient satisfaction. Peri-implant bone
level was observed to be stable both with and
without abutment removal. Therefore, platform-
switching connection implants seem to be able to
prevent extensive bone loss, despite of the prosthetic
protocol, of early loaded implants. The present
rehabilitation showed success, with excellent hard
and soft tissue outcomes in the long-term.
Author’s Contributions
RHY, CAC, SRB: Investigation. CPV: Writing
– Original Draft Preparation. WC: Writing –
Review & Editing LCT: Project administration and
Funding Acquisition. RMF: Conceptualization
and supervision.
Conict of Interests
The authors C.A.C., C.P.V., W.C., S.R.B., and
L.T.C. work for the company that provided the
devices. The authors R. H.Y. and R.M.F. declare
that they have no conict of interest.
The devices used in this case report was
provided by Neodent.
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local human subjects
oversight committee guidelines and policies of
Local Human Research and Ethics Committee.
The approval code for this study is 3.367.313.
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Yoshiyasu RH et al.
Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental implants submitted to different prosthetic protocols: a case report
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Peri-implant bone level assessment of early loaded dental
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a case report
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Date submitted: 2022 July 08
Accept submission 2022 Oct 31
Waleska Caldas
(Corresponding address)
Neodent, Segurança Clínica, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
E-mail: waleska.caldas@alumni.usp.br