Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3645
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun.;26 (2): e3645
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective study
in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and neck tumors
Frequência de tumores odontogênicos centrais: um estudo retrospectivo em uma população iraquiana utilizando a
classificação de tumores de cabeça e pescoço da OMS de 2022
Osama Mohammed GHAZI
1 - University of Al-Qadisiyah, College of Dentistry, Department of Conservative Therapy, Al-Diwaniyah, Iraq.
How to cite: Ghazi OM. Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head
and neck tumors classication. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(2):e3645. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3645
Objectives: Odontogenic tumors occupy an important position among head and neck tumors. Although, rarely
encountered in medical practice but they considered increasingly challenging lesions for the clinicians due to their
overlapping clinical and histopathological features. This study was designed to determine the relative frequency
of central odontogenic tumors in an Iraqi population by utilizing 2022 WHO tumor classication. Material and
methods: Sixty cases of central odontogenic tumors from a total of 1869 case records were retrieved retrospectively
from the le archive of the histopathology laboratory in Baghdad medical city from the period of 2016 to 2021.
For each individual case, data regarding age, gender, location, and tumor type were collected and analyzed.
Results: odontogenic tumors constituted 3.2% of the total cases analyzed mostly benign. The male to female
ratio was 1/1. The age of the patients ranged from 11 to 75 years. Most cases were recorded in the third and
fourth decades of life (n=31, 51.6%). The most common benign and malignant tumors were ameloblastoma and
ameloblastic brosarcoma respectively. Most of these tumors located in the mandible (n= 45, 75%). The most
common mandibular tumor was ameloblastoma followed by ameloblastic broma, and odontogenic myxoma.
Regarding maxillary tumors, the predominant tumor was ameloblastoma followed by ameloblastic broma,
ameloblastic brosarcoma, and clear cell odontogenic carcinoma. Conclusions: Odontogenic tumors in an Iraqi
population occurred more commonly in the mandible and showed no sex predilection. Most cases were diagnosed
in third and fourth decades of life and ameloblastoma was the most frequent odontogenic tumor. The relative
frequency of malignant odontogenic tumors was 11.67% of all cases studied mostly ameloblastic brosarcoma.
Odontogenic tumors, WHO tumor classication, Frequency, Ameloblastoma.
Objetivos: Os tumores odontogênicos ocupam uma posição importante entre os tumores de cabeça e pescoço.
Embora raramente encontrados na prática médica, eles consideram lesões cada vez mais desaadoras para os clínicos
devido às suas características clínicas e histopatológicas sobrepostas. Este estudo foi desenhado para determinar
a frequência relativa de tumores odontogênicos centrais em uma população iraquiana, utilizando a classicação
de tumor da OMS de 2022. Materiais e métodos: Sessenta casos de tumores odontogênicos centrais de um total
de 1.869 registros de casos foram recuperados retrospectivamente do arquivo do laboratório de histopatologia
na cidade médica de Bagdá no período de 2016 a 2021. Para cada caso individual, dados sobre idade, sexo ,
localização e tipo de tumor foram coletados e analisados. Resultados: os tumores odontogênicos constituíram
3,2% do total de casos analisados em sua maioria benignos. A proporção entre homens e mulheres era de 1/1.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun.;26 (2): e3645
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and neck tumors classification
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective
study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and
neck tumors classification
Residual cells of tooth forming apparatus
may give rise to odontogenic tumors (OTs),
a heterogenous group of lesions with diverse
biological behavior ranging from hamartomatous
tumor like growth to malignant tumors with
metastatic capability. Despite being fortunately
quite uncommon these lesions provide a diagnostic
difculty for clinicians due to their overlapping
clinical, radiographical and histopathological
characteristics [1]. The world health organization
(WHO) classification scheme of tumors in
2017 reclassify (keratocystic odontogenic tumor)
as an odontogenic cyst with “odontogenic
keratocyst (OKC)” designation. This major
modification created a relative change in the
incidence of these tumors among literature [2,3].
The current 5th edition of the WHO classication
of odontogenic tumors, which was introduced
in 2022, was broadly identical to the previous
one with the exception of a newly defined
entity, adenoid ameloblastoma, which was
categorized as a benign epithelial odontogenic
tumor [4]. The purpose of current study was to
investigate the relative frequency of different
histopathological subtypes of central OTs among
Iraqi population within ve-year period.
Ninety-six odontogenic tumors from a total of
1869 case records were retrieved retrospectively
from the file archive of the histopathology
laboratory in Baghdad medical city from the
period of 2016 to 2021. Thirty-six files were
ignored as they included duplicate entries or
insufcient histological data. Recurrent tumors
were considered individual cases. In addition,
the exclusion included all cases of odontomas
and peripheral odontogenic tumors. Information
including age, gender, and anatomical location,
was gathered for each case. Whenever there was a
doubt regarding the diagnosis, a histopathological
examination was carried out using the available
slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E).
All data analysis was done via Microsoft Ofce
Excel 2016 sheets.
In this study, 60 cases were odontogenic
tumors, which constituted 3.2% of the total cases
analyzed. Of these (n = 53 cases, 88.33%) were
benign and (n = 7 cases, 11.67%) were malignant.
The male to female ratio was 1:1. Most of these
tumors were epithelial in origin (n = 46, 76.6%),
whereas mixed and mesenchymal tumors were
(n = 4, 6.6%), and (n = 10, 16.6%) respectively.
The age of the patients ranged from 11 to
75 years, with an average of 34.4 years for males
and 35.4 years for females. Most cases were
recorded in the third and fourth decades of life
(n = 31, 51.6%). As shown in Table I, the most
common benign and malignant tumors were
ameloblastoma and ameloblastic brosarcoma.
Mandibular tumors were (n = 45, 75%) while
maxillary tumors were (n = 15, 25%). The most
common mandibular tumor was ameloblastoma
(n = 35, 77.7%), followed by ameloblastic
broma (n = 5, 11.1%) and odontogenic myxoma
(n = 2, 4.4%). Regarding maxillary tumors,
the predominant tumor was ameloblastoma
(n = 5, 33.3%), followed by ameloblastic
broma, ameloblastic brosarcoma, and clear cell
odontogenic carcinoma, respectively.
A idade dos pacientes variou de 11 a 75 anos. A maioria dos casos foi registrada na terceira e quarta décadas
de vida (n=31, 51,6%). Os tumores benignos e malignos mais comuns foram ameloblastoma e brossarcoma
ameloblástico, respectivamente. A maioria desses tumores localizava-se na mandíbula (n= 45, 75%). O tumor
mandibular mais comum foi o ameloblastoma, seguido do broma ameloblástico e do mixoma odontogênico. Em
relação aos tumores maxilares, o tumor predominante foi o ameloblastoma seguido de broma ameloblástico,
brossarcoma ameloblástico e carcinoma odontogênico de células claras. Conclusões: Os tumores odontogênicos
em uma população iraquiana ocorreram mais comumente na mandíbula e não mostraram predileção por sexo.
A maioria dos casos foi diagnosticada na terceira e quarta décadas de vida, sendo o ameloblastoma o tumor
odontogênico mais frequente. A frequência relativa de tumores odontogênicos malignos foi de 11,67% de todos
os casos estudados principalmente brossarcoma ameloblástico.
Frequência, Tumores odontogênicos centrais; Ameloblastoma, Classicação tumoral da OMS.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun.;26 (2): e3645
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and neck tumors classification
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective
study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and
neck tumors classification
Information derived from literature indicates
that published series regarding specically central
odontogenic tumors in the Iraqi population that
follow the 2017 and 2022 WHO classications
of tumors is limited [5,6]. Odontogenic tumors
(OT) are relatively uncommon lesions with
variable incidence [7]. In those used 1992 WHO
classication of tumors, the frequency recorded
was (3%±2.9%), whereas reports utilizing the
2005 WHO classication documented slightly
higher rates of (4.0% ±1.3%) due to the inclusion
and reclassication of odontogenic keratocyst as
a tumor [8].
The relative frequency of OTs in the current
study was 3.2% of the total oral biopsied specimens
between 2016 and 2021. However, lower rates
were recorded in literature utilizing different
WHO tumor classications worldwide as showed
in (Table II). The disparity of OTs incidence
among different countries may be related to
variations in the environmental, educational,
and socioeconomical status of the population.
In addition, studies may cover only a limited
area of the country or restricted to a few research
or medical centers which provides an incorrect
perception about the frequency. The mean age of
odontogenic tumor cases as this study recorded
was 35.4 years with peak occurrence in the third
Table I - Frequency of odontogenic tumors relative to gender, site, and age
Tumor type
Frequency Gender Site Age distribution
n percentage M F M/F Man Max 0-19 20-39 40-59 60-79
Ameloblastoma 40 66.67% 21 19 1.10 35 5 2 22 11 5
Ameloblastic carcinoma 2 3.33% 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0
odontogenic tumor
1 1.67% 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Clear cell odontogenic
2 3.33% 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 1
Calcifying epithelial
odontogenic tumor
1 1.67% 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
Odontogenic fibroma 1 1.67% 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Odontogenic myxoma 3 5.00% 0 3 2 1 1 2 0 0
Ameloblastic fibroma 7 11.67% 4 3 1.33 5 2 4 3 0 0
Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma 3 5.00% 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 1
Total 60 100% 30 30 1 45 15 9 31 13 7
M, male; F, female; Man, mandible; Max, maxilla; ET, epithelial tumor; MT, mesenchymal tumor; MOT, mixed odontogenic tumor; n, mean number of cases.
Table II - Worldwide studies concerning the frequencies of odontogenic tumors
Total number
of cases
Number of
Rate of OTs in
number of cases
after exclusion of
odontomas, POT,
COF and OK
Rates of OTs
after exclusion
Rate of
Al-Aroomyetal. (2022) [3] 8974 230 2.56% 175 1.95% 5 2.85%
Kauretal. (2021) [9] 8801 345 3.92% 299 3.39% 11 3.67%
Waheedetal. (2021) [5] 7384 64 0.80% 50 0.67% 1 2%
Soluk-Tekkesinetal. (2020) [10] 53869 1231 2.30% 896 1.66% 16 1.70%
Lima-Verde-Osterneetal. (2017) [8] 9170 376 4.10% 156 1.70% 1 0.64%
Nalaboluetal. (2017) [7] 7400 161 2.17% 98 1.32% 0 0.00%
Sekercietal. (2015) [11] 7,942 218 2.74% 110 1.38% 13 11.81%
Ramosetal. (2014) [12] 2600 78 3.00% 23 0.88% 0 0.00%
Chrysomalietal. (2013) [13] 29088 652 2.20% 168 0.57% 1 0.59%
Siriwardenaetal. (2012) [14] 44,720 1677 3.75% 1047 2.34% 23 2.19%
Varkhedeetal. (2011) [15] 2075 120 5.78% 60 2.89% 0 0
Guptaetal. (2010) [16] 11,843 489 4.12% 441 3.72% 15 3.40%
Buchneretal. (2006) [17] 91178 1088 1.10% 245 0.26% 5 2.04%
Ladeindeetal. (2005) [18] 3,337 339 9.60% 314 9.40% 11 3.24%
POT, peripheral odontogenic tumor; COF, cemento-ossifying fibroma; OK, odontogenic keratocyst; MOT, malignant odontogenic tumor.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun.;26 (2): e3645
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and neck tumors classification
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective
study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and
neck tumors classification
and fourth decades of life comparable to that
reported by others [18,19].
Across several reviews for comparison,
ameloblastoma was the most commonly reported
OT [7,9,20,21]. This comes in accordance
with this study. Controversy regarding which
gender predominates in ameloblastoma exists.
Cavalcante et al. 2016 reported slight female
preference [22]. Ramos et al. [12] stated that
ameloblastoma exhibits no gender predilection.
The present study showed a slight prevalence in
male patients (52.5%). Similar conclusion was
documented by other series [23,24]. The jaw
most commonly affected was the mandible,
with a maxilla to mandible ratio of 1:7. This
was consistent with studies from different
countries [2,12,24]. A current study showed that
ameloblastoma was most commonly reported in
the third and fourth decades of life (55%). Equal
predilection was reported worldwide [3,8,25].
Odontoma (a hamartomatous tumor
like lesion) was thought to be one of most
common OT with fluctuating frequencies in
many records [11,13]. Underrating odontomas
and overrating of tumors with aggressive
behavior which required extensive medical
interference, might be responsible for such
discrepancy. Furthermore, the diagnosis of
odontoma can be made with high confidence
using clinical and radiographic methods; as
a result, odontoma biopsies are occasionally
referred for histopathological evaluation, or
the diagnosis is not documented. For all these
reasons, odontoma was excluded in this study.
Ameloblastic broma (AF) represent a rare
benign OT with an epithelial and mesenchymal
neoplastic proliferation [26]. In the current study,
AF was recognized in 7 cases, encompassing
11.6% of the entire sample. The patients ranged
in age from (11 to 33) years. The highest
incidence (57.14%) was recorded in the 2nd
decade. There were (n = 4, 57.14%) males and
(n = 3, 42.86%) females. The site of the lesion
demonstrates a predilection for the mandible
(71.4%). Disparity has been reported among
series globally regarding the frequency of this
tumor [8]. One explanation is that histologically,
a disorganized combination of both dental
epithelium and mesenchyme creates confusion
between an emerging odontoma and lesions
like ameloblastic broma (AF) and ameloblastic
fibro-odontoma, which are considered true
neoplasms thus some ameloblastic broma may
be diagnosed as odontoma which is the most
frequent OT. Clinical and radiographic features
may be required to reach a denite diagnosis.
Odontogenic myxoma (OM) is a benign
mesenchymal tumor histologically composed
of stellate, spindle cells in a plentiful myxoid
stroma [1]. The current study reported
(n = 3, 5%) of the studied sample ranked three
after ameloblastoma and ameloblastic broma.
The mean age of occurrence was 23.6 years, almost
exclusively in females. The mandible was the
predominant site (n = 2, 66.6%), with a mandible
to maxilla ration of 2/1. Buchner et al. [17]
reported significant female preference with a
mandible to maxilla ratio of 2/1 which was
in accordance with this study. However, they
documented a higher mean age of 36.1 years.
Another study reported a higher incidence of
OM (9.7%) [3]. In disagreement with this study,
Lima-Verde-Osterne et al. [8] reported maxillary
predilection (after exclusion of odontoma).
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT)
is a rare benign neoplasm of epithelial origin
presenting histologically a characteristic duct
like structure and shows predilection for maxilla.
Variable frequencies were recorded for this
tumor the highest was in the continent of Asia.
AOT was recognized as the fourth or fth most
common OT [27,28]. This study reported one
case representing 1.67% of all sample located in
the maxilla.
The present study excluded cemento-
ossifying fibroma (COF) which was added as
mesenchymal odontogenic tumor in WHO 4th
edition of head and neck classication of tumor
in 2017 to differentiate it from more aggressive
form of ossifying broma (the juvenile subtype).
However, it is discussed in depth along with other
ossifying bromas in the section of bro-osseous
lesions in this edition [2,29].
Papers reported sporadic cases of calcifying
epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) representing
only slight percentage of the total OTs [30].
Present study registered one case of CEOT
representing 1.6% of total cases.
The current study documented 7 malignant
OTs, comprising 11.67% of the total investigated
sample. The most common malignant OT was
ameloblastic fibrosarcoma (n = 3, 42.8%),
followed by ameloblastic carcinoma (AC) and
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun.;26 (2): e3645
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and neck tumors classification
Ghazi OM
Frequency of central odontogenic tumors: a retrospective
study in an Iraqi population utilizing 2022 WHO head and
neck tumors classification
clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) (n = 2,
28.5%) for both tumors. Fluctuating frequencies
of malignant OT were recorded in other studies
as demonstrated in (Table II). However, current
study demonstrated high rate of prevalence in
comparison to others which may be related to
the patients’ delaying medical treatment, which
might increase the likelihood of transformation
of benign into malignant tumor. We reported
3.33% frequency of ameloblastic carcinoma.
Lower rates were described in reports from
Egypt (1.7%), Brazil (0.64%) and Turkey
(0.33%) respectively [2,3,8]. As previously
mentioned, the 2017 WHO reclassication of
odontogenic keratocyst and inclusion of COF as
an odontogenic tumor beside the exclusion of
odontoma in this study render the comparison
between current study and others more difcult
and complicated.
This study reported comparable and
divergent ndings with other studies worldwide.
Attention should be paid to the high frequency
of malignant odontogenic tumors in Iraqi
population as this study recorded relative to
benign tumors in a rate that appear higher than
other parts of the world. However, it should be
kept in mind that this study excluded one of
most common odontogenic tumors, odontoma,
which was excluded in this study for the reasons
previously described. In addition 2017 WHO
reclassification of tumors changes somewhat
the frequency and prevalence of odontogenic
tumors globally.
The author wishes to thank everyone who
assisted and supported the accomplishment of
this research, especially the administration of
Baghdad Medical City and the Ministry of Health.
Author’s Contributions
OMG: Conceptualization, Writing – Original
Draft Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest to mention.
There are no funding sources to mention.
Regulatory Statement
The study was approved by the Ethical
Committee of the College of Dentistry at the
University of Al-Qadisiyah (REF. 233; Date:
Compliance with ethical principles
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Osama Mohammed Ghazi
(Corresponding address)
University of Al-Qadisiyah
Email: osama.ghazi@qu.edu.iq
Date submitted: 2022 Oct 01
Accept submission: 2023 Feb 01