Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3726
Perrotti G et al.
A radiation free alternativ e to CBCT v olumetric r endering for soft tissue e v aluation
Perrotti G et al.
A radiation free alternative to CBCT volumetric rendering for
soft tissue evaluation
than 2D allows to obtain even more information,
as also underlined in other recently published
studies [24,25].
Therefore, the previous considerations
lead us to state that the best way to describe
the facial changes that occur after orthognathic
treatment requires the use of an imaging
system that captures the facial anatomy in its
complexity [26-28].
The present soft tissue analysis proposal
based on 3D facial scans has shown good reliability
and reproducibility although further studies are
needed to conrm the search result. Radiation
free methods to perform cephalometric tracings
on soft tissues should be able to become an
increasingly predictable method in order to reduce
the radiogenic load to which the orthodontic
patient is subjected. The use of 3D images without
the support of a numerical evaluation scheme and
standard values for comparison and diagnosis
make these devices less widespread while for
objective necessity, conventional radiological
systems or CBCT continue to be used even in
non-elective situations.
The combination of intraoral scans and a
radiation free cephalometry may represent the
future of the diagnostic approach in orthodontics.
The future of digital scanning is expected to
involve wide availability of scanners at lower
costs with high quality and accuracy for various
dental and medical applications.
Author’s Contributions
GP: Conceptualization, resources,
writing—original draft preparation. RR:
Validation, writing—review and editing. OR:
Conceptualization, software, investigation,
data curation. IA: Methodology, formal
analysis, writing—original draft preparation.
TT: Validation, writing—review and editing,
supervision. LT: Validation, visualization.
Conict of Interest
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
This research received no external funding.
Regulatory Statement
Ethical approval has not been required for
this type of study. The CBCT and the facial scan of
the patient has been required by the maxillofacial
surgeon in order to plan the surgery. The patient,
adequately informed of the risks and benets
of radiographic investigations, has deliberately
signed the consent to perform the CBCT and the
facial scan and to use the data for the purposes
of scientic research.
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