Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3782
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Streptococcus dentisani
Streptococcus mutans
no biofilme dental de crianças com diferentes estados de cárie: um estudo piloto
Claudia María BEDOYA-CORREA1 , María del Pilar ANGARITA-DÍAZ2 , Edwin Alonso ARISTIZABAL PADILLA3 ,
1 - Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Odontología, GIOM Group, Campus Medellín, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia.
2 - Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Odontología, GIOMET Group, Campus Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia.
3 - Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Odontología, Campus Medellín, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia.
How to cite: Bedoya-Correa CM, Angarita-Díaz MDP, Aristizabal Padilla EA, López Jiménez PL, Bustamante Zapata J.
and S
treptococcus dentisani
and in dental biolm of children with different caries status: a pilot study. Braz Dent Sci.
2023;26(3):e3782. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3782
Streptococcus mutans
is one of the etiological agents associated with caries due to its ability to
metabolize carbohydrates and resist acidic environments. On the other hand,
Streptococcus dentisani
, shows
characteristics associated with caries control due to its ability to inhibit growth of cariogenic bacteria. The
aim of this work was to quantify the levels of
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus dentisani
from dental
biolm of children related to their caries situation. Material and Methods: After identication of morphologic
characteristics of reference strains was performed, clinical isolates of biolm compatible with these strains were
selected and the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique was performed using species-specic primers. Biolm
samples from 25 children with caries and 21 without caries were collected to quantify the levels of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
. Results: There were statistically signicant differences in the levels of
S. mutans
in the caries group
and the levels increased as the severity of the carious lesion increased. By contrast, higher levels of
S. dentisani
were found in the caries-free group, although no statistically signicant differences were found. In addition,
the levels of
S. dentisani
decreased as the severity of the carious lesion increased. Conclusion: The increase
in the frequency of
S. dentisani
in the caries-free group suggests the possibility of requiring minimum levels of
this species in the dental biolm to show an actual protective effect. It must also be considered that this effect
might be related to intrinsic factors in children and the intraspecies genetic variability found in every individual.
Biolm; Clinical isolates; Dental caries;
Streptococcus dentisani; Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus mutans
é um dos agentes etiológicos associados à cárie devido à sua habilidade de metabolizar
carboidratos e resistir a ambientes ácidos. Já o
Streptococcus dentisani
, apresenta características associadas ao
controle da cárie devido à sua capacidade de inibir o crescimento de bactérias cariogênicas. O objetivo deste trabalho
foi quanticar os níveis de
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus dentisani
no biolme dental de crianças em relação
à situação de cárie destas. Material e Métodos: Após a identicação das características morfológicas das cepas de
referência, foram selecionados do biolme isolados clínicos compatíveis com essas cepas e realizada a técnica de
Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase utilizando primers espécie-especícos. Amostras de biolme de 25 crianças com cárie
e 21 sem cárie foram coletadas para quanticar os níveis de S. mutans e S. dentisani. Resultados: Houve diferenças
estatisticamente signicativas nos níveis de S. mutans no grupo com cárie e os níveis aumentaram à medida que a
gravidade da lesão cariosa aumentou. Por outro lado, foram encontrados níveis mais elevados de S. dentisani no grupo
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Bedoya-Correa CM et al.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani and in dental biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Bedoya-Correa CM et al. Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Dental caries is one of the most prevalent
worldwide conditions that affects the general
population from the early childhood [1]. It is dened
as a dynamic, non-transmissible, multifactorial
disease that is mediated by the dental biofilm
and modulated by the diet that produces a net
loss of minerals from the hard dental tissues due
to the excessive synthesis of organic acids. It is
determined by biological, behavioral, psychosocial
and environmental factors [2-4].
The oral microbiota associated with dental
caries is complex and exhibits a large number of
acidogenic species [5]. When such microorganisms
acquire a selective ecological advantage over
other species, they alter the biolm homeostasis
and initiate the disease [6]. However, although
dental caries is currently considered a disease
of polymicrobial etiology,
S. mutans
is one of
the most studied etiologic agents due to the
ability to form a biolm, produce organic acids
(acidogenicity) and tolerate and survive in acid
environments (acidurity) [7,8].
In 2014, a new streptococcal species from
the mitis group, named
S. dentisani
, was isolated
from the dental biolm of healthy individuals
who never developed caries. It is a Gram positive,
immobile and facultative anaerobic coccus that
grows at a pH of 7, even though it tolerates
slightly acidic conditions [9,10]. Results from
bioinformatics revealed that
S. dentisani
multiple antimicrobial peptides, known as
bacteriocins [11], and has the ability to express
genes that activate the arginine metabolic
pathway that buffers the acid in the biolm when
a reduction in the pH is detected [9,10,12,13].
S. dentisani
exhibits a double
anticariogenic mechanism by inhibiting the
growth of acidogenic bacteria and stimulating
the formation of ammonium as a result of the
arginine metabolism, thus controlling the pH to
favor oral health. It might also act as a biomarker
of benecial oral bacteria [9-11].
S. mutans
has been widely studied in
children [14-16]. However, it has not been
determined whether the proportion of this
microorganism within the dental biolm in children
is conditioned by the presence of oral inhabitants
associated to health conditions, specifically by
S. dentisani
. Therefore, the objective of this
work was to quantify the levels of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
in the dental biolm of children
between 6 and 11 years of age with and without
the presence of dental caries.
Study design and population
A sample of 46 children selected by
convenience was used in this transversal,
descriptive study. Children were divided into
two groups: 25 children were selected for the
caries (C) group and 21 for the non-caries
(NC) group. Children were selected from the
dental clinic at School of Dentistry, Universidad
Cooperativa de Colombia, La Inmaculada School
and children from the DAMOS Protección from
Divina Misericordia and Casa Verde Foundations
in Envigado, Antioquia, Colombia. Children
between 6 and 11 years of age was the inclusion
criteria. Exclusion criteria included the presence
of systemic conditions, orthodontic appliances,
any other oral infectious condition different
from dental caries and the use of antibiotic
therapy during the previous three months
before sample collection. Children from the NC
group did not have a previous history of dental
caries. Parents and/or legal representatives, as
well as participating children, received detailed
information on the study and signed an informed
consent and an informed assent.
Clinical examination
In order to select the children, a clinical
examination was performed, following a previous
sem cáries, embora não tenham sido encontradas diferenças estatisticamente signicativas. Além disso, os níveis de S.
dentisani diminuíram à medida que a gravidade da lesão cariosa aumentava. Conclusão: O aumento da frequência
de S. dentisani no grupo livre de cárie sugere a possibilidade de exigir níveis mínimos desta espécie no biolme dental
para mostrar um efeito protetor real. Deve-se considerar também que esse efeito pode estar relacionado a fatores
intrínsecos nas crianças e à variabilidade genética intraespécie encontrada em cada indivíduo.
Biolme; Cárie dentária;
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus dentisani
; Isolados clínicos
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Bedoya-Correa CM et al.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani and in dental biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Bedoya-Correa CM et al. Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
calibration process, to identify the caries status
using the ICDAS (International Caries Detection
and Assessment System). According to ICDAS,
children were grouped in a caries-free (NC) group
for ICDAS 0; white spot lesions (WSL) group for
ICDAS 1 and 2 and Cavity lesions (CL) group for
ICDAS 3 to 6
Dental biolm sample collection
Before sample collection, the visible index
plaque was determined using the modied Silness
and Löe index, and a classication of the oral
hygiene index was performed according to the
percentage of dental surfaces that showed oral
biolm as follows: good oral hygiene (0-15%),
moderate (16-30%) and bad (31-100%) [17].
Biofilm samples of the caries and caries-free
groups were collected from the buccal surface
of the first permanent molar. In the caries
group, samples were collected directly from the
accumulated biolm within the active carious
lesion (white spot or cavity) only if such lesions
were present at the first permanent molar.
Samples were collected with a 1µL-calibrated
and were transferred to 500µL of 0.9% saline
with glass bids to disaggregate the biolm and
stored at 4°C for further processing within the
following two hours.
Macroscopic characterization and identica-
tion of reference bacterial strains
Before sample collection, visual calibration
was performed to recognize the morphology
S. mutans
S. dentisani
S. mutans
ATCC 25175 and
S. dentisani
7746 reference strains were used.
S. mutans
was grown in Mitis Salivarius (MS) agar
(Difco Laboratories, Le pont de claix, France),
supplemented with 1% potassium tellurite
(Lab M Ltd, Lancashire, UK), 10% sucrose
(Fisher Chemical, Waltham, USA) and 0.2 U
mL-1 bacitracin (Sigma-Aldrich, Missouri, USA),
and incubated in microaerophilic conditions
at 37°C for 48 h in a 5% CO2 atmosphere.
S. dentisani
was grown in Brain Heart Infusion
(BHI) agar (Difco Laboratories, Le pont de claix,
France) and incubated in aerophilic conditions
at 37°C for 48 h. Colonies were macroscopically
observed at 8-32X magnication and a highly
detailed review and description of the phenotypic
features of the colonies from each strain was
Molecular identication of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
In order to calibrate the macroscopic
recognition of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
colonies, a molecular identication using the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was
performed. 1µL of dental biolm from NC and
C children was obtained and serial dilutions
in 0.9% saline solution were performed.
S. mutans
, 100µL of 10-1-10-3 dilutions
were cultured in MS agar and incubated
in microaerophilic conditions at 37°C for
48 h (5% CO2). 100µL of 10-1-10-3 dilutions
were cultured in BHI agar and incubated in
microaerophilic conditions at 37°C for 48 h to
isolate colonies compatible with
S. dentisani
After the incubation period, 35 clinical isolates
phenotypically compatible with
S. mutans
and 35 with
S. dentisani
(70 isolates in total)
were selected. For DNA extraction, each isolate
was cultured in 5mL of BHI broth (Oxoid,
Basingstoke, UK) supplemented with 5% sucrose
and incubated under the aforementioned
Extraction and purication of genomic DNA
Pure cultures were centrifuged (Thermo
Scientific Sorvall ST16, Waltham, USA) at
2800g for 3 min at 4°C. Cultures were washed
two times with 500µL of ultra-pure water; the
rst was centrifuged at 2800g for 4 min at 4°C
and the second at 21000g for 2 min at 4°C.
The supernatant was discarded and the pellet
was re-suspended in 150µL of Tris-EDTA buffer.
Then, cell lysis by ebullition of the suspension
at 95°C for 10 min was performed. Lastly, it
was centrifuged at 21000g for 5 min at 4°C to
recover the supernatant containing the genomic
DNA and frozen at -20°C. DNA purification
was performed by ethanol and 3M sodium
acetate [15] precipitation. Spectrophotometric
measures using a MicroDrop (Thermo Scientic
Multiskan GO, Walthman, USA) were used to
establish DNA concentration and purity.
Identication of
S. mutans
by PCR
Species-specific primers to amplify the
glucosyltransferase B gene (
) were used
to confirm that the selected clinical isolates
corresponded to
S. mutans
(Table I) [18]. Each
25µL of the PCR mix contained 1X Taq buffer with
20mM (NH4)2SO4, 2.5mM of MgCl2, 0.4µM of each
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Bedoya-Correa CM et al.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani and in dental biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Bedoya-Correa CM et al. Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
oligonucleotide primer, 0.2mM of each dNTP,
0.5U of Taq DNA polymerase and 2µL of DNA at
a concentration of 50ng. Samples were amplied
in a thermal cycler (MultiGene OptiMaxl, Edison,
NJ, USA) under the following PCR conditions:
initial denaturalization at 94°C for 1 min, followed
by 34 denaturalization cycles at 94°C for 30 s,
hybridization at 60°C for 35 s and extension at
72°C for 50 s. The nal step was extension for
7 min. PCR amplied products were analyzed by
1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis, stained with
ethidium bromide (0.5 µg mL-1) and photographed
under UV light. A marker of DNA molecular weight
of 1kb in each gel was used. A negative control
(Master mix without DNA) and a positive control
S. mutans
25175) were included.
Identication of
S. dentisani
by PCR
Species-specic primers to amplify a segment
of the carbamate kinase gene (
) were used
to confirm that the selected clinical isolates
corresponded to
S. dentisani
(Table I) [10]. Each
25µL of the PCR mix contained 1X Taq buffer with
20mM (NH4)2SO4, 2.5mM of MgCl2, 0.4µM of each
oligonucleotide primer, 0.2mM of each dNTP,
0.5U of Taq DNA polymerase and 2µL of DNA at
a concentration of 50ng. Samples were amplied
in a thermal cycler (MultiGene OptiMaxl, Edison,
NJ, USA) under the following PCR conditions:
initial denaturalization at 94°C for 1 min, followed
by 34 denaturalization cycles at 94°C for 30 s,
hybridization at 65°C for 40 s and extension at
72°C for 50 s. The nal step was extension for
7 min. PCR amplied products were analyzed by
3.5% agarose gel electrophoresis, stained with
ethidium bromide (0.5 µg mL-1) and photographed
under UV light. A marker of DNA molecular weight
of 50pb in each gel was used. A negative control
(Master mix without DNA) and a positive control
S. dentisani
CECT 7746) were included.
Microbiologic processing of dental biolm
After validation of the macroscopic
recognition of the
S. mutans
S. dentisani
clinical isolates with the molecular identication,
1µL of dental biolm from NC and C children
was obtained. Serial dilutions were performed
and inoculated into the aforementioned culture
media. Samples were incubated for 48 h at 37°C.
After incubation,
S. mutans
S. dentisani
colony count was performed and reported as
colony-forming units per microliter of dental
biolm (UFC/µL).
Figure 1 summarizes the phases of the study
carried out to quantify the levels of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
in the dental biolm of children with
and without dental caries.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with the
SPSS V.25 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY, USA) software.
A descriptive analysis of the oral health
status of the studied population by estimation
Table I - Primers and reference strains used for PCR identification of the clinical isolates from NC and C dental biofilm
Primers Sequence (5’ - 3’) Target Size (bp) Control strain
S. dentisani
S. mutans
Figure 1 - Phases of the study carried out to quantify the levels of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
and in the dental biofilm of children with
and without dental caries.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Bedoya-Correa CM et al.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani and in dental biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Bedoya-Correa CM et al. Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
of proportions or summary measures according
to the nature of the variables was carried out.
In order to compare the number of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
viable cells, as well as the numbers
obtained in the different phases of the carious
lesion in the C group, a bivariate analysis using
the Mann Whitney U test after verication of
the normality using the Shapiro Wilk test was
performed. P<0.05 values were considered
statistically signicant for all the analyses.
Out of the 46 samples of dental biofilm,
45.7% corresponded to the NC group and 54.3%
to the C group. It was determined that all children
showed poor oral hygiene after evaluation of the
modied Silness y Löe plaque index, although
19% of the NC and 4% of the C children exhibited
moderate oral hygiene. The C group showed a
higher percentage of children with decient oral
hygiene compared to the NC group. After clinical
evaluation, a recodication of the ICDAS system
was performed and three categories were created:
non-caries (NC), white spot lesion (WSL) and
cavity lesion (CL). Table II shows the distribution
of the evaluated characteristics.
After visual calibration and identication of
the morphologic characteristics of the 70 clinical
isolates of dental biolm, PCR tests demonstrated
that 35 (100%) corresponded to
S. mutans
35 (100%) to
S. dentisani
Quantication of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
in the dental biolm from children with and
without caries
Statistically significant differences were
found in the number of
S. mutans
viable cells in
both groups (p=0.007), and when a comparison
between NC and CL groups was made (p=0.001).
Even though the distribution frequency of
in the NC group was a little higher, no
statistically significant differences were found
between groups (p=0.175), nor when a comparison
between NC and WSL groups (p=0.38) and CL
group (p=0.17) (Table III) was made.
Relation between the presence of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
in different types of carious
Figure 2 shows the distribution of
S. mutans
was higher in children with more severe cavity
Table II - Characteristics of the evaluated children
NC group
C group
Age in years (Mean ± SD)
8 ± 2 9 ± 2
Gender n (%) n (%)
Male 7 (33.3) 17 (68)
Female 14 (66.7) 8 (32)
Oral hygiene n (%) n (%)
Good 0 (0) 0 (0)
Moderate 4 (19) 1 (4)
Deficient 17 (81) 24 (96)
Categories n (%)
NC 21 (45.6)
WSL 13 (28.3)
CL 12 (26.1)
SD: Standard deviation. NC: Non-caries. WSL: White spot lesion.
CL: Cavity lesion.
Table III - Number of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
viable cells from
non-caries group (NC), caries group (C), white spot lesion (WSL)
and cavity lesion (CL)
CFU µL-1 Categories p-value
S. mutans
Median (IQR)
NC group
1.5 x 102 (0.0 - 2.4 x 103)
C group
5.0 x 103 (3.5 x 102 - 3.7 x 104)
NC group
1.5 x 102 (0.0 - 2.4 x 103)
7.0 x 102 (5.0 x 101 - 5.8 x 104)
NC group
1.5 x 102 (0.0 - 2.4 x 103)
2.3 x 104 (4.1 x 103 - 6.0 x 104)
CFU µL-1 Categories p-value
S. dentisani
Median (IQR)
NC group
5.4 x 104 (1.2 x 104 - 1.5 x 105)
C group
2.4 x 104 (9.5 x 103 - 5.8 x 104)
NC group
5.4 x 104 (1.2 x 104 - 1.5 x 105)
3.8 x 104 (1.0 x 104- 6.4 x 104)
NC group
5.4 x 104 (1.2 x 104 - 1.5 x 105)
1.1 x 104 (5.0 x 103 - 1.0 x 105)
**p<0.05. Mann–Whitney U test. IQR: Interquartile range. NC: Non-
caries group, C: Caries group, WSL: White spot lesion, CL: Cavity lesion.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Bedoya-Correa CM et al.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani and in dental biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Bedoya-Correa CM et al. Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
lesions and progressively reduced as the severity
of the lesion decreased. In healthy patients, such
number was very low. Despite nding signicant
differences and a higher number of
S. mutans
viable cells in group C,
S. mutans
was absent
in three children with active carious lesions
(WSL, n=2; CL, n=1). However, considerable
amounts of
S. dentisani
were found in the same
samples (Table IV). In contrast, the proportion
S. dentisani
was higher in the dental biolm
of children from the NC group and gradually
decreased as the severity of the lesion increased
(Figure 3). It is relevant to highlight that
S. mutans
was absent in the biofilm of 9 NC children,
but levels of
S. dentisani
were high (median
1.2x105 CFU µL-1) (Table IV).
Conventional microbiological cultures
constitute an adequate tool to quantify and
characterize the isolated microorganisms in
the oral cavity. However, it is necessary to
implement additional molecular techniques,
such as PCR, to validate the identification of
bacterial species [19]. Microbiological and
molecular methods employed in the current
investigation allowed for a correct macroscopic
characterization and visual calibration of the
colonies from the studied bacterial strains before
determining the prevalence of
S. mutans
S. dentisani
in the biolm of children with and
without caries.
S. mutans
was detected in most samples from
dental biolm of children irrespective of their
caries status. However, statistically signicant
differences have been found in the levels of
in children with and without dental
caries (p<0.05). This species was found in higher
numbers in the dental biolm from children with
cavity carious lesions and such numbers decreases
considerably in children without caries. These
results are in agreement with published results
by other authors who found a positive correlation
between the levels of
S. mutans
and the onset and
progression of dental caries [20-22]. Likewise,
other investigations have demonstrated a
higher genetic variability in clinical isolates
from cavity lesions, which may be related to the
physiopathology of
S. mutans
The results of the present work suggest
S. mutans
plays a significant role in the
progression of dental caries by participating in the
destruction of the hard dental tissues. Therefore, it
is mandatory to develop treatment and preventive
strategies directed at maintaining the homeostasis
Table IV - Prevalence of
S. dentisani
in samples from the biofilm of
children with undetectable levels of
S. mutans
S. mutans S. dentisani
CFU µL-1 CFU µL-1
0.0 1.1x104
0.0 2.7x105
0.0 1.3x104
0.0 2.8x105
0.0 5.6x104
0.0 1.6x105
0.0 4.5x102
0.0 2.9x105
0.0 1.2x105
0.0 7.1x104
0.0 2.4x104
0.0 1.0x104
NC: Non-caries, WSL: White spot lesion, CL: Cavity lesion.
Figure 2 - Distribution of
S. mutans
according to caries status.
Number of viable cells. ICDAS recodification: NC, without caries;
WSL, white spot lesion; CL, cavity lesion. **p˂0.05. Mann–Whitney
U test. Significant differences between NC and CL groups.
Figure 3 - Distribution of
S. dentisani
according to caries status.
Number of viable cells. ICDAS recodification: NC, without caries;
WSL, white spot lesion; CL, cavity lesion.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Bedoya-Correa CM et al.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani and in dental biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Bedoya-Correa CM et al. Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
of the oral cavity, such as probiotics, and reducing
the levels of
S. mutans
and other acidogenic
species that coexist within the dental biolm.
S. dentisani
has exhibited benecial effects
that may assist in promoting oral health, including
antibacterial activity against oral pathogens by
producing bacteriocins, increasing the pH by
producing ammonium and anti-inflammatory
activities that favor the immune response thus
exhibiting probiotic properties [10,12,24]. 100% of
the samples exhibited the presence of
S. dentisani
despite the absence of significant differences
between groups, it was possible to nd
S. dentisani
in biolm samples of children with undetectable
levels of
S. mutans.
In addition, a higher proportion
S. dentisani
was found in the samples from the
NC group and such numbers decreased as the
severity of the carious lesion increased. This nding
may indicate that this bacterial species probably
plays a protective role against acidogenic species
that promote the onset of carious lesions. But, it
is possible that the benecial effect of
S. dentisani
requires minimum levels of this species to be
effective, although the fact that this protective
effect responding to intra-species genotypic
variability and the presence of
S. dentisani
genotypes cannot be ruled out. It is also important
to consider intrinsic factors in children, such as
sugar consumption, physico-chemical properties
of saliva and use of uoride-containing products.
Further epidemiological and molecular studies are
essential to understand the protective role of this
species in the control of cariogenic microorganisms.
Similar results were found in a study that
assessed the biolm from 100 Colombian children
with and without dental caries. The presence of
was identied and quantied by qPCR
in all the patients, but higher numbers were found
in the children without caries, despite that the
differences were not statistically signicant [25].
López-Santacruz et al. [26] quantied by qPCR the
presence of
S. dentisani
in supragingival biolm
samples collected from different teeth of Mexican
children (25 without and 29 with caries) and
found higher numbers of this species in the group
without caries and a negative correlation between
the severity of the carious lesion and the presence
S. dentisani
. These authors concluded that this
species seems to be present in higher numbers in
the dental biolm of children without dental caries.
In vitro
studies have demonstrated a
signicant inhibitory effect by
S. dentisani
in the
growth of several oral pathogens. However, such
experiments were performed using reference strains,
planktonic cultures, and controlled laboratory
conditions [10,12,13]. Nonetheless, the evidence
shows that multiple microbial and metabolic
interactions occur under
in vivo
conditions that
may promote eubiosis status or alter the balance
within the oral cavity [27,28]. Therefore, the
results of this investigation are not consistent with
published literature since the processed samples
were obtained directly from dental biolm and
the oral cavity exhibits a high heterogeneity.
In addition, bacterial adaptation and colonization
to specic microsites may vary considerably among
individuals [27]. The dental biolm is composed
by a multispecies complex that may interact
synergistically or antagonistically, thus interrupting
the antibacterial effect exhibited by
S. dentisani.
Limitations of the current investigation
include the low sample size and intrinsic
variability of the children within each group.
The lack of statistical signicance may be related
to the fact that biolm was collected from only
one tooth, which does not represent the complete
oral cavity. Therefore, it is recommended to
continue this work in the future using pooled
samples from different teeth to ensure that the
assessed bacterial composition is representative
of the whole dental plaque microbial community.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Monica
Parada-Sanchez for providing the species-specic
primers for identication of
S. mutans
, to John
Franco for his invaluable statistical analysis
and Dr. Santiago Arango for reviewing the
Author’s Contributions
CMBC, MDPAD: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Resources, Data Curation,
Writing review and editing, Supervision,
Project administration and Funding Acquisition.
CMBC, MDPAD, EAAP, PLLJ, JBZ: Investigation,
Writing – original draft preparation.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no
conict of interest.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3782
Bedoya-Correa CM et al.
Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani and in dental biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
Bedoya-Correa CM et al. Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani in dental
biofilm of children with different caries status: a pilot study
This work was supported by the Universidad
Cooperativa de Colombia [INV3011].
Regulatory Statement
The study was approved by the ethics
committee from Universidad Cooperativa de
Colombia, Medellín campus (004/2018).
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Claudia María Bedoya-Correa
(Corresponding address)
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Odontología, Medellín,
Antioquia, Colombia
Email: claudia.bedoyac@campusucc.edu.co
Date submitted: 2023 Jan 01
Accepted submission: 2023 May 01