Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3856
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
As soluções de irrigação usadas durante a instrumentação do canal radicular influenciam a adesão de pinos de
fibra de vidro? Uma revisão sistemática
Irma Gonçalves REYS1 , Ludmila Silva GUIMARÃES2 , Lorran Soares Duarte TERRA3 ,
Marlus Roberto Rodrigues CAJAZEIRA4 , Lívia Azeredo Alves ANTUNES1,2,4 , Leonardo Santos ANTUNES1,2,4
1 - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Curso de Odontologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação. Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brazil.
2 - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Faculdade de Odontologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação. Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
3 - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Curso de Odontologia. Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brazil.
4 - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Curso de Odontologia, Departamento de Formação Especíca. Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brazil.
How to cite: Reys IG, Guimarães LS, Terra LSD, Cajazeira MRR, Antunes LAA, Antunes LS. Do irrigation solutions used during
root canal instrumentation inuence the adhesion of glass ber posts? A systematic review. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(3):e3856.
Statement of problem: the bond strength between adhesive cement and root dentin can be affected by irrigation
protocols. Purpose: therefore, the objective of this systematic review was to answer the following question:
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation inuence the adhesion of glass ber posts to
root dentin? Material and Methods: this study followed the recommendations of PRISMA 2020 for writing.
PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and LILACS databases were searched for articles published until 26 January,
2022. Grey literature and a manual search were also performed. The inclusion criteria were based on the PICO
strategy: permanent human or animal teeth (P), which were irrigated during root canal instrumentation with
endodontic substances (I) and compared to irrigation with sodium hypochlorite at various concentrations (C)
to analyze the bond strength of glass ber posts (O). Two authors independently performed data extraction and
the risk of bias. Results: eight articles were included. Four articles were classied as having a high risk of bias,
where the others as medium risk. Studies have reported conicting results regarding the inuence of irrigating
solutions and the different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on the adhesion of glass ber posts to root
dentin. Conclusion: the heterogeneity between studies did not allow the conclusion of a true estimate regarding
this topic, and further well-designed studies are needed to clarify this issue. Register: CRD42020221835.
Bond strength; Dentin; Glass ber post; Root canal irrigants; Shear strength.
Denição do problema: a resistência de união entre o cimento adesivo e a dentina radicular pode ser afetada
pelos protocolos de irrigação. Objetivo: portanto, o objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi responder à seguinte
questão: As soluções de irrigação usadas durante a instrumentação do canal radicular inuenciam a adesão de
pinos de bra de vidro à dentina radicular? Material e Métodos: este estudo seguiu as recomendações do PRISMA
2020 para sua redação. As bases de dados PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science e LILACS foram pesquisadas para
artigos publicados até 26 de janeiro de 2022. A literatura cinza e uma pesquisa manual também foram realizadas.
Os critérios de inclusão foram baseados na estratégia PICO: dentes humanos ou animais permanentes (P), que
foram irrigados durante a instrumentação do canal radicular com substâncias endodônticas (I) e comparados à
irrigação com hipoclorito de sódio em várias concentrações (C) para analisar a resistência de união de pinos de
bra de vidro (O). Dois autores realizaram independentemente a extração de dados e o risco de viés. Resultados:
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
The aim of root canal treatment is to
prevent or eliminate infection of the root canal
system, mainly by shaping and cleaning the
canal using les, reamers, irrigation solutions
and antibacterial dressings [1]. The most
commonly used endodontic irrigation solution
is sodium hypochlorite, due to its ability to
dissolve organic tissues and high effectiveness in
reducing microorganisms in the root canal [2].
Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum antiseptic
solution that has also been used in endodontic
therapy to disinfect root canals or as an intracanal
medicament, or even as a final irrigant [3].
Chlorhexidine is less cytotoxic to periapical
tissues [3] and is also effective against a variety of
Gram-positive and Gram-negative oral bacterial
species [4], but its main limitation is the inability to
dissolve pulp tissue [5]. However, new substances
are being introduced into the root canal to
complement conventional chemomechanical
procedures [6], such as irrigants associated
with surfactants, chelators, tetracyclines [7,8],
ozonized water [9], photosensitizers with
photodynamic therapy [10], among others.
Teeth with signicant coronal destruction
and endodontically treated teeth usually require
glass ber posts to improve crown retention or
composite resin restorations [11]. Glass fiber
posts have several advantages, such as high
flexural strength, better distribution of the
stress generated, biocompatibility, and corrosion
resistance, in addition to an elasticity module
close to dentin [12,13]. However, failures can
occur, mainly due to failure in adhesion between
the adhesive cement and the inner walls of root
canals [14].
The bond strength of adhesive cement
and dentin can be affected by many factors,
such as the presence of root canal treatment,
pretreatment of the post, cementation method,
and use of irrigation protocols [15,16]. Some
studies have reported that the irrigation solutions
used during root canal treatment have signicant
statistical inuence on the adhesion of the glass
ber posts to dentin [15,17-20]; however, others
do not demonstrate this inuence [21-24].
Therefore, some concerns about the inuence
of endodontic irrigation solutions on the adhesion
of glass fiber posts are still significant [25],
mainly due to the few existing studies in the
literature on the subject and their heterogeneous
conclusions. To date, no systematic review has
evaluated this relationship. Although a systematic
review published in 2015 [16] addressed the
factors associated with the adhesion of glass
ber posts, the main objective was to assess the
inuence of variables related to post-cementation,
disregarding the substances used in endodontic
irrigation, reaffirming the importance of this
study for daily clinical management.
Therefore, the objective of this systematic
review was to answer the following question
structured according to PICO: Do irrigation
solutions used during root canal instrumentation
inuence the adhesion of glass ber posts to the
root dentin?
This systematic review was registered in
PROSPERO (CRD42020221835) and followed
the recommendations of PRISMA (Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-
Analysis) guidelines for its writing [26].
Search strategy
The electronic databases PubMed, Scopus,
Web of Science, and Virtual Health Library
(LILACS) were searched for articles published
until 26 January 2022, without language, year
restrictions or limits. The selection process is
illustrated in Figure 1. The grey literature was
consulted through OpenGrey, and references
oito artigos foram incluídos. Quatro artigos foram classicados como de alto risco de viés, enquanto os demais
como de médio risco. Estudos relataram resultados conitantes sobre a inuência de soluções irrigadoras e
as diferentes concentrações de hipoclorito de sódio na adesão de pinos de bra de vidro à dentina radicular.
Conclusão: a heterogeneidade entre os estudos não permitiu a conclusão de uma estimativa verdadeira sobre este
tópico, sendo necessários mais estudos bem delineados para esclarecer esta questão. Registo: CRD42020221835.
Resistência de união; Dentina; Pino de bra de vidro; Irrigantes do canal radicular; Força de cisalhamento.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
of the included studies were also searched to
identify other studies that might have been
missed in the initial electronic search. MeSH
terms “Sodium Hypochlorite”, “Chlorhexidine”,
“Root Canal Irrigants”, “Chelating Agents”,
“Edetic Acid”, “Photochemotherapy”, “Citric
Acid”, “Hydrogen Peroxide”, “Saline Solution”,
“Boric Acids”, “Post and Core Technique”,
“Adhesive”, “Shear Strength” and “Dentin”,
and DeCS terms “Sodium Hypochlorite”,
“Chlorhexidine”, “Root Canal Irrigants”, “Edetic
Acid”, “Photochemotherapy”, “Citric Acid”,
“Distilled Water”, “Hydrogen Peroxide”, “Saline
Solution”, “Post and Core Technique”, “Adhesive”,
“Shear Strength” and “Dentin” were used. MeSH
synonyms, related terms, and free terms were
also included. The Boolean operators “AND” and
“OR” were applied to combine these terms, and
the combination of these search descriptors is
shown in Table I.
Eligibility criteria
The eligibility criteria were based on the
PICO strategy, as follows:
Population (P): Permanent human teeth or
animal teeth
Intervention (I): Alternative irrigation solutions
used during root canal instrumentation
Comparison (C): Irrigation with sodium
hypochlorite in its various concentrations
Outcome (O): To analyze the bond strength of
glass ber posts.
Study design (S): Laboratory study.
Literature reviews, systematic reviews,
opinion articles, letters to the editor, guidelines,
case reports, studies that evaluated the
preparation of the root space for glass fiber
posts and intracanal medication in both human
and animal teeth, studies that did not compare
bond strength or endodontic irrigating solutions,
and articles outside the proposed theme were
Selection of the studies
The results of the electronic search were
managed using Mendeley software. Two authors
(I.G.R. and L.S.G.) independently selected
the retrieved studies, examined the titles and
abstracts based on the eligibility criteria using
the PICO strategy. The selected articles were
read in full and only potential studies were
Figure 1 - Flowchart PRISMA 2020.
Records identified from:
Web of Science (n = 127)
Scopus (n = 158)
VHL (Lilacs) (n = 5)
Pubmed (n = 114)
Grey Literature (n = 0)
Registers (n = 0)
Records removed before
Duplicate records removed
(n = 176)
Records marked as ineligible
by automation tools (n = 0)
Records removed for other
reasons (n = 0)
Records screened
(n = 228)
Records excluded
(n = 190)
Post space preparation in
animal teeth (n = 19)
Records outside of the
proposed theme (n = 100)
Reviews or Systematic
Reviews (n = 7)
Post space preparation in
human teeth (n = 64)
Reports sought for retrieval
(n = 0)
Reports not retrieved
(n = 0)
Reports assessed for eligibility
(n = 38)
Reports excluded (n = 32)
Post space preparation in
animal teeth (n = 2)
Post space preparation in
human teeth (n = 23)
Assessment of intracanal
medication (n = 2)
Without evaluation of
endodontic irrigating solution
(n = 1)
Used saline solution or
distilled water for irrigation (n
= 4)
Records identified from:
Websites (n = 0)
Organizations (n = 0)
Citation searching (n = 3)
Reports assessed for eligibility
(n = 2)
Studies included in review
(n = 8)
Reports of included studies
(n = 0)
Identification of studies via databases and registers
Identification of studies via other methods
Reports sought for retrieval
(n = 3)
Reports not retrieved
(n = 1)
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
included. A kappa match of 0.90 was calculated
to ensure reliability between the authors during
the selection. In case of disagreement regarding
the inclusion of the study, a third author (L.S.A.)
was contacted. Duplicate studies were removed
from the database and considered only once.
Table I - Electronic database used and search strategy
Database Search Strategy
#1(Sodium Hypochlorite[MeSH Terms]) OR (Chlorhexidine[MeSH Terms])) OR (Root Canal Irrigants[MeSH Terms])) OR
(Chelating Agents[MeSH Terms])) OR (Edetic Acid[MeSH Terms])) OR (Photochemotherapy[MeSH Terms])) OR (Citric
Acid[MeSH Terms])) OR (Hydrogen Peroxide[MeSH Terms])) OR (Saline Solution[MeSH Terms])) OR (Boric Acids[MeSH
Terms])) OR (Sodium Hypochlorite[Title/Abstract])) OR (EDTA[Title/Abstract])) OR (Edetic Acid[Title/Abstract])) OR
(PDTa[Title/Abstract])) OR (Photodynamic Therapy[Title/Abstract])) OR (Photochemotherapy[Title/Abstract])) OR
(Antimicrobial Solutions[Title/Abstract])) OR (Chlorhexidine[Title/Abstract])) OR (Irrigation Solutions[Title/Abstract]))
OR (Root Canal Irrigants[Title/Abstract])) OR (Chelating Agents[Title/Abstract])) OR (Citric Acid[Title/Abstract])) OR
(Distilled Water[Title/Abstract])) OR (Hydrogen Peroxide[Title/Abstract])) OR (Urea Peroxide[Title/Abstract])) OR
(Saline Solution[Title/Abstract])) OR (Calcium Hydroxide Solution[Title/Abstract])) OR (Boric Acid[Title/Abstract])) OR
(Polyacrylic Acid[Title/Abstract])) OR (Silver Nanoparticle (Ag-NP) dispersion[Title/Abstract])
#2(Post and Core Technique[MeSH Terms]) OR (Glass Fiber Posts[Title/Abstract])) OR (Fiber Posts[Title/Abstract])) OR
(Dental Posts[Title/Abstract])) OR (Root Retainer[Title/Abstract])) OR (Post and Core Technique[Title/Abstract])
#3(Adhesive[MeSH Terms]) OR (Shear Strength[MeSH Terms])) OR (Adhesion[Title/Abstract])) OR (Shear Strength[Title/
Abstract])) OR (Push-out Strength[Title/Abstract])) OR (Adhesive[Title/Abstract])
#4(Dentin[MeSH Terms]) OR (Dentine[Title/Abstract])) OR (Root Dentin[Title/Abstract])) OR (Radicular Dentin[Title/
Abstract])) OR (Root Canal Dentin[Title/Abstract])) OR (Dentin[Title/Abstract])
#1 and #2 and #3 and #4
#1(TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Sodium Hypochlorite”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (edta) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Edetic Acid”) OR TITLE-ABS-
KEY (pdta) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Photodynamic Therapy”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (photochemotherapy) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(“Antimicrobial Solutions”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (chlorhexidine) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Irrigation Solutions”) OR TITLE-ABS-
KEY (“Root Canal Irrigants”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Chelating Agents”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Citric Acid”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(“Distilled Water”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Hydrogen Peroxide”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Urea Peroxide”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(“Saline Solution”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Calcium Hydroxide Solution”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Boric Acid”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(“Polyacrylic Acid”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Silver Nanoparticle (Ag-NP) dispersion”))
#2(TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Glass Fiber Posts”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Fiber Posts”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Dental Posts”) OR TITLE-
ABS-KEY (“Root Retainer”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Post and Core Technique”))
#3(TITLE-ABS-KEY (adhesion) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Shear Strength”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Push-out Strength”) OR TITLE-
ABS-KEY (adhesive))
#4(TITLE-ABS-KEY (dentine) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Root Dentin”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Radicular Dentin”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(“Root Canal Dentin”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (dentin))
#1 and #2 and #3 and #4
Web of
#1TOPIC:(“Sodium Hypochlorite”)
TOPIC: (“Edetic Acid”)
(“Photodynamic Therapy”)
TOPIC: (Photochemotherapy)
TOPIC: (“Antimicrobial Solutions”)
TOPIC: (“Irrigation Solutions”)
TOPIC: (“Root Canal Irrigants”)
TOPIC: (“Chelating Agents”)
TOPIC: (“Citric Acid”)
TOPIC: (“Distilled Water”)
TOPIC: (“Hydrogen Peroxide”)
TOPIC: (“Urea Peroxide”)
TOPIC: (“Saline Solution”)
TOPIC: (“Calcium Hydroxide Solution”)
TOPIC: (“Boric Acid”)
TOPIC: (“Polyacrylic
TOPIC: (“Silver Nanoparticle (Ag-NP) dispersion”)
Indexes=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI Timespan= All years
#2TOPIC:(“Glass Fiber Posts”)
TOPIC: (“Fiber Posts”)
TOPIC: (“Dental Posts”)
TOPIC: (“Root Retainer”)
TOPIC: (“Post and Core Technique”)
Indexes=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI Timespan= All years
TOPIC: (“Shear Strength”)
TOPIC: (“Push-out Strength”)
TOPIC: (Adhesive)
Indexes=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI Timespan= All years
TOPIC: (“Root Dentin”)
TOPIC: (“Radicular Dentin”)
TOPIC: (“Root Canal Dentin”)
TOPIC: (Dentin)
Indexes=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, ESCI Timespan= All years
#1 and #2 and #3 and #4
(tw:(sodium hypochlorite OR chlorhexidine OR edetic acid OR photochemotherapy OR citric acid OR distilled water OR
hydrogen peroxide OR saline solution OR root canal irrigants)) AND (tw:(post and core technique)) AND (tw:(adhesive OR
shear strength)) AND (tw:(dentin))) AND (db:(“LILACS”))
Literature Root Canal Irrigants AND Glass Fiber Posts AND Adhesion AND Root Dentin
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
Data extraction
Two independent authors (I.G.R. and L.S.G.)
collected the data from the included studies.
The authors of these primary studies were
contacted if data were absent. Data from the
included studies were compiled and organized
according to the following parameters: the rst
author of the article, year of publication, teeth
origin, n/group of teeth, root canal treatment
(irrigation solution groups during treatment (n),
nal irrigation solutions (n), instrumentation,
endodontic sealer), preparation of glass fiber
posts (drills used, glass fiber posts cleaning,
adhesive system/sealer), bond strength test, bond
strength values (mean/SD), and results (sodium
hypochlorite × other irrigation solutions and
different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite).
Quality assessment
The risk of bias was evaluated by two
independent reviewers (I.G.R. and L.S.G.)
using an instrument adapted for laboratory
studies [27-29], and assessed according to the
articles’ description of the following parameters:
randomization of teeth, use of materials according
to the manufacturer’s instructions, use of teeth
with similar dimensions, root canal treatment
performed by a single operator, standardization of
procedures, description of sample size calculation,
and blinding of the operator of the testing machine.
If the authors reported the parameter, the
article had “Yes” on that specic parameter; if
the information could not be found, the article
received “No”. Articles that reported one to three
“Yes” items were classied as high risk of bias,
four or ve “Yes” items as medium risk of bias,
and six or seven “Yes” items as low risk of bias.
Publication bias
Publication bias was verified in primary
studies when analyzing the greater probability
of these studies being published because of their
positive results, sample size and/or nanced by
Search strategy and selection of the studies
A total of 404 potentially relevant articles
were identied from PubMed (114), Scopus (158),
Web of Science (127), and LILACS (5) databases.
The grey literature was consulted through
OpenGrey, and no articles were found. After
removing duplicates, 228 articles were examined
for titles and abstracts. One hundred and ninety
studies were excluded because they did not
meet the eligibility criteria, and 38 articles
were approved for reading the entire text. After
applying the eligibility criteria after full reading,
32 studies were excluded and a total of 6 studies
were included in this review. Three additional
articles were identified by a manual search.
An article found in the manual search was not
found in the databases, and the authors and
co-authors were contacted to obtain the article,
but without success, making it impossible to select
this article for the study. Therefore, eight articles
were included in this study. Figure 1 summarizes
the selection process.
Parameters of the included studies
Four articles [17,18,21,30] used animal
teeth (bovine). Of these, two did not specify
which type of tooth they used [21,30] and two
used bovine incisors [17,18]. The remaining
four articles [20,22,24,31] used human
teeth. Two studies used single-rooted
human teeth [22,24], one study used human
premolars [20], and one study used human
c-shaped canal molars [31] (Table II).
Sodium hypochlorite was used as irrigation
solution during root canal treatment in all
studies [17,18,20-22,24,30,31], and this substance
is used in various concentrations, from 1%
to 5.25%. Another widely used substance is
chlorhexidine, at different concentrations of
0.2% [22] and 2% [17,18,21,24,30,31] (Table II).
Regarding the final irrigant used in root
canal treatment, most of the studies used
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).
Two studies used EDTA with ultrasonic
vibration [18,21], and two articles used only
ETDA [17,24]. Two articles used distilled water
for nal irrigation [20,30] (Table II).
Most studies used manual instrumentation
[18,20,21,31]. Two studies performed rotary
instrumentation [22,24], and only one study
divided its sample and performed half manual
instrumentation and the other half rotary
instrumentation [17]. Finally, a study was
conducted on the instrumentation of the root
canal using a high-precision electric drill with
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
Table II - Characteristics of included studies (n=8)
Author (Year) Teeth origin n/Group of
Root canal treatment Preparation of glass fiber posts Bond strenght
Irrigation solutions groups during treatment
Final irrigation
solutions (n) Instrumentation Endodontic
sealer Drills used Glass fiber
posts cleaning
Adhesive sys-
2010 [21] Bovine 50/MD
G1: 0.9% NaCl (n=10)
EDTA with
vibration +
Same irrigant
Modified step-
back technique
with manual
K-type files
and flaring
was completed
using Gates-
Glidden #6 and
AH Plus #5 Largo
70% alcohol and
37% phosphoric
2-step adhesive
system Clearfil
SE Bond +
RelyX ARC resin
Tensile strength
G2: 1.0% NaOCl (n=10)
G3: 2.5% NaOCl (n=10)
G4: 5.25% NaOCl (n=10)
G5: 2% CHX-G + 0.9% NaCl (n=10)
2012 [22] Human 40/Single-
G1: 0.2% CHX + PCS (n=10)
instrument to
master apical
rotary size
to the
Dual adhesive
Surgi Primebond
Base + Surgi
Dual Flò Core
G2: 5% NaOCl + PCS (n=10) G2: PCS
G3: 5% NaOCl + AX (n=10) G3: AX
G4: 0.2% CHX + AX (n=10) G4: AX
2015 [17] Bovine 120/Incisors
G1: 1% NaOCl + SS + Immediate (n=10)
EDTA + Same
SS: # 1,2
# 2 Largo and
stainless steel
instruments up
to #45 K-file.
Root canals
were not
filled to avoid
#3 to #5 Largo 70% alcohol
resin cement -
RelyX U100
Push-out test
with or without
G2: 2% CHX + SS + Immediate (n=10)
NiTi: # 1,2
and K3 nickel-
titanium rotary
G3: 1.2% O3 + SS + Immediate (n=10)
G4: 1% NaOCl + NiTi + Immediate (n=10)
G5: 2% CHX + NiTi + Immediate (n=10)
G6: 1.2% O3 + NiTi + Immediate (n=10)
G7: 1% NaOCl + SS + Aged (n=10)
G8: 2% CHX + SS + Aged (n=10)
G9: 1.2% O3 + SS + Aged (n=10)
G10: 1% NaOCl + NiTi + Aged (n=10)
G11: 2% CHX + NiTi + Aged (n=10)
G12: 1.2% O3 + NiTi + Aged (n=10)
MD: missing data; NaCl: sodium chloride; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite; CHX: chlorhexidine; CHX-G: chlorhexidine gel; O3: ozonated water; CaOCl: calcium hypochlorite; NS: normal saline; EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; DS: distilled
water; MB: methylene blue; aPDT: antimicrobial photodynamic therapy; Er,Cr:YSGG: erbium chromium yttrium scandium gallium garnet; PCS: pulp canal sealer™ - cement based on zinc oxide and eugenol; AX: apexit- cement based on calcium
hydroxide; SS: root canal preparation with stainless steel instruments; NiTi: root canal preparation with K3® nickel titanium rotary instruments; SMP: scotchbond multi-purpose; EDP: ED primer; PaF: panavia; AH26: a resin-based sealer silver-
free Dentsply ®.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
Author (Year) Teeth origin n/Group of
Root canal treatment Preparation of glass fiber posts Bond strenght
Irrigation solutions groups during treatment
Final irrigation
solutions (n) Instrumentation Endodontic
sealer Drills used Glass fiber
posts cleaning
Adhesive sys-
2016 [18] Bovine 96/Incisors
G1: NS + SMP + RelyX (n=8)
EDTA with
vibration +
Same irrigant
Modified step-
back technique
with manual
K-type files.
AH Plus #5 Largo
70% alcohol and
37% phosphoric
G1-4: SMP +
Push-out shear
G2: 2.5% NaOCl + SMP + RelyX (n=8) G5-8: EDP +
G3: 5.25% NaOCl + SMP + RelyX (n=8)
G9-12: U100
G4: 2% CHX + SMP + RelyX (n=8)
G5: NS + EDP + PaF (n=8)
G6: 2.5% NaOCl + EDP + PaF (n=8)
G7: 5.25% NaOCl + EDP + PaF (n=8)
G8: 2% CHX + EDP + PaF (n=8)
G9: NS + U100 (n=8)
G10: 2.5% NaOCl + U100 (n=8)
G11: 5.25% NaOCl + U100 (n=8)
G12: 2% CHX + U100 (n=8)
Kaif and Bis,
2016 [24] Human 30/Single-
G1: 5.25% NaOCl (n=10)
Protaper nickel-
titanium rotary
S1, S2, and F3.
AH Pus
#3 Gates-
70% Isopropyl
Adper Single
Bond 2 + RelyX
Push-out test
G2: 2% CHX (n=10) #5 Peeso
G3: DS (n=10)
2019 [20] Human 40/Premolars
G1: 0.9% NS (n=8)
technique with
#35 K-file and
#2, #3 Gates-
#2 and #3
Push-out test
G2: 2.5% NaOCl (n=8) G3: 5.25% NaOCl (n=8)
G4: 2,5% CaOCl (n=8) G5: 5% CaOCl (n=8)
2021 [31] Human 60/C-shaped
Canal Molars
G1: aPDT 2% MB + diode laser (n=15)
technique using
K-files and
#2, #3 and #4
Gates Glidden
AH26 Peeso reamers 70% alcohol MD Push-out
G2: Er,Cr:YSGG laser (n=15)
G3: 2% CHX (n=15)
G4: 1.5% NaOCl (n=15)
2021 [30] Bovine 77/MD
G1: 2.5% NaOCl (n=11)
The root canals
were prepared
by using a
electric drill
with torque
control and a
2mm steel bit
Sealer 26 Gates-Glidden MD
cement RelyX
G2: DS (n=11)
G3: 2% CHX (n=11)
G4: O3 (n=11)
G5: 2.5% NaOCl + DS (n=11)
G6: 2.5% NaOCl + 2% CHX (n=11)
G7: 2.5% NaOCl + O3 (n=11)
MD: missing data; NaCl: sodium chloride; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite; CHX: chlorhexidine; CHX-G: chlorhexidine gel; O3: ozonated water; CaOCl: calcium hypochlorite; NS: normal saline; EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; DS: distilled
water; MB: methylene blue; aPDT: antimicrobial photodynamic therapy; Er,Cr:YSGG: erbium chromium yttrium scandium gallium garnet; PCS: pulp canal sealer™ - cement based on zinc oxide and eugenol; AX: apexit- cement based on calcium
hydroxide; SS: root canal preparation with stainless steel instruments; NiTi: root canal preparation with K3® nickel titanium rotary instruments; SMP: scotchbond multi-purpose; EDP: ED primer; PaF: panavia; AH26: a resin-based sealer silver-
free Dentsply ®.
Table II - Continued...
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Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
torque control [30]. Most studies used AH
Plus endodontic sealer to perform canal lling
together with gutta percha [18,21,24] (Table II).
Gates Glidden drills were used in
the preparation of glass fiber posts in four
studies [20,22,24,30]. However, one of these
studies associated Gates Glidden with the Peeso
Reamer [24], and one study used only the Peeso
Reamer [31]. Largo drill was used in three
studies [17,18,21] (Table II).
The majority of the studies used alcohol to
clean glass ber post [17,18,20,21,24,31], and
of these studies, two had associated the use of
alcohol with phosphoric acid [18,21] (Table II).
With regard to the adhesive system used for
the cementation of glass ber posts, two studies
used a two-step etch-rinse system [22,24], one
study used a two-step self-etching adhesive
system [21], and three studies used self-etching
and self-adhesive cements [17,20,30]. One study
used more than one adhesive system including
a three-step etch-rinse system, a two-step self-
etching system and self-etching and self-adhesive
cement [18] (Table II).
Regarding the bond strength tests of the glass
ber post to the root dentin, almost all studies have
perfomed push-out tests [17,18,20,24,30,31].
Of these, one study perfomed the push-out test
with and without articial accelerated aging [17],
while another study performed, in addition to the
push-out test, the shear bond strength test [18].
Only one study performed the micro-push-out
test [22], and one study performed the tensile
strength test [21] (Table II).
Four studies showed that the endodontic
substances used during treatment did not
influence the adhesion of the glass fiber
post to root dentin [18,21,22,24]. However,
Santana et al. [17] reported an increase in
bond strength when using sodium hypochlorite,
compared with ozonized water. Conversely, a
study by Macedo et al. [30] showed that 2.5%
sodium hypochlorite with ozonized water showed
better results in terms of its effect on bond strength.
Another study showed that specimens treated
with photodynamic therapy had the highest bond
strength with the fewest failures [31]. Although
the study by Khoroushi et al. [20] did not show
a statistically significant difference between
the other solutions, showed that the highest
bond strength was observed in the 5% calcium
hypochlorite group (Table III).
In relation to different concentrations of
sodium hypochlorite, two studies showed no
statistical differences in bond strength [20,21].
One study reported that sodium hypochlorite in its
most concentrated form (5.25%) had a signicant
adverse impact on bond strength, when combined
with RelyX U100 resin cement [18] (Table III).
Quality assessment
Four articles [20,24,30,31] were classied
as high risk of bias and the other four
articles [17,18,21,22] as medium risk of bias, as
shown in Table IV. None of the studies succeeded
in blinding of the operator of the testing machine,
nor performed the sample calculation, which is
considered the greatest difculty of the articles
in general.
Publication bias
Although the laboratory studies included
a small sample and no study performed an
adequate sample size calculation, there was less
publication bias due to the publication of both
positive and negative results for the questions
evaluated. In addition, these studies were not
funded by companies.
The teeth submitted to root canal treatment,
in the great majority, have a great loss of dental
structure, requiring glass ber posts to retain a
future restoration [11]. There is great clinical
concern regarding the inuence of endodontic
irrigation solutions on the bond strength of glass
ber posts to root dentin. In this review, only
eight studies [17,18,20-22,24,30,31] were found
that answered the question raised. The articles
have inconsistencies and different estimates
among themselves; in addition, few studies have
evaluated the different concentrations of sodium
hypochlorite, which is the most used endodontic
irrigation substance. Therefore, conclusive data
on this issue are lacking, with good studies
outlined and without methodological bias.
The evaluation of methodological quality
was perfomed with high rigor using an adapted
tool [27-29] for laboratory studies. The great
difculty of the articles was in performing blinding
of the testing machine operator, root canal
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
Table III - Characteristics of bond strength tests from the included studies (n=8)
Author (Year) Groups (n) Bond strenght test Bond strenght values (Mean/SD) Results
NaOCl x Other irrigation solutions Different concentrations of NaOCl
2010 [21]
G1: 0.9% NaCl (n=10) Tensile strength test: an acrylic resin
cylinder fitted on top with a metallic
loop was made over the coronal
portion of the post. After the resin was
polymerized, the test specimen was
placed in a Universal Testing Machine,
and an axial tensile load was applied at
0.5 mm/min until failure.
G1: 24.661±9.776
NaOCl did not reduce adhesion
compared with the groups irrigated
with chlorhexidine.
Different concentrations of NaOCl
tested did not influence the tensile
bond strength of the adhesive system
used in this study to cement glass fiber
posts in root dentin.
G2: 1.0% NaOCl (n=10) G2: 28.537±11.704
G3: 2.5% NaOCl (n=10) G3: 27.537±9.681
G4: 5.25% NaOCl (n=10) G4: 25.572±8.801
G5: 2% CHX-G + 0.9% NaCl (n=10) G5: 28.831±9.389
2012 [22]
G1: 0.2% CHX + PCS (n=10) Micro-push-out test: it was performed
on a 3343 Instron Universal Testing
Machine with a load cell of 500 N. The
crosshead speed was set equal to 1
G1: 15.1±4.6 The interfacial shear strength values
do not seem to depend on the group
(irrigant/endodontic sealer) in which
the samples were classified, and no
statistically significant differences were
G2: 5% NaOCl + PCS (n=10) G2: 14.1±4.4
G3: 5% NaOCl + AX (n=10) G3: 14.0±6.0
G4: 0.2% CHX + AX (n=10) G4: 16.8±5.4
2015 [17]
G1: 1% NaOCl + SS + Immediate (n=10)
Push-out test: in immediate groups,
slices were submitted immediately to
a push-out test; while in aged groups,
slices were stored in distilled water at
37°C for 2 months (artificial accelerated
aging) prior to testing. The push-
out test was performed in a Testing
Machine by applying a compressive
load at 0.5 mm/min from the apical to
coronal direction until failure. The bond
strength was calculated in MPa by
dividing the load at failure (N) by the
area of the bonded interface.
G1: Cervical 12.9±2.4, Middle 10.3±4.0,
Apical 7.1±3.8
NaOCl resulted in higher bond
strength than with O3. CHX resulted
on intermediate values that were
statistically similar to values obtained
in groups irrigated with O3. Regardless
of irrigant solutions, cervical third
had higher bond strength values than
apical third. A significant bond strength
increases after artificial accelerated
aging, except for middle and apical
thirds of SS-O3 and apical of NiTi-O3,
which was similar.
G2: 2% CHX + SS + Immediate (n=10) G2: Cervical 11.4±3.3, Middle 9.8±3.9,
Apical 6.7±3.9
G3: 1.2% O3 + SS + Immediate (n=10) G3: Cervical 8.7±6.8, Middle 6.2±5.0,
Apical 3.5±2.9
G4: 1% NaOCl + NiTi + Immediate
G4: Cervical 13.5±2.1, Middle 11.4±3.3,
Apical 9.3±4.8
G5: 2% CHX + NiTi + Immediate (n=10) G5: Cervical 11.5±3.8, Middle 10.0±4.9,
Apical 7.1±5.6
G6: 1.2% O3 + NiTi + Immediate (n=10) G6: Cervical 9.5±3.4, Middle 7.4±1.6,
Apical 6.8±1.4
G7: 1% NaOCl + SS + Aged (n=10) G7: Cervical 24.1±5.8, Middle 20.3±7.7,
Apical 15.5±8.6
G8: 2% CHX + SS + Aged (n=10) G8: Cervical 18.8±4.3, Middle 16.2±4.0,
Apical 13.3±7.2
G9: 1.2% O3 + SS + Aged (n=10) G9: Cervical 17.4±4.9, Middle 9.9±4.0,
Apical 6.4±3.4
G10: 1% NaOCl + NiTi + Aged (n=10) G10: Cervical 25.1±6.4, Middle 22.6±6.1,
Apical 21.6±6.3
G11: 2% CHX + NiTi + Aged (n=10) G11: Cervical 21.4±3.4, Middle 20.8±6.3,
Apical 18.4±7.7
G12: 1.2% O3 + NiTi + Aged (n=10) G12: Cervical 17.4±4.9, Middle 11.0±5.3,
Apical 7.1±3.8
NaCl: sodium chloride; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite; CHX: chlorhexidine; CHX-G: chlorhexidine gel; O3: ozonated water; CaOCl: calcium hypochlorite; NS: normal saline; DS: distilled water; MB: methylene blue; aPDT: antimicrobial
photodynamic therapy; Er,Cr:YSGG: erbium chromium yttrium scandium gallium garnet; PCS: pulp canal sealer™ - cement based on zinc oxide and eugenol; AX: apexit- cement based on calcium hydroxide; SS: root canal preparation with
stainless steel instruments; NiTi: root canal preparation with K3® nickel titanium rotary instruments; SMP: scotchbond multi-purpose; EDP: ED primer; PaF: panavia; MPa: megapascals; N: Newtons.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
Author (Year) Groups (n) Bond strenght test Bond strenght values (Mean/SD) Results
NaOCl x Other irrigation solutions Different concentrations of NaOCl
2016 [18]
G1: NS + SMP + RelyX (n=8)
Push-out shear test: the specimens
obtained were identified and kept in
distilled water for 24 hours at 37°C
in containers that did not allow the
passage of light. An axial compressive
load of 100 N was applied to the apical
surface of the post section at a speed
of 1.0 mm/min until the cross section
of the post became separated from its
respective root section. The kilogram-
force values applied until separation
were divided by the root canal area to
convert results to MPa.
G1: 9.47±9.86
There was no statistically significant
reduction in bond strength when
comparing the irrigants.
NaOCl in its more concentrated form
(5.25%) had a significant adverse
impact on the bond of fiber posts luted
with RelyX U100 self-adhesive resin
cement to dentin.
G2: 2.5% NaOCl + SMP + RelyX (n=8) G2: 12.61±7.85
G3: 5.25% NaOCl + SMP + RelyX (n=8) G3: 13.92±4.77
G4: 2% CHX + SMP + RelyX (n=8) G4: 12.19±7.87
G5: NS + EDP + PaF (n=8) G5: 10.87±5.57
G6: 2.5% NaOCl + EDP + PaF (n=8) G6: 12.09±5.02
G7: 5.25% NaOCl + EDP + PaF (n=8) G7: 9.47±4.46
G8: 2% CHX + EDP + PaF (n=8) G8: 11.11±5.51
G9: NS + U100 (n=8) G9: 14.00±6.82
G10: 2.5% NaOCl + U100 (n=8) G10: 15.29±6.39
G11: 5.25% NaOCl + U100 (n=8) G11: 8.82±4.12
G12: 2% CHX + U100 (n=8) G12: 13.36±8.34
Kaif and Bis,
2016 [24]
G1: 5.25% NaOCl (n=10) Push-out test: the test specimen slices
were fixed in the fitting device fitted to
the Universal Testing Machine. The 0.8-
mm diameter tip was placed over the
smallest base of the test specimen and
a compression force was applied in an
apical-coronal direction at a crosshead
speed of 0.5 mm/minute until the post
piece was dislocated. The peak value
of the load required for dislocating the
post from the specimen was recorded
in Newtons.
G1: 38.29±21.54
No significant differences in bond
strength were found between the
G2: 2% CHX (n=10) G2: 38.95±12.16
G3: DS (n=10) G3: 39.60±14.76
2019 [20]
G1: 0.9% NS (n=8) Push-out test: it was carried out for
each section at a crosshead speed
of 0.5mm/minute using a Universal
Testing Machine. The maximum force
at the point where the post was
dislodged from the root section was
considered as the bond failure point
and was recorded in Newton. Then,
the push-out bond strengths were
calculated in MPa.
G1: 7.28±2.66
The highest bond strength belonged to
the 5% calcium hypochlorite group. There was no statistical difference.
G2: 2.5% NaOCl (n=8) G2: 8.15± 2.51
G3: 5.25% NaOCl (n=8) G3: 8.38±3.76
G4: 2,5% CaOCl (n=8) G4: 8.9±3.13
G5: 5% CaOCl (n=8) G5: 11.84± 2.04
NaCl: sodium chloride; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite; CHX: chlorhexidine; CHX-G: chlorhexidine gel; O3: ozonated water; CaOCl: calcium hypochlorite; NS: normal saline; DS: distilled water; MB: methylene blue; aPDT: antimicrobial
photodynamic therapy; Er,Cr:YSGG: erbium chromium yttrium scandium gallium garnet; PCS: pulp canal sealer™ - cement based on zinc oxide and eugenol; AX: apexit- cement based on calcium hydroxide; SS: root canal preparation with
stainless steel instruments; NiTi: root canal preparation with K3® nickel titanium rotary instruments; SMP: scotchbond multi-purpose; EDP: ED primer; PaF: panavia; MPa: megapascals; N: Newtons.
Table III - Continued...
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
Table III - Continued...
Author (Year) Groups (n) Bond strenght test Bond strenght values (Mean/SD) Results
NaOCl x Other irrigation solutions Different concentrations of NaOCl
2021 [31]
G1: aPDT 2% MB + diode laser (n=15) Push-out test: The roots submitted
to post cementation were sectioned
along the shaft using a low speed
diamond saw. The slices obtained from
the specimens were individually fixed
in the Universal testing machine. The
push-out was calculated by dividing
the maximum failure load into Newtons
to surface area of connecting pin
segments in mm2.
G1: 8.56±2.12
The specimens treated with aPDT
showed the highest push out bond
strength with least number of failures
in c-shaped mandibular root canals.
G2: Er,Cr:YSGG laser (n=15) G2: 7.90±1.56
G3: 2% CHX (n=15) G3: 7.34±1.23
G4: 1.5% NaOCl (n=15) G4: 6.92±2.21
2021 [30]
G1: 2.5% NaOCl (n=11)
Push-out test: The roots were fixed
on a metallic base in the ISOMET
1000 stake machine and sectioned
perpendicularly along the root axis.
Three discs were sectioned for each
third (cervical, middle and apical). The
G1: Cervical 10.71±1.74, Medium
9.47±2.29, Apical 6.3±1.98
The sodium hypochlorite solution
showed a statistically similar behaviour
to the group of sodium hypochlorite
solution + ozonated water, the latter
being the best results in terms of its
effect on the bond strength. Regardless
of root depth, the sodium hypochlorite
+ chlorhexidine solution group showed
the worst binding strength.
G2: DS (n=11)
were stored under relative humidity at
37°C for 7 days. And for the push-out
test, a metal cylinder was used to
induce a charge at the center part
of the post-cement set. The test
was carried out in a universal testing
G2: Cervical 8.05±, Medium 5.21±1.20,
Apical 3.18±1.36
G3: 2% CHX (n=11) G3: Cervical 8.09±1.21, Medium
4.88±1.12, Apical 3.82±1.29
G4: O3 (n=11) G4: Cervical 10.91±2.03, Medium
8.66±1.52, Apical 6.41±2.11
G5: 2.5% NaOCl + DS (n=11) G5: Cervical 8.44±2.17, Medium
6.57±1.48, Apical 5.69±1.36
G6: 2.5% NaOCl + 2% CHX (n=11) G6: Cervical 6.93±1.13, Medium
5.58±1.16, Apical 3.31±0.96
G7: 2.5% NaOCl + O3 (n=11) G7: Cervical 9.27±1.24, Medium
7.38±1.12, Apical 5.6±1.24
NaCl: sodium chloride; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite; CHX: chlorhexidine; CHX-G: chlorhexidine gel; O3: ozonated water; CaOCl: calcium hypochlorite; NS: normal saline; DS: distilled water; MB: methylene blue; aPDT: antimicrobial
photodynamic therapy; Er,Cr:YSGG: erbium chromium yttrium scandium gallium garnet; PCS: pulp canal sealer™ - cement based on zinc oxide and eugenol; AX: apexit- cement based on calcium hydroxide; SS: root canal preparation with
stainless steel instruments; NiTi: root canal preparation with K3® nickel titanium rotary instruments; SMP: scotchbond multi-purpose; EDP: ED primer; PaF: panavia; MPa: megapascals; N: Newtons.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
treatment by a single operator, or calculation of
the sample in the research. These requirements
are extremely important and must be met to
reduce both imprecision and inconsistencies in
the scientic literature.
Human teeth are more reliable in terms
of bond strength, because they have the same
mineral composition that we deal with in clinical
management. However, some studies [17,18,21,30]
have used bovine teeth. Bovine teeth have
similarities in morphology to human teeth, less
variability of tissue permeability and internal
anatomy with the smallest variation and have
been used as a substitute for human teeth in bond
strength tests [4,32,33].
Chemical solutions used for disinfection,
cleaning, and completing of the mechanical
instrumentation process during root canal
treatment can cause physical and chemical
changes, such as decreased microhardness
and increased permeability of the root canal
dentin [34,35].
Sodium hypochlorite is the chemical substance
most commonly used in root canal treatment,
because of its antimicrobial power, as well as its
unique ability to dissolve remnants of necrotic
tissues [2]. However, it is noteworthy that sodium
hypochlorite decomposes into sodium chloride and
oxygen, and when there is oxygen in the surface
layer, there is an inhibition of the binding of resin
cement and dentin [36,37], which interferes
with the penetration of adhesive in the dentinal
tubules [38], impairing the bond strength. On the
other hand, chlorhexidine is a potent antiseptic
widely used in dentistry, and has also been used as
an endodontic irrigant solution at concentrations
of 0.2% to 2%. It inhibits the growth of bacteria
commonly found in endodontic infections [39], has
a residual effect [40], and has low cytotoxicity [41].
It has a harmless effect on the microhardness and
dentin roughness of the root canal [38], which can
result in greater bond strength.
However, most laboratory studies in this
review did not show the influence of such
substances on adhesion or on, different
concentrations of sodium hypochlorite. Only
one study [18] showed that the maximum
concentration of sodium hypochlorite (5.25%)
when associated with specific resin cement
(RelyX U100) reduced the bond strength. One of
the reasons for this the double polymerization
reaction of the resin cement. Calcium phosphates
are formed as part of the reaction with hard
tissues [42]. These low-energy bonds, along
with the surface oxidation caused by sodium
hypochlorite and the diffusion of by-products into
the dentin, may have inhibited polymerization
at the interface between dentin and cement,
resulting in lower strength values [18], signaling
that future studies are needed to investigate the
possible mechanisms of interaction between
endodontic irrigants and RelyX U100.
New therapeutic approaches have been used
to help reduce endodontic infection [43-47],
despite controversies in the literature, and brings
in vogue the concern of the performance of these
Table IV - Quality assessment methodological of included studies (n=8)
Materials used
according to the
Teeth with
Root canal
by a single
of procedures
Sample size
Blinding of
the operator
of the testing
Risk of bias
2010 [21] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Medium
2012 [22] Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Medium
2015 [17] Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Medium
2016 [18] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Medium
Kaif and Bis,
2016 [24] No Yes No No Yes No No High
2019 [20] Yes No Yes No Yes No No High
2021 [31] Yes Yes No No Yes No No High
2021 [30] No Yes Yes No Yes No No High
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
substances in the adhesion of glass ber posts.
Hashem et al. [31] showed that aPDT with a
methylene blue photosensitizer showed the
highest bond strength with the lowest number
of failures in C-shaped mandibular root canals.
Santana et al. [17] showed lower results in
adhesion when using ozonated water, contrary
to the study by Macedo et al. [30], which showed
better results, showing the need for further
studies to reduce these inconsistencies.
In this review, the most commonly used nal
irrigant was EDTA [17,18,21,24], a chelating
agent that acts on the inorganic portion of
the dentin, exposing the dentinal tubules, by
removing the smear layer [48]. However, in
this systematic review, in relation to the nal
irrigation with EDTA, the studies did not show
signicant results for bond strength. A greater
possibility of compacting the smear layer in the
dentinal tubules occurs during the shaping of
the root canal, which can act as a barrier to the
penetration and interaction of cement with the
intraradicular dentin, which may be related to the
decrease in adhesion strength [17]. Therefore, the
use of chelators in the nal irrigation is important
for providing greater adhesion strength.
In the same context, sterile saline solution
or distilled water can be used as an aid in nal
endodontic irrigation, or among the main
irrigants chosen. However, these substances
should not be used as main irrigants, as they
have neither tissue-dissolving nor antimicrobial
activity. These substances act by neutralizing the
solutions used during root canal treatment, thus
helping to increase bond strength [49].
Cleaning of the glass ber posts did not show
a pattern among the included articles. This can be
an important reason for bond strength, because
Kaif and Bis [24] showed that the most prevalent
failure observed was at the interface between the
post and resin cement, which was attributed to the
chemical interactions between the outer layer of
the glass ber post and the cementing agent, such
as cleaning the surface with 70% alcohol, 37%
phosphoric acid or applying silane or ceramics,
which should be the subject of future studies.
An important fact to be analyzed is the
adhesive system and/or resin cements used to
x the glass ber posts. Most studies have used
adhesive systems to cement glass fiber posts.
However, half articles [17,18,20,30] used self-
etching and self-adhesive resin cement in their
study groups, which is a material that offers
resistance bonding similar to multi-step resin
cements without the need for acid, primers or
adhesives. This can have a great inuence on the
bond strength, making it higher, because they
have indications for union with several substrates,
in addition to a chemical and mechanical
interaction, which could mask the inuence of
endodontic irrigation solutions.
Another topic on which studies diverge is the
bond strength test, which can be an important
issue in evaluation. This shows the lack of
standardization among the surveys, as there is no
standard test for this type of assessment, which
may have inuenced the differences in outcomes.
Although the present study was a review
of laboratory studies, it is strongly relevant
to daily clinical approaches. This is because
glass ber posts play an important role in the
restoration of endodontically treated teeth and
irrigation solutions are essential for successful
root canal cleaning. To ensure the methodological
quality of this systematic review, several criteria
were rigorously followed, such as independent
evaluations, broad electronic search with no date
or language limit, grey literature search, and
manual search. However, this study had some
limitations. First, an adapted instrument was
used to perform the quality assessment, as there
was no specic tool for this type of laboratory
study. Second, the heterogeneity of the studies,
such as the different substances used during
treatment, or even the different concentrations of
the irrigants, different bond strength test methods
and different types of root canal instrumentation,
made it difcult to compare the studies and did
not allow the performance of the meta-analysis.
Therefore, the heterogeneity between the
studies did not allow a comparison for a true
estimate, requiring well-designed future studies
to clarify this issue and reinforce all the variables
that may inuence the adhesion of glass ber
posts to root dentin.
It was concluded that the included studies
reported conflicting results regarding the
inuence of irrigating solutions and the different
concentrations of NaOCl used during root canal
instrumentation in the adhesion of glass ber
posts to the root dentin. Therefore, new studies
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3856
Reys IG et al.
Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic review
Reys IG et al. Do irrigation solutions used during root canal instrumentation
influence the adhesion of glass fiber posts? A systematic
are encouraged to help more assertively in the
decision of professionals on this topic that is so
common in clinical reality.
Author’s Contribution
Conception. IGR, LSG, MRRC: Manuscript
Writing. IGR, LSG: Literature Search. IGR,
LSG: Critical Evaluation of Studies and Data
Extraction. LSA: Responsible for Consensus in
Disparities. IGR, LSG, LSDT, MRRC, LAAA, LSA:
Critically Reviewing the Final Draft of the Paper.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
The work was supported by individual
scholarships (FAPERJ - Fundação de Amparo
à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro [#E-
26/010.100995/2018; #E-26/202.805/2019;
#E-26/010.002195/2019; #E-26/204.402/2021;
#E-26/200.199/2023], CNPQ (Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico). This
study was also nanced in part by the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
- Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
Regulatory Statement
This systematic review was conducted
through a search strategy in electronic databases.
The search was restricted to publications in
peer-reviewed journals, dissertations or theses,
in which approval for ethics committee were
obtained in their original work.
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Leonardo Santos Antunes
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Curso de Odontologia, Departamento de
Formação Especíca, Nova Friburgo, RJ, Brazil
e-mail: leonardoantunes@id.uff.br
Date submitted: 2023 Apr 07
Accept submission: 2023 June 15