Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3909
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of
a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Os efeitos de nanotubos de
na resistência de união e radiopacidade de um cimento resinoso auto-adesivo no modo
Leandro Edgar PACHECO
, Ana Paula Rodrigues de MAGALHÃES
, Carla Müller RAMOS-
, Lígia Saraiva BUENO
, Orisson Ponce GOMES
, Lucas José de AZEVEDO-SILVA
Adilson Yoshio FURUSE
, Paulo Noronha LISBOA-FILHO
, Carmem Silvia Costa PFEIFER
, Ana Flávia Sanches BORGES
, Paulo Afonso Silveira FRANCISCONI
1- Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Departamento de Dentística, Endodontia e Materiais Odontológicos. Bauru,
SP, Brazil.
2- Universidade Paulista, Curso de Odontologia, Departamento de Dentística. Goiânia, GO, Brazil.
3 – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências, Departamento de Física. Bauru, SP, Brazil.
4 - Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Departamento de Prótese e Periodontia. Bauru, SP, Brazil.
5 - Oregon Health & Science University, School of Dentistry, Biomaterials and Biomechanics, Restorative Dentistry Department. Portland, OR, USA.
How to cite:
Pacheco LE, Magalhães A
PR, Ramos-Tonello CM, Bueno LS, Gomes OP, Azevedo-Silva LJ et al. The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(4):e3909.
Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to analyze the inuence of the titanium dioxide nanotubes in a self-cure mode polymerization of
a dual resin luting agent through push out bond strength and radiopacity tests. Material and Methods: After mixed with a commercial dual
self-adhesive resin cement, three concentrations of titanium dioxide nanotubes (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9% by weight) were analyzed in self-curing
mode. The bond strength to bovine root dentin and berglass posts was assessed with the push out bond strength test and was evaluated in
three thirds (cervical, middle and apical) (n=10), followed by failure mode analysis (SEM), and the ISO standard 9917-2 was followed for
radiopacity test (n=10). Data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA test, followed by Tukey’s test (α=0.05). Results: Reinforced
self-adhesive resin cement with 0.6% titanium dioxide nanotubes showed significant difference compared to the control group for push out
test (p=0.00158). The modified groups did not show significant difference among thirds (p=0.782). Radiopacity showed higher value for
group with 0.9% titanium dioxide nanotubes in comparison with control group (p<0.001). Conclusion: The addition of titanium dioxide
nanotubes to a self-adhesive resin cement increased the bond strength to dentin and radiopacity values in the self-cure polymerization mode.
Bond strength; Dental cements; Fiber post; Nanotubes; Radiopacity; Titanium.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi analisar a inuência de nanotubos de dióxido de titânio na polimerização química de um
agente cimentante resinoso dual através de testes de resistência à união e radiopacidade. Material e Métodos: Após misturado com um
cimento resinoso auto-adesivo comercial, três concentrações de nanotubos de dióxido de titânio (0,3, 0,6 e 0,9% em peso) foram analisadas.
A resistência da união para a dentina da raiz bovina e os pinos de bra de vidro foi avaliada pelo teste de push-out e avaliada em três
terços (cervical, médio e apical) (n = 10), seguido pelo análise de modo de falha (MEV) e a norma ISO 9917-2 foi seguido para teste de
radiopacidade (n = 10). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste ANOVA um fator seguido do teste de Tukey (α = 0,05).
Resultados: O cimento resinoso auto-adesivo reforçado com nanotubos de dióxido de titânio a 0,6% mostrou diferença significativa em
comparação com o grupo controle para teste de push-out (p=0,00158). Os grupos modificados não mostraram diferença significativa
entre os terços (p=0,782). A radiopacidade mostrou maior valor para o grupo com nanotubos de dióxido de titânio 0,9% em comparação
com o grupo controle (p<0,001). Conclusão: A adição de nanotubos de dióxido de titânio a um cimento resinoso auto-adesivo aumentou
a os valores de resistência de união à dentina e radiopacidade no modo de polimerização química do agente cimentante.
Resistência adesiva; Cimentos odontológicos; Pino de bra; Nanotubos; Radiopacidade; Titânio.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO2 nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity
of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Self-adhesive resin cements are capable
of bonding to tooth without an adhesive or
etchant phase due to the presence of fillers
able to neutralize the early low pH, functional
acid monomers, and a dual polymerization
system [1,2]. The resin cement interaction
with apatite present at tooth substrate [2-4]
and with the metal oxides from the basic
acid-soluble inorganic fillers results in the
gradual neutralization of the resin cement acidity
as the reaction progress [1,2,5,6]. This is quite
significant, once self-adhesive resin cements
polymerization can be considerably delayed
by low pH via the deactivation of free radicals,
what ultimately can compromise the curing
reaction [2].
There is scarce literature on the evaluation
of self-cure mode of dual self-adhesive resin
cements when used in the absence of light-curing.
This knowledge is of crucial importance, once
decreased mechanical properties have been
demonstrated in the cement line areas where light
penetration is not sufcient [7]. In addition, in
specic cases where light penetration still results
in low intensity being delivered to the material,
studies have shown that the redox portion of the
polymerization may be jeopardized by a partially
gelled/vitried structure. That is known to lead
to lower hardness values when compared to a
material that undergoes redox by itself, where
bond strength is indirectly compromised [7].
Bond strength of self-cure mode polymerization
to dentin is still a complex issue, especially when
related to root canal areas. This chemical interaction
has but a series of factors that can inuence and
harm it of proceeding in a satisfactory way. For
fiber posts cementation cases, the smear layer
and debris created during the instrumentation,
particular characteristics of the root canal as density
and orientation of the tubules, accessibility and
variations in different depths of the same root canal,
can compromise this interaction and be a challenge
for the cementation procedure [8-11].
In order to overcome those limitations and
improve mechanical and adhesive properties,
several studies in literature reported a variability
of nanostructures being added to dental
composites, such as TiO
-nt [12-15]. Compared to
other forms and sizes, the addition of nanotubes
may lead to signicantly improved physical and
mechanical properties, in behalf of a high ratio
of surface area to volume achieved [14,16].
Positive results for a self-adhesive resin cement
enhanced by TiO
-nt were shown in literature,
including improvement in specic mechanical,
biological and physical-chemical properties [15].
These ndings, mainly about the auto-cure mode,
raise questions if other properties might also be
affected by the nanotubes inclusion.
Factors as satisfactory visualization of
cementation line, excess cement and marginal
adaptation are indispensable for a correct
diagnosis and an adequate follow-up of restorative
treatments. Accordingly, radiopacity of these
materials is not only required [17-19], but a
very effective tool to achieve suitable results,
especially considering areas where other forms
of examinations besides radiographic are not
achievable. The addition of metal oxides might
strongly interfere in this property, producing
an increase of the photoelectric cross section
interaction [20]. However, there is still a lack in
literature of radiopacity data for self-adhesive
resin cements enhanced by TiO
Therefore, the aim of this investigation
was to determine the bond strength to bovine
root dentin and the radiopacity values of a
self-adhesive resin cement modied by TiO
at three concentrations only in self-cured
polymerization mode. The null hypothesis of the
present study was that the addition of different
concentrations of TiO
-nt would not affect bond
strength and radiopacity values of self-adhesive
dual resin cement.
Experimental design
In this in-vitro study, different concentrations
of TiO
-nt (0.3, 0.6 and, 0.9 wt%) [14] were
added to a self-adhesive resin cement (RelyX
U200,3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN). The dual cement
was evaluated only in self-cured mode, and
specimens (sps) were tested through push-out
bond strength test (PBS) and radiopacity test (RO).
In accordance with Ramos-Tonello et al. [15], the
sps were randomly divided in four groups: (SCG)
self-adhesive resin cement, without TiO
(control group); (S03) self-adhesive resin cement
with 0.3 wt% of TiO
-nt; (S06) self-adhesive
resin cement with 0.6 wt% of TiO
-nt; (S09)
self-adhesive resin cement with 0.9 wt% of
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO2 nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity
of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Specimen preparation
The TiO
-nt were manufactured and
characterized according to the method described
by Arruda et al. [21]. Equal portions of base and
catalyst pastes of RelyX U200 were dispensed by
clicker packing on a paper pad and weighed using
a scale (Pinnacle P-214, Denver Instrument, NY).
After, pre-stablished percentages of TiO
-nt were
weighed using the same scale. TiO
-nt were mixed
by hand to the base paste for 10 s and handled
with the catalyst paste for more 10 s in a room
with ambient light, controlled temperature
(23ºC) and humidity (50%) [15].
Push-out bond strength
Forty bovine anterior teeth, with internal root
canal diameter less than 3 mm and a minimum
length of 30 mm, with not curves, were selected
according to the Animals Use Ethics Committee. The
teeth were cleaned and stored under refrigeration
in a 0.1% Thymol solution. The roots were
separated from the crows to create a standard
access to the root canal and to obtain 17mm length.
Next, the root canal shaping and cleaning were
performed with the working length established at
16 mm with nickel-titanium rotary instruments
(ProTaper Universal, Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues,
Switzerland) to the nal F5. After each instrument,
2.5% NaOCl solution (Rioquímica, São José do
Rio Preto, Brazil) irrigation was carried out. The
protocol to remove smear layer was followed with
1 ml 2.5% NaOCl to rinse the canals, 1 ml of EDTA
(Biodinâmica, Ibiporã, Brazil) for 30 s, in sequence
by nal irrigation with 1 ml 2.5% NaOCl and 1ml
distilled water. The root canals were dried with
paper points (Tanari, Manaus, Brazil).
The root canals were filled by lateral
condensation technique with gutta-percha points
size F5 (ProTaper Universal, Dentsply Maillefer,
Ballaigues, Switzerland) and epoxy calcium
hydroxide-based sealer (Sealer 26, Dentsply,
Petrópolis, Brazil). Roots were coronally sealed
with glass ionomer cement (Maxxion R, FGM,
Joinville, Brazil) and stored at 37 ±1ºC in 100%
humidity for 14 days to complete setting the sealer.
After that, the root canals were unsealed
up to 13 mm length using low-speed drills
(Gates-Glidden and Largo Peeso Reamer, Dentsply
Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). A low-speed
drill, provided by the posts-system manufacturer
(Whitepost DC #2, FGM, Joinville, Brazil) was
used to prepare the posts-space into the root
canals (13 mm length). After rinsed the root
canals with distilled water and dried with paper
points (Tanari, Manaus, Brazil), the glass ber
posts (Whitepost DC #2, FGM, Joinville, Brazil)
were tested in the root canals to check the position
and tting, cleaned with 70% ethanol, dried,
silanized (Silane, Angelus, Londrina, Brazil) with
microbush (Cavibrush, FGM, Joinville, Brazil) for
1 min and dried again. For the luting procedure,
one click of the clicker packing of the resin cement
was used for each post and distributed randomly
in four groups according to experimental design
(n=10). The ber glass posts were covered with
the resin cement modied or not with TiO
-nt and
inserted into the root canals as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Methods for PBS: root canal shaped (A), root canal filled with gutta-percha cones and epoxy calcium hydroxide-based sealer (B), and
root canal unsealed until 13 mm length and fiberglass post luted (C).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO2 nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity
of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
This stage was carried out in a room with ambient
light, controlled temperature (23ºC) and humidity
(50%) to ensure the self-cure mode, and after
30 min, the sps were stored in an oven at 37 ± 1ºC
in 100% humidity (articial saliva solution).
After 24 h, the roots were fixed on a
low-speed cutting-machine (Isomet, Buehler,
Lake Bluff, IL) and sectioned with a diamond disc,
under water-cooling, perpendicularly to the long
axis. Nine sps were obtained out of each root:
three cervical, three medial, and three apical as
seen in Figure 2. Each slice (1.0 ±0.2 mm thick)
was measured with a digital caliper (Absolute
Digimatic, Mitutoyo, Tokyo, Japan), marked with
a permanent pen on their apical side and stored
in 3 ml of articial saliva solution at 37 ±1ºC in
a container with coded identier, not disclosed
to the operator (blind trial). After 7 days, the
push-out bond strength test was performed
in a universal testing machine Instron 3342
(Instron Co., Canton, MA) with a 500 Kg (50 N)
load-cell at a cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min in
the apical-coronal direction. Each slice was placed
on the test base with its coronal side directed to
the device, and aligned with the corresponding
perforation. A plunger compatible with the post’s
diameter (0.9 – 1.1 mm) pushed the post portion,
making no contact with the dentin.
The load failure recorded in Kgf was divided
by the area (mm
) to converted the values in MPa.
The formula A = π (R2+R1) [h
+ (R2-R1)
was used to nd the bonding area where π value
it is 3.14, R2 represents the fragment coronal
radius [9].
After testing, the failure modes were analyzed
with a 200 × magnication optical microscope
(Dino - Lite Plus Digital Microscope, AnMo
Eletronics Co., Taipei, Taiwan) and categorized
as: 1) A - C/D (adhesive between the cement
and the dentin); 2) A - C/P (adhesive between
the cement and the post); 3) CP (cohesive in the
post); 4) CC (cohesive in the cement); 5) Mixed
(adhesive and cohesive simultaneously). The
three more representative failures of each group
were processed for analysis in Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM) by variable pressure, APEX
Express (APEX Corporation, Delmont, PA) with
400 and 1000 × magnication.
Forty resin cement sps were manufactured
with a split polytetrauoroethylene mold, as seen
in Figure 3A, according to ISO 9912-2:2010 [22],
by the same operator and divided in the groups
determined: SCG, S03, S06 and S09 (n=10).
Three clicks of the clicker packing resin cement
were used and the TiO
–nt were added according
to the group being prepared. The resin cement
was handled in a room with ambient light and
inserted in a single portion in the mold to slightly
overll it. After 30 min, the resin cement sps
were removed from the mold and checked with a
digital caliper to guarantee 1.0 ±0.1 mm of nal
thickness. Then, sps were stored in grade 3 water
(ISO 9912-2:2010), during 7 days.
The RO test was carried out up to 30 min
after removing the sps from deionized water.
The images were obtained by an occlusal lm
size X-ray sensor (Intraoral image plate #4,
VistaScan, Dürr Dental, Bietigheim-Bissingen,
Germany), previously calibrated for use with
single-phase dental X-ray unit with appropriate
software (VistaScan Perio Plus, Dürr Dental,
Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany). One specimen
of each group and an aluminum step wedge were
placed on the top of the lm, as seen in Figure 3B.
This aluminum device was used to convert the
radiopacity in equivalent mm of aluminum.
Figure 2 - Methods for PBS: root with fiberglass post luted (A), root at the cutting machine (B), and slices of the root (specimens): tree of each third
– cervical third;
– medium third;
– apical third) (C).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO2 nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity
of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Radiographic images were obtained with a
conventional dental X-ray equipment (Yoshida
Kaycor, X-707, Tokyo, Japan), at 70 kVp and 7
mA. The exposure time 30 s at a distance of 400
mm as seen in Figure 3C. Three images were
obtained of each set X-rayed, which was led
in 1070 dpi resolution, in JPG format as seen
in Figure 3D. Digital images were evaluated for
optical density by grey scale analysis software
(Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, Adobe Systems
Incorporated, CA), by the same operator. The
grey scale values for the aluminum stepwedge
(3 points in each step) and for all specimens
(5 points in each specimen) were measured and
the correspondent means were calculated.
The RO value was converted in aluminum
millimeters by the formula A × 1/B + mm/Al
immediately below RDM where A represents the
aluminum stepwedge increment immediately below
to the RDM, 1 the mm increment between each
aluminum stepwedge, B the aluminum stepwedge
immediately above to the RDM and RDM is the
radiographic density of the material [23].
Figure 3 - Methods for radiopacity: Split polytetrafluoroethylene mold (15.0 mm ø x 1.0 mm) (A). X-ray sensor, specimens and aluminum step
wedge (B). X-ray sensor, specimens and aluminum step wedge positioned at 400mm from the X-Ray device (C). Digital image in JPG format (D).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO2 nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity
of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was carried out with the
software Stat Soft (Statistica v10.0 Entrerprise,
TBICO Software Inc., CA). PBS and RO values
were subjected to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
Shapiro-Wilk normality tests and data were
normally distributed. Then, data were analyzed
by one-way ANOVA test, followed by post hoc
multiple comparisons Tukey’s test. ANOVA with
repeated measures was performed to compare
PBS per thirds at the α = 0.05 signicance level.
The results for PBS per root are presented
in Table I. S06 (7.12 ± 1.89 MPa) group showed
signicant difference for the SCG (4.30 ± 1.03 MPa)
(p=0.001580). For PBS per thirds, the results are
presented in Figure 4, which the modied groups
did not show signicant difference among thirds
(p=0,782). Figure 5 shows the failure distribution
(in %) for PO. The PO failure analysis - SEM images
obtained for each failure type in representative
samples from the evaluated groups are presented
in Figure 6A–E.
The RO analysis is present in Table II. The
variance of the RO values showed correlation
with the addition of TiO
-nt. All groups complied
with the minimal value established. S09 (2.27 ±
0.11) group showed signicant difference for the
SCG (2.00 ± 0.16) (p<0.001).
The null hypothesis of the present study
was rejected since it showed that adding variable
concentrations of titanium dioxide nanotubes affects
bond strength and radiopacity of self-adhesive resin
cement in self-cure mode. RelyX U200 is indicated for
the luting of berglass posts, and in fact, self-adhesive
resin cement has shown higher push-out bond
strength values than conventional resin cement in all
thirds of the root canal dentin [24,25]. However, the
dual resin cements rely on the light-curing process
to reach the highest conversion degree. As a result,
it is considered that a low conversion degree can
cause poor bond strength values, mainly in areas
where light-curing is weaker, such as root canal
apical portions [25].
According to the literature, the push-out
test chosen for this study is considered the best
simulation of clinical conditions and provides a
better assessment of the adhesion mechanism
once it evaluates the structural variations of
the dentin substrate in the root canal [8,26].
In this study, the results for PBS showed an
increase in the S06 group compared to SCG.
Table I - Means and standard deviations for PBS (per root)
Groups PBS (MPa)
SCG 4.30 (1.03)
S03 4.12 (0.99)
S06 7.12 (1.89)
S09 5.16 (2.04)
Lowercase letters show significant statistical differences among
groups (p=0.00040).
Table II - Means and standard deviations for radiopacity (RO)
presented as follows
Groups RO
SCG 2.00 (0.16)
S03 1.96 (0.15)
S06 2.19 (0.20)
S09 2.27 (0.11)
Lowercase letters show significant statistical differences between
lines ( p=0.000254).
Figure 4 - PBS values (mean ± standard deviation) of all groups
tested (per thirds).
Figure 5 - Values (%) failure analysis of each group tested for PBS.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO2 nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity
of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
An increased conversion can be suggested to be
the reason for that result, as previous reports
showed an enhanced degree of conversion of an
auto-adhesive resin cement with the addition of
-nt at 0.3% to 0.9 wt% [15]. Adding these
percentages may play a role in initial viscosity,
which inuences the mobility of polymerizing
species [27]. The increase in viscosity was
sufcient to decrease the rate of termination.
This fact allowed propagation to proceed to a
greater extent in conversion, but not as dramatic
to decrease the propagation rate – the net result is
likely an increase in conversion [27]. Even though
polymerization kinetics was not evaluated here,
the increase in push-out bond strength in tandem
with previously reported results [15] adds
evidence for using TiO
-nt modied materials in
clinical conditions relying predominantly on the
self-cure mode, as glass bers posts.
The decrease in bond strength at deeper
portions of the root canal is a concern that
remains in literature. Many studies exhibited
lower values of push-out strength in the apical
third when compared to the cervical and middle
thirds; this has been attributed to the difculty to
access deep and tight areas with the instruments
available, the decient elimination of the smear
layer before the luting procedure, and the low
penetration of resin cement into the dentin root
canal [8,24,28]. In addition, these regions are
far from photoactivation unit access, possibly
affecting the conversion degree of the resin
cement. It is well stablished that the use of light
activation during polymerization of dual-cured
materials leads to higher degree of conversion
values [26,29]. This study has shown promising
results in comparison per thirds, once the
result of apical thirds presented the same value
compared to the medium and cervical thirds.
These results showed no statistical difference
among the thirds for all groups evaluated,
however, an analysis of the photopolymerization
factor could respond other influence of the
modification of these cements. Besides, the
failure analysis exhibited results in accordance
with literature [24,30,31] with predominance
of adhesive failures in all thirds and all groups.
These results revealed that the cement/dentin
interface was more prevalent in the SCG, S03
and S06, while in the S09 group the cement/post
interface was the most observed, as observed in
SEM images on Figure 6.
Another crucial property for limited
light-curing access areas in cementation procedures
is radiopacity, which plays a critical role in
secondary caries diagnosis, detection of cement
excess, examination of open gingival margins or
marginal excesses [20,32-34]. The International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) for
resin-modified cements requires radiopacity
values equal to or greater than that of the same
thickness of aluminum (ISO 9912-2:2010) [22].
Figure 6 - PBS failure analysis - SEM image of each group showing failure type: Failure 1 (A-C/D) of a slice #3 of the cervical third of S03
group (A); Failure 2 (A-C/P) of a slice #2 of the cervical third of S03 group (B); Failure 3 (CP) of a slice #2 of the cervical third of S09 group (C);
Failure 4 (CC) of the slice #1 of the apical third of S03 group (D); Failure 5 (M) of a slice #2 of the cervical third of S09 group (E).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3909
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO2 nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
Pacheco LE et al.
The effects of TiO
nanotubes on bond strength and radiopacity
of a self-adhesive resin cement in self-curing mode
The radiopacity values of dentin and enamel
vary between 0.9 - 1.0 and 1.8 - 2.0 mm Al [35].
Furthermore, several studies have been carried out
using radiopaciers to modify the radiopacity of
dental cements [36,37]. Overall, groups SCG, S03,
S06, S09 complied for material radiopacity and
exceeded the radiopacity of enamel and dentin,
with values ranging between 1.90 - 2.37 mm
Al. Furthermore, S06 and S09 groups exhibited
higher values in comparison with SCG which
both demonstrated signicant difference in the
statistical analysis. These results are in accordance
with the literature, which reports TiO
-nt as a
suitable radiologic contrast agent [20], and are
interesting from a clinical point of view, enabling
more accurate follow-up of the respective cases.
It is important to understand the self-cured
reaction of the dual self-adhesive resin cements
as an element to better predict the cement
behavior in this condition. This cure mode should
be considered especially in areas with restricted
access to light as berglass posts cementation [38].
The data performed in the present study along with
the good results already presented in literature for
degree of conversion, mechanical strength, cell
viability [15]. Thus, the feasibility of use of this
modied material in the future depends on further
studies and clinical trials, in order to be grounded
in solid evidence to predict better clinical longevity
for the respective indications. Both characteristics
evaluated can benet clinical situation increasing
longevity of indirect restorative procedures, with
better adhesion of berglass posts to dentin in
regions with lower light access. Similarly, a major
radiopacity may help the diagnosis of the proper
sealing of the resin cement.
The addition of 0.6% and 0.9% TiO2-nt
increased the bond strength and radiopacity values
in a self-cure mode of a dual self-adhesive resin
cement, respectively. Based on the nanostructure’s
inuence on the materials’ behavior, adding TiO2
nanotubes proved to be a promising additive for
these materials, aiming to improve the adhesive
longevity of indirect restorations.
The authors thank FGM for providing berglass
posts. The authors are also grateful to Fernanda
Sandes de Lucena and Lorena de Mello Alcântara
Garrido for the contribution in this study.
Author’s Contributions
LEP: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Formal Analysis, Writing - Original Draft
Preparation. APRM, CMRT: Conceptualization
Methodology, Investigation, Formal Analysis.
LSB, OPG: Methodology, Investigation, Formal
Analysis. LJAS: Methodology, Investigation,
Formal Analysis. AYF: Formal Analysis, Writing
- Review & Editing, Visualization. PNLF and
CSCP: Formal Analysis, Writing - Review &
Editing, Visualization. AFSB: Conceptualization,
Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization, Project
Administration. PASF: Conceptualization, Writing
- Review & Editing, Visualization, Supervision,
Project Administration, Funding Acquisition.
Conict of interest
There are no conicts of interest to declare.
This study was supported in part by the
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
Superior – Brazil (CAPES - nance code 001) and
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientíco
e Tecnológico - Brazil (CNPQ - #133504/2017-4).
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local human subjects
oversight committee guidelines and policies of:
The approval code for this study is: 003/2019.
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Ana Flávia Sanches Borges
(Corresponding address)
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Departamento de
Dentística, Endodontia e Materiais Odontológicos. Bauru, SP, Brazil
Email: afborges@fob.usp.br
Date submitted: 2023 Jun 26
Accepted submission: 2023 Nov 16