Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3923
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3923
Influence of substrate, cement and aging on the biaxial flexural
strength of lithium disilicate
Influência do substrato, cimento e envelhecimento na resistência a flexão biaxial do dissilicato de lítio
Leonardo Custódio de LIMA
, Jean Soares MIRANDA
, Ronaldo Luis Almeida de CARVALHO
Aline Serrado de Pinho BARCELLOS
, Marina AMARAL
, Estevão Tomomitsu KIMPARA
1 - Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
2 - Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Governador Valadares, MG, Brazil.
3 - Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade Braz Cubas, Mogi das Cruzes, SP, Brazil.
4 - Departamento de Materiais e Dentários e Prótese, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Unesp, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
5 - Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade de Taubaté, Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
How to cite: Lima LC, Miranda JS, Carvalho RLA, Barcellos ASP, Amaral M, Kimpara ET. Inuence of substrate, cement and aging on the
biaxial exural strength of lithium disilicate. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(4):e3923. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3923
Objective: To evaluate the biaxial exural strength (BFS) of lithium disilicate (L), cemented on different substrates
(epoxy resin - E and metal - M) with dual-cure resin cement (Rc) and zinc phosphate cement (Zc), not aged,
thermally aged (TC) or thermo-mechanical aged (TC/MC). Material and Methods: Disks of L, E, and M were
fabricated, and the cementation was performed according to the following groups: ERc (L+E+Rc); MRc (L+M+Rc);
MZc (L+M+Zc); EZc (L+E+Zc). Ten samples from each described group were tested in BFS, ten more samples
were subjected to TC (1×10
cycles between 5 ºC and 55 ºC water), and the last 10 samples were subjected
to TC/MC (MC: 1.2×10
cycles, 50 N, 3.8 Hz). The BFS test was performed and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) was performed to evaluate the failure mode. The effect of the cementation strategy (cement/substrate)
was compared in each aging method and the effect of the aging method was evaluated for each cementation
strategy by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test (α=0.05). Results: The strength values were highest to
M (237.8 ~ 463.9 MPa), in comparison to the E (41.03 ~ 66.76 MPa), despite aging and luting agent. Flexural
strength data decreased after TC and TC/MC in groups cemented with Zc, but was stable when cemented with
Rc. SEM analysis indicated that failure origins were located at the tensile surface of the L. Conclusion: Lithium
disilicate discs cemented to the metallic substrate presented the highest biaxial exural strength. The cementation
with dual-cure resin cement did not decrease BFS after aging.
Aging; Cementation; Ceramics; Flexural strength; Lithium disilicate.
Objetivo: Avaliar a resistência à exão biaxial (BFS) do dissilicato de lítio (L), cimentado sobre diferentes
substratos (resina epóxi - E e metal - M) com cimento resinoso dual (Rc) e cimento de fosfato de zinco (Zc), não
envelhecido, submetido ao envelhecido térmico (TC) ou ao envelhecido térmico-mecânico (TC/MC). Material
e Métodos: Foram confeccionados discos de L, E e M, e a cimentação foi realizada de acordo com os seguintes
grupos: ERc (L+E+Rc); MRc (L+M+Rc); MZc (L+M+Zc); EZc (L+E+Zc). Dez amostras de cada grupo descrito
foram testadas em BFS, mais dez amostras foram submetidas à TC (1×10
ciclos de imersão em água entre
5 ºC e 55 ºC), e as últimas 10 amostras foram submetidas à TC/MC (MC: 1.2 ×10
ciclos, 50 N, 3.8 Hz). Foram
realizados os testes de BFS e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) para avaliar o modo de falha. O efeito
da estratégia de cimentação (cimento/substrato) foi comparado em cada método de envelhecimento e o efeito
do método de envelhecimento foi avaliado para cada estratégia de cimentação por ANOVA a um fator e teste
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3923
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement, and aging on the biaxial flexural streng th of lithium disilicate
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement, and aging on the biaxial
flexural strength of lithium disilicate
As an aesthetic smile has an important role in
life quality and personal relationships, metal-free
restorations, such as those made with ceramic
materials, are increasingly used. Even with the
improvement in ceramic’s physical properties,
some of these materials are still subject to splints
and cracks [1]. For these reasons, the vitreous
lithium disilicate ceramic (L) is now widely used,
since it can resist stressing conditions, such as
masticatory forces, mimics the natural tooth
color, and has a wide indication [2].
Currently, the L restorations are adhesively
luted on the tooth structure (enamel or dentin)
presenting satisfactory bond strength to the
tooth structure [3]. Adhesive luting agents are
usually compared to conventional cement, such
as zinc phosphate [4], since it is considered a
standard luting agent [5] due to the lengthy
clinical history [6]. In addition, L can be a
suitable material for restorations over metal
substrates, such as cast metal post/cores, or metal
components of implant prostheses [2], but the
behavior of the L when luted with different agents
on metallic substrate needs to be more explored.
The luting agent used is an important
component for restoration longevity, since it can
create a link between the dental substrate and
the ceramic, reducing the stress, protecting the
substrate from saliva absorption, and reinforcing
the ceramic strength [7]. As the L is a vitreous
material, an adhesive cementation with resin
cement is recommended, mainly because this
material has silica and can be etched by the
hydrofluoric acid, thus obtaining satisfactory
adhesion due to the micromechanical and
chemical bonds [8]. However, their use for the
metallic substrate has some limitations, given the
minimal chemical afnity between luting agents
and metallic alloys [9], which stimulated the
establishment of different protocols for metal to
create micromechanical and chemical retention
between those substrates. As an example, acid
etching, air abrasion with aluminum oxide and
the use of chemical components, such as metal
primer [10].
To investigate the performance of ceramic
restorations, studies were made evaluating their
optical [11] and mechanical behavior [12], the
luting process and how the cracks propagate in
this material. However, information about the
longevity of the L restorations luted with different
type of luting agents when submitted to aging or
fatigue is rare in the literature.
Within this context, the aim of this study
was to evaluate the biaxial exural strength of
lithium disilicate ceramic discs, luted on different
substrates (epoxy resin and metal) with dual-cure
resin cement or conventional zinc phosphate
cement, thermally or thermo-mechanically aged
or not-aged. The null hypotheses tested were that
the different luting agents, the type of substrate
and the aging protocol would not inuence the
biaxial exural strength of lithium disilicate.
Specimens preparation
Prefabricated lithium disilicate blocks
(IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan,
Liechtenstein) were cut with a Diamond trephine
drill into 12 mm diameter cylinders. Cylinders
were sectioned (Extec High Concentration,
Extec) into discs of 1.2 ±0.2 mm thickness,
according to ISO 6872 [13], with a precision
saw machine (Isomet 1000, Buehler, Plymouth,
MN, EUA). All discs were polished (Politriz,
Buehler) with increasing grit silicon carbide paper
(400 to 1200 grit, Norton), obtaining 120 lithium
post-hoc de Tukey (α=0,05). Resultados: Os valores de resistência foram maiores para M (237.8 ~ 463.9 MPa),
em comparação com E (41.03 ~ 66.76 MPa), independentemente do envelhecimento e do agente cimentante
utilizado. Os dados de resistência à exão diminuíram após TC e TC/MC nos grupos cimentados com Zc, mas
se mantiveram estáveis quando cimentados com Rc. A análise MEV indicou que a origem das falhas estava
localizada na superfície de tração do L. Conclusão: Os discos de dissilicato de lítio cimentados ao substrato
metálico apresentaram maior resistência à exão biaxial. A cimentação com cimento resinoso dual não diminuiu
o BFS após o envelhecimento.
Cerâmica; Cimentação; Dissilicato de lítio; Envelhecimento; Resistência à exão.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3923
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement, and aging on the biaxial flexural streng th of lithium disilicate
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement and aging on the biaxial flexural
strength of lithium disilicate
disilicate discs that were randomly distributed
into twelve groups (n = 10).
The crystallization process was made in
specific furnace (Programat EP 3000, Ivoclar
Vivadent) with a maximum temperature of 850ºC
for 10 min as recommended by the manufacturer.
The epoxy resin (Nema Grade G10, International
Paper, Hampton, USA), a material with the elastic
modulus analogue to dentin [14], which had a
cylindrical shape (12 mm), was also cut (Isomet
1000) and polished (Politriz) with increasing grit
silicon carbide paper (400 to 1200 grit), obtaining
60 epoxy resin discs (1.2 ±0.2 mm thick) randomly
distributed into six groups (n = 10). In previous
study [15], the epoxy resin has been already used as
a substrate to evaluate the biaxial exural strength
of a ceramic material.
The 60 metal discs were initially waxed
(GEO Crowax, Renfert) and fused with a
Co-Cr (cobalt-chrome) alloy (DeguDent Ind.
And Com. Ltda.). After polishing with sandpaper
#120 #400 and #600, the final thickness of
the discs was 1.2 ±0.2 mm. All metal discs
were sandblasted with aluminum oxide (50µm,
BioArt) on the cementation surface. Then they
were randomly distributed into six groups
(n = 10). All materials used in the present study,
respective commercial information, and elastic
modulus [14,16-18] are described in Table I.
The groups were dened according to the
type of luting agent (dual-cure resin cement - Rc
or conventional zinc phosphate Zc), substrate
(epoxy resin - E or metal - M), initial testing,
thermal cycling (TC) and thermal cycling
followed by mechanical cycling (TC/MC). Twelve
groups were formed: ERc; ERc-TC; ERc-TC/MC;
EZc; EZc-TC; EZc-TC/MC; MRc; MRc-TC; MRc-T/
MC; MZc; MZc-TC; and MZc-TC/MC.
Cementation process
Before any surface treatment, all discs
(ceramic, metallic and epoxy dentin) were
cleaned for five minutes in ultrasonic bath
(Cristófoli Ultrasonic Washer) with isopropyl
alcohol. The surface treatments performed on
each material surface according to luting agent
are described in Table II.
For cementation, the dual-cure resin cement
was mixed, placed on the center of the lithium
disilicate treated surface, and immediately
bonded to the treated surface of the substrate
material disc (E or M). A 750-g load was applied
for 60 s to the top of lithium disilicate disc to
allow cement excess removal and to obtain
Table I - Description of materials used
Type of material
Trade mark/ Manufacturer Composition
Elastic modulus
Lithium disilicate 95 GPa
IPS e-max CAD / Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan,
, LI
O, K
O, P
Dual Cure Resin Cement 8.3 GPa
Panavia F/ Kuraray,Tokyo, Japan
Paste A:
MDP; Aromatic dimethacrylate; Silanized
silica; Catalysts and Initiators.
Paste B:
Aromatic dimethacrylate; Particles of silanized
barium glass; Sodium fluoride; Catalysts;
Accelerators and Pigments
Conventional zinc phosphate
cement 22.4 GPa
Cement LS / SS White, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Powder: zinc oxide (90%) and magnesium oxide
Liquid: orthophosphoric acid, water, aluminum
and zinc.
Metal substrate 203 GPa
Fit Flex / Degudent Dentsply, São Paulo, Brazil cobalt – chrome alloy
Epoxi Resin substrate 18 GPa
NEMA Grade G10 / St. Louis, Missouri, EUA Epoxi resin
Hydrofluoric etching acid Condac Porcelain 5% / FGM, Joinville, Brazil 5% hydrofluoric acid
Phosphoric etching acid Condac 37% / FGM, Joinville, Brazil 37% fluoridric acid
Aluminum oxide particles Kota Knebel / KOTA, Cotia, Brazil 320µm aluminum oxide particles
Silane bonding agent
Monobond S / Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan,
Silane methacrylate alcohol solution
Metal Primer Alloy Primer / Kuraray, Tokyo, Japan VBATDT, 10-MDP and acetone
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3923
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement, and aging on the biaxial flexural streng th of lithium disilicate
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement and aging on the biaxial flexural
strength of lithium disilicate
uniform distribution of cement throughout the
interface. The excess of cement material was
removed, and each side of the discs was light
cured for 40 s with 1200 mW/cm
LED (Radii
Cal, SDI). The light intensity was measured on a
radiometer (Kondortech-Kondentech). After the
bonding, all specimens were immersed in distilled
water and stored at 37°C for 24 hours.
The cementation with the zinc phosphate
cement was performed with carefully staged
additions of powder to the liquid, on a glass slide,
as recommended by manufacturer. At reaching
the recommended consistency, after 1 min
manipulation, the cement was placed on the
lithium disilicate disc, and the cementation was
performed as described before. In this case,
samples (substrate, conventional cement, and
ceramic) remained under the 750-g load for
10 minutes to respect this material chemical
cure time.
Ten samples from each cementation
strategy (n=10) were tested by biaxial exural
strength test, other ten samples from each
cementation strategy (n=10) were subjected
to 1×10
thermocycles (Nova Ética), between
two water baths of 5
C and 55
C, with a
time of 30s each. And the last ten samples
from each cementation strategy (n=10) were
subjected to TC as described before, followed
by 1.2 × 10
mechanical cycles (ERIOS, Model:
ER-11000), under 50N load, at 3.8 Hz. Samples
were immersed in 37°C water during MC.
Biaxial exural strength test – BFS
The biaxial exural strength test (n = 10)
was performed in a universal testing machine
(EMIC DL-1000, EMIC) according to ISO
6872 [13]. The dimensions of each sample were
measured with digital caliper (model 500-195-
20B, Mitutoyo America) before the test. Lithium
disilicate disc was positioned on the top, for
simulation of occlusal load on a flat occlusal
restoration, and an increasing load (1 mm/min)
was applied to the center of the disc with a piston
(3-mm radius) until fracture of lithium disilicate
catastrophic failure. Biaxial exural strength was
calculated according to the equation described for
computations for multilayers [13,19], as follows:
( )
S 0.2387
In this formula, S (expressed in Pascals) means
the maximum tensile stress; P (expressed in
Newtons) means the amount of load needed to
fracture the material and d means the specimen
thickness (expressed in mm). X and Y were
calculated based on the ceramic’s Poisson’s ratio
(v), the radius of support circle (r1), of loaded
area (r2) and of the specimen (r3) as follows:
( )
( )
r2 r2
X 1 v In
r3 2 r3
 
 
 
( ) ( )
r 2 r1
Y 1v1In 1v
r3 r3
=+ + +−
The Poisson ratio considered were: 0.25 to
L [18], 0.3 to epoxy resin [20] and 0.3 to metal [21].
Figure 1 is a schematic illustration of the sample
dimensions and test setup.
Data were subjected to descriptive statistical
analysis (mean and standard deviation). The effect
of cementation strategy (cement/substrate) were
compared in each aging method (no aging,
thermocycling and thermocycling + mechanical
Table II - Surface treatments applied to each material according to the cement used
Cement Material Surface treatment
Dual cure resin
cement (Rc)
Lithium disilicate (L)
5% hydrofluoric acid etching (20s) + washed by air-water spray (40s) + air dried (30s) +
silane (30s) + air dried (30s)
Epoxi resin (E)
37% phosphoric acid etching (15s) + washed by air-water spray (30s) + air dried (30s) +
mixture of adhesive primers (A and B) from resin cement
Metal (M)
Sandblasting with aluminum oxide particles (10mm, 45º, 2.8 bar, 15s) + application of the
metal primer
Zinc Phosphate
Cement (Zc)
Lithium disilicate (L) No treatment
Epoxi resin (E) No treatment
Metal (M) Sandblasting with aluminum oxide particles (10mm, 45º, 2.8 bar, 15s)
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3923
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement, and aging on the biaxial flexural streng th of lithium disilicate
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement and aging on the biaxial flexural
strength of lithium disilicate
cycling), and the effect of aging method was
evaluated for each cementation strategy by one-
way ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Fractured surfaces were examined under
an optical microscope (Discovery V20, Carl
Zeiss Microscopy) with 100× magnification,
for origin and failure propagation pattern
identication. Representative specimens were
sputter coated with gold and evaluated under
scanning electron microscopy (SEM; Inspect S50,
FEI) for illustrative images.
Four samples from MZc-TC and three from
EZc-TC groups failed during thermocycling, and
were not considered for statistical analysis, because
they were considered outliers (unrepresentative).
Seven samples from MZc-TC/MC and nine
samples from EZc-TC/MC failed after thermal and
mechanical cycling; these groups were excluded
from statistical analysis. Flexural strength data
with statistical analysis and number of tested
samples per group are showed in Table III.
The highest strength values were found
in groups cemented to the metallic substrate,
despite aging and luting agent. Flexural strength
data decreased after TC and TC/MC in groups
cemented with conventional zinc phosphate
cement but was stable for lithium disilicate
cemented with dual-cure resin cement.
No substrate disc presented fracture after
test. Thus, the values presented were regarding
the strength of lithium disilicate. The fractographic
analysis showed that all lithium disilicate discs
fractured from the cementation surface toward
the piston contact point (Figure 2A – 1F).
In the present study, the biaxial flexural
strength of lithium disilicate ceramic was
evaluated when cemented on different substrates
with different protocols. Additionally, aging was
performed to simulate stress conditions that
occur in the oral cavity. The highest strength
values were found in groups cemented to metallic
Table III - Means and respective standard deviations of biaxial flexural strength data (values in MPa) obtained for the specimens, according
to the experimental group
Substrate mate-
Cement Without aging With aging (TC)
With aging (TC +
ANOVA 1-way
(aging method)
63.84 (17.09)
64.73 (13.55)
66.76 (15,80)
(n=10) (n=10) (n=10)
53.15 (6.25)
41.03 (10.09)
65,25 (----)
(n=10) (n=6) (n=1)*
321.9 (116.04)
290.9 (81.20)
330,05 (65,5)
(n=10) (n=10) (n=10)
463.9 (161.70)
237.8 (126.6)
296,32 (151,50)
(n=10) (n=7) (n=3)*
ANOVA 1-way (cementation strategy –
p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.000
*Groups not included in statistical analysis. Different uppercase superscript letters indicate statistical difference in the same column.
Figure 1 - Schematic illustration of the sample dimensions and test
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3923
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement, and aging on the biaxial flexural streng th of lithium disilicate
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement and aging on the biaxial flexural
strength of lithium disilicate
substrate, despite aging and luting agent. Flexural
strength data decreased after TC and TC/MC
in groups cemented with conventional zinc
phosphate cement but was stable for lithium
disilicate cemented with dual-cure resin cement.
Previous literature suggested that the
thermocycling reduced the adhesion between
metal and ceramics [22]. In the present study,
the samples format favored the contact of cement
with water during the thermal aging which
allows a potential degradation. But, in the groups
conventionally cemented with zinc phosphate,
lower strength values were presented because
this material has higher solubility, no adhesion
proprieties and lower mechanical property when
compared with resin cements [23].
Despite the cement variable did not present
statistically signicant differences in the non-aged
samples, which make us partially accept the rst
null hypothesis, when an adhesive cementation
was made, regardless of the type of substrate, the
mechanical strength of the ceramic was stable
after aging compared to the ceramic that was
conventionally cemented with zinc phosphate
material. This was expected because it is known
that an adhesive cementation can help to cure
some aws and microcracks of the restoration,
promoting better mechanical proprieties to the
ceramic material and being an important part of
a multilayered restoration [24]. Different surface
treatments were used for lithium disilicate,
to better simulate the clinical practice, which
requests different protocols according to the type
of substrate and/or cement.
Although the chemical adhesion of resin
cements to metallic substrates is not established,
the use of cement with 10-MDP functional
monomers in its composition could be the
responsible to promote better bonding on the
metal substrate and consequently a greater
mechanical behavior of the samples [25]. This
type of performance has already been noticed
when, in a previous study [26], zirconia ceramics,
which have an elastic modulus closer to the
metals, were cemented with an adhesive system
that contained MDP.
Finally, the null hypothesis that the type of
substrate would not inuence the mechanical
behavior of the samples was rejected. This is
due to the superior results obtained by groups
Figure 2 - A-F: Representative images of the fractographic analyzes (100× magnification) performed on samples indicating that the fracture
originated on the tensile surface (white arrows). Figure2A - ERc-TC; Figure2B – EZc; Figure2C - EZc-TC; Figure2D – MRc; Figure2E - MZc-TC
and Figure2F – MZc-TC.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3923
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement, and aging on the biaxial flexural streng th of lithium disilicate
Lima LC et al.
Influence of substrate, cement and aging on the biaxial flexural
strength of lithium disilicate
cemented on metal, regardless of the aging
process. The possible explanation for this
is that the metallic substrate (Co-Cr) has a
satisfactory hardness value, with a tensile
strength of 1389 MPa and an elastic modulus of
203 GPa [17], while the epoxy resin present lower
values, with a tensile strength of 450 MPa and
an elastic modulus of 18 GPa [27]. The substrate
has influence on the mechanical behavior of
the restorative material: substrates with elastic
modulus higher than the restorative material led
to a more resistant assembly [28].
Failure analysis indicated that fracture
always started on the tensile (cementation)
surface of the ceramic, as previously reported
in literature [11,12,29]. This fact explains the
higher amount of failures occurred during TC/
MC ageing, where the cementation surface was
affected, resulting in loss of retention of L discs.
The load application on the restorative material
generates compression near the contact point
and tensile stresses at the cementation surface.
Brittle materials, in general, present higher
strength to compression, and they are more prone
to fracture under tensile stress. In addition, the
crystallization process was performed with a
maximum temperature of 850ºC, and this sintering
parameter can decrease the mechanical properties,
as a higher amount of porosity can be observed,
when compared with 900ºC and 950ºC [30].
It should be emphasized that the data found
in the present study are the result of an in vitro
experiment, which has certain limitations, such
as the use of lithium disilicate discs instead
of complete restorations, which require prior
prosthetic preparation of the substrate, followed
by molding steps, and thus more accurately
simulate the clinical reality. But even with these
limitations, the study proved useful because it
was able to suggest that the adhesive resin cement
is an adequate option for luting the lithium
disilicate both on dentin and on a metal substrate.
Based on ndings of this study, it can be
concluded that: (1) The biaxial exural strength
of the lithium disilicate ceramic was the highest
when cemented under a high elastic modulus
substrate, despite the cement used; (2) Zinc
phosphate cement presented the highest initial
results but after aging, high decrease in strength
and debonding were recorded, while adhesive
cementation presented stable strength results;
(3) Aging methods promoted decrease in exural
strength of lithium disilicate discs.
Author’s Contributions
LCL, JSM, RLAC, ETK: Conceptualization.
LCL, JSM, RLAC, ASPB, ETK: Methodology. LCL,
ETK: Validation. LCL, JSM, RLAC, MA, ETK:
Formal Analysis. LCL, JSM, RLAC, ASPB, ETK:
Investigation. LCL, JSM, RLAC, ETK: Resources.
LCL, JSM, ETK: Data Curation. LCL, JSM, MA,
ETK: Writing Original Draft Preparation. LCL,
JSM, MA, ETK: Writing – Review & Editing. JSM,
RLAC, ASPB, ETK: Supervision. LCL, JSM, RLAC,
ASPB, MA, ETK: Project Administration. LCL, ETK:
Funding Acquisition.
Conict of Interest
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
The present manuscript was supported by
the Institutional Scientic Initiation Scholarship
Program – PIBIC (Process 35851) – Scholarship of
the rst author.
Regulatory Statement
Not applicable.
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Jean Soares Miranda
(Corresponding address)
Departamento de Odontologia, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Governador
Valadares, MG, Brazil.
Email: jean.miranda@ufjf.br
Date submitted: 2023 June 10
Accept submission: 2023 Aug 25