Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3956
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
Taxa de sucesso de nanopartículas de prata em comparação ao fluoreto de diamina de prata no manejo de lesões cariosas profundas:
um estudo clínico controlado randomizado
Kareem Hamdy AHMED ALY
, Mona Ismail RIAD
, Ahmed Fawzy ABO ELEZZ
1 - Suez Canal University, Faculty of Dentistry. Ismailia, Egypt.
2 - Cairo University, Faculty of Dentistry. Cairo, Egypt.
How to cite: Ahmed Aly KH, Riad MI, Abo Elezz AF. Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine uoride in management
of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(4):e3956. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3956
Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of nanosilver uoride in comparison to silver diamine uoride in management of deep carious lesions.
Material and Methods: This double-blinded randomized controlled clinical trial included thirty-six patients with deep carious mandibular
molars. Patients were recruited form the outpatient clinic of Suez canal university, Egypt and randomly allocated into three groups, Nanosilver
uoride group, Silver diamine uoride group and control group. For all groups, teeth were isolated by rubber dam. Access was done followed
by partial caries removal. Silver diamine uoride or Nanosilver uoride were applied, and all teeth were restored with composite resin
restorative. Patients were recalled after 3 and 6 months to follow-up the pulp vitality. R-statistical analysis software for Windows, version
4.1.1, was used to conduct the statistical analysis Results: At 3 month, for all groups, all teeth were successful. After 6 months, for silver
diamine uoride group, a single case failed. Regarding the nanosilver uoride, all cases were successful. For the control group, two cases
failed. No statistically signicant difference was found between the tested groups. Conclusion: Application of 5% Nanosilver to uoride
varnish has similar clinical efcacy as silver diamine uoride in arresting the dentin caries progression.
Dental caries; Dental pulp disease; Nanoparticles; Pulp capping; Silver diamine uoride.
Objetivo: Avaliar a ecácia de uoreto de nanoprata em comparação ao uoreto de diamina de prata no manejo de lesões profundas de cárie.
Material e Métodos: Este estudo clínico controlado randomizado duplo-cego incluiu trinta e seis pacientes com lesões de cárie profunda em
molares inferiores. Os pacientes foram recrutados no ambulatório da Universidade do Canal de Suez, no Egito, e alocados aleatoriamente
em três grupos de tratamento: uoreto de nanoprata, uoreto de diamina de prata e grupo controle. Para todos os grupos, os dentes foram
submetidos ao isolamento absoluto. O acesso à lesão foi feito seguido pela remoção parcial de tecido cariado. Tanto o uoreto de diamina
quanto uoreto de nanoprata foram aplicados, e todos os dentes foram restaurados com resina composta. Os pacientes foram avaliados
após 3 e 6 meses para o acompanhamento da vitalidade pulpar. O software estatístico R-statistical para Windows, versão 4.1.1, foi usado
para as análises. Resultados: Em 3 meses, para todos os grupos, todos os dentes apresentaram sucesso no tratamento. Após 6 meses, para o
grupo que utilizou o uoreto de diamina de prata um único caso falhou. Em relação ao uoreto de nanoprata, todos os casos apresentaram
sucesso. Para o grupo controle, dois casos falharam. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos testados. Conclusão: A aplicação de
verniz de uoreto de nanoprata a 5% tem ecácia clínica semelhante ao uoreto de diamina de prata na interrupção da progressão de cárie
no tecido dentinário.
Cárie; Doença da polpa dentária; Nanopartículas; Capeamento pulpar; Fluoreto de diamina de prata.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
The standard treatment protocols for caries
lesions include completely removing all infected
tissue before restoring the tooth. This method
for treating deep lesions increases the danger
of pulp exposure, which frequently necessitates
endodontic therapy [1]. Deep carious lesions are
dened as cases showing radiographic evidence of
caries reaching the inner third or inner quarter of
dentine with a risk of pulp exposure [2]. For the
treatment of teeth with reversible pulp irritation
that are asymptomatic, conservative procedures of
carious dentin removal have been devised in order
to stop pulp exposure and the complications that
follow [3]. Stepwise excavation (SW) is a two-step
process that involves completely excavating
diseased tissue. However, the SW approach has
significant drawbacks associated with cavity
reopening, such as the possibility of pulp exposure
during the nal excavation or when reentering the
cavity. A different course of treatment has been
suggested because of the second intervention’s
lack of evidence and the drawbacks of the SW
approach. In this method, partial dentin removal
and placement of restorative material are carried
out in a single procedure [4]. Many uoride-based
therapeutic materials were introduced and assessed
for their effects on arresting dental caries [5].
Owing to its efciency in stopping the advancement
of dental cavities, Silver diamine uoride (SDF),
a topical fluoride preparation based on metal
ions, has recently received more attention. It was
reported that 38% SDF had a clinical efficacy
of about 65.9% in halting the advancement of
dentinal caries. The main disadvantage of SDF is
the heavy dark tissue discoloration caused by the
oxidation of the ionic silver used in its composition,
coupled with ulceration and painful oral tissue
staining. However, SDF-related soft tissue stains
are typically reversible [6].
Among the most effective antibacterial agents
is silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), whose effectiveness
against cariogenic bacteria like
has been
demonstrated in-vitro. AgNPs are utilized in dental
materials because of nano silver’s enhanced anti-
viral and anti-fungal properties[7]. Despite the
well established ability of nano silver uoride and
SDF in halting the carious process [8], the available
data in literature was limited to primary teeth,
invitro studies and case reports [8,9]. According to
a recent non-randomized case series, Silveruoride
demonstrated the capacity to protect the pulp in
277 permanent teeth with very deep decay [10].
Furthermore, although partial caries removal is
currently the recommended approach to preserve
pulp vitality, still the majority of dentists practice
the complete carious tissue removal to hard
dentin [2,11]. Thus by comparing the two current
cariostatic agents presented in this study, there will
be an a expansion on the current understanding in
terms of efcacy, cost and clinical decision making.
Consequently, this research was done to assess
and contrast the promising cariostatic properties
of NSF to that of SDF. The null hypothesis is that
there is no difference in clinical efcacy between
NSF and SDF in arresting deep carious lesion.
Study design
This study was a double blinded randomized
controlled three arm study with allocation ratio
1:1:1. The patients and outcome assessors were
blinded to the study groups. The Suez Canal
University Faculty of Dentistry’s Research Ethical
Committee (226/2019) granted its approval
for this randomized clinical research. Patients
were recruited from the outpatient clinic of
the department of conservative dentistry, Suez
canal university, Ismailia Egypt. Follow up was
carried out for 6 months. The study’s protocol
was submitted into the US National Institutes
of Health protocol registry (ClinicalTrials.gov
NCT05231330). This study was reported based
on the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
(CONSORT). Informed consent was obtained from
all individual participants included in the study.
Sample size calculation
Using power analysis, the total sample size
for a Chi-square test comparing three groups
was calculated. The minimum estimated sample
size was 30 individuals, and the effect size (w)
was 0.75 utilizing alpha levels of 0.05 (5%) and
beta levels of 0.10 (10%), i.e., power = 90%.
The number of subjects was increased to 36,
with 12 subjects per group, to account for a 20%
dropout rate.
Criteria of patient selection
Inclusion criteria included Cooperative
patients between 18-50 years old having vital
lower rst and second molars with class I primary
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
deep carious lesions with no widening in the
periodontal ligaments, pain, mobility or sensitivity
to percussion. Medically unt patients, women
who were pregnant, and those with allergies to any
restorative materials, including anesthetics, were
among the exclusion criteria. Retained deciduous
teeth and teeth with previous restorations were
also excluded.
Randomization and allocation
A random sequence was created with the
use of an online tool by a coinvestigator[12].
The randomization table was then printed and
kept with the co-investigator. The operator
provided opaque envelopes with folded,
numbered papers for the patients to drag. Patients
were unaware of their treatment group. The
study groups remained anonymous at end of
study during assessment by the statistician.
All participants signed a written informed consent.
Grouping of patients
Thirty-six patients were evenly distributed
by random among three groups based on the
tested material:
Silver Nanoparticles group (A1), (n=12):
conservative caries management (selective
caries removal to soft dentin) was carried out
to deep carious teeth followed by application
of NSF (Nano silver particles in fluoride
SDF group (A2), (n=12): conservative caries
management (selective caries removal to soft
dentin) was carried out to deep carious teeth
followed by application of SDF.
Control group (A3), (n=12): conservative
caries management (selective caries removal
to soft dentin) was carried out to deep carious
teeth with no additional intervention.
AgNPs synthesis in powder form
25ml of clear silver nitrate solution was
added drop wise to the freshly prepared aqueous
solution of Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4) at 60ºC
for 30 minutes in a dark environment. The solution
was stirred to ensure homogeneity. The pH of the
mixture was then adjusted to 11 while raising
the temperature to 90ºC and continuous stirring
for 30 minutes. The resulted silver nanoparticles
suspension was exposed to simultaneous coating
with Polyvinylpyrrolidone in the early stage
of formation. It was allowed to cool at room
temperature. Besides the tiny amount produced,
the dispersion medium was freeze dried also and
affected the degree of nanosilver powder purity.
Therefore, the nanoparticles suspension was
subjected to centrifugation followed by drying
at 50ºC to produce dark greyish powder with
uniquely ne particles that representing nano-
silver powder [13].
Characterization of silver nanoparticles
In order to identify the distinctive optical
characteristics of silver nanoparticles, the generated
silver nanoparticles were examined with the aid
of ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy.
The size and form of the silver nanoparticle were
assessed using a transmission electron microscope
(TEM). Once a drop of the solution has been
applied on a copper grid that has carbon coating
and allowed to dry in the air, samples were then
subjected to TEM analysis. A Gatan (DualVision
600t CCD) camera was used to capture images,
and Gatan was used to analyse the captured
images (Digital Micrograph Version 3.11.1.)
Preparation of 5% silver nanoparticles in uoride
varnish (NSF)
In a brown light-proof bottle, 10 ml of
22,600 ppm slow release sodium uoride varnish
(FLUORITOPTM-SR)3 was combined with 0.5
grammes of silver nanoparticle powder and vigorously
stirred by vortex at low speed for 30 seconds to
achieve uniform dispersion of the particles.
Diagnostic procedures
A comprehensive medical and dental history
was documented. A diagnostic chart was lled out
with the patient’s demographic information, tooth
count, and number of affected surfaces. Digital
periapical and bitewing radiographs (EzSensor
Classic, Vatec, Korea) were taken for each tooth
by the same X-ray machine (Xgenus®, De Götzen,
Italy) utilising uniform exposure conditions (70 kvp,
3.5 mAs, and 0.2 s). A cold test was performed using
EndoIce (Hygenic Endo-Ice, Coltene Whaledent,
Cuyahoga Falls, OH) and electric pulp tester
(Denjoy DY310, Denjoy, Henan, China). Scaling
and polishing were done to remove any present
dental plaque or calculus eliminating any biolms
harboring bacteria on the teeth surface.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
Single tooth isolation was performed for
simple occlusal lesions. Access through the cavitated
enamel was obtained, when necessary, using a
high-speed handpiece and a sterile high-speed
bur (#245 bur, Meisinger GmbH, Germany) with
copious water spray rotating at speed ranging
from 380,000-450,000 rpm. Following the
guidelines published by the International Caries
Consensus Collaboration (ICCC), selective caries
removal to soft dentine strategy was performed
using hardness criteria. Total caries removal to
hard dentine was performed for the peripheral
walls of the cavity using a sterile tungsten
carbide bur (#245 bur, 0.8 mm in diameter and
1.6 mm in length Meisinger GmbH, Germany)
and a low-speed large round bur (HM 71, size 4,
Meisinger GmbH, Germany) operated at 10000-
12000 RPM. The dentino-enamel junction (DEJ)
and cavosurface margins were inspected carefully
and made sure to be clean. For the pulpal oor
soft dentine was removed until the level at which
would put the pulp at risk of exposXure.
For the NSF group (A1) The cavity was
rinsed with copious water spray to remove any
debris then a gently compressed air ow was
done to dry the cavity followed by bending and
dipping the micro brush into NSF solution and
applying pressure to the plastic dappen dish’s
side to squeeze out extra liquid before application
over the remaining discolored soft dentin. Excess
material was removed with gauze followed by
application of a gently compressed air ow until
the medicament was dry and left for 2 minutes
for complete dryness. Selective etching of the
enamel was carried out in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions using a 35%
phosphoric acid gel for 15 seconds, followed by
a 15-second water rinse and a 5-second gentle
air-drying period. Using a disposable applicator
brush, a single coating of universal bond was
applied to the prepared cavity and rubbed
for 20 seconds. For about 5 seconds, a gently
stream of air passed over until it stopped moving
and the solvent had evaporated. According to
the manufacturer’s recommendations, photo
activation was carried out for 10 seconds using
the Elipar S10 light curing system (3M ESPE in
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) at an intensity of 1200
mW/cm2. Composite resin restorative was used
to restore the cavities, the material was placed
in increments of 2 mm following the anatomic
layering technique and then light curing was done
for 40 seconds. After checking the occlusion, one-
step polishing tips and/or cups (Dimanto ®, Voco
Gmbh, Germany) and a low-speed contra-angle
handpiece (NAC-EC, NSK, Japan) with water
coolant and low pressure were used for final
For SDF group (A2) The cavity was rinsed
with copious water spray, a gentle flow of
compressed air was done to dry the cavity followed
by application of SDF with a microbrush according
to manufacture instruction directly to the carious
tooth surface. Excess SDF was removed with gauze
followed by application of a gently compressed air
ow until medicament is dry and left for as long
as three minutes. Etching, bonding and composite
application was done as mentioned previously.
For the control group (A3) The cavity was
rinsed with ample spray of water, then a gently
compressed air ow was done to dry the cavity.
Etching, bonding and composite application was
done as mentioned previously. Postoperative
instructions and oral hygiene recommendations
for the follow-up period were given to all patients.
Patients were instructed to contact the primary
investigator if there were any symptoms of pain
or complains regarding the restoration.
The patients were contacted three and six
months later to evaluate the results. The outcome
of this study was the success/ failure of the tooth
expressed as a binary variable. Success requires
positive response to sensitivity pulp testing, absence
of spontaneous pain, sensitivity to percussion, sinus/
stula/swelling and radiographic abnormalities
as follows [14]:
1. Vitality pulp testing: Cold pulp testing and
electric pulp testing were performed to
conrm pulp vitality. The patient notied the
operator when he/she felt pain and when the
pain subsided. The length of the response was
recorded and compared to a control tooth.
2. Spontaneous pain: post-operative pain was
assessed as presence / absence.
3. Sensitivity to percussion: light tapping of
the occlusal surface using mirror handle
and patients were asked to report presence/
absence of pain. Test was also carried out for
adjacent and contralateral teeth.
4. Sinus/stula/swelling: using visual inspection
and tactile sensation, recorded as presence/
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
5. Radiographic abnormalities: Indicating
presence of periapical radiolucency, widening
of lamina dura, internal and external root
resorption. Periapical radiolucency was
considered in case of widening twice the
width of the periodontal ligament space and
absence of lamina dura and was recorded as
a binary outcome as presence or absence.
If one of these tests indicated the presence
of an irreversible pulpitis or pulp necrosis
the tooth was considered as failure. Patients
who reported treating the tooth in another
healthcare facility were recorded as failure.
Statistical analysis
Using the chi-square test for the effect of
material comparison, categorical data were
presented as frequency and percentage values.
Using the Shapiro-Wilk test, the mean and standard
deviation values of the supplied numerical
data were examined for normality. One-way
ANOVA was used to analyze parametric data.
For all tests, the significance level was set at
p 0.05. R statistical analysis software for Windows,
version 4.1.1, was used to conduct the statistical
The study was conducted on 36 cases that
were equally and randomly allocated to one of
the three studied groups. Consort 2010 flow
chart for the trial design is presented in Figure 1.
There were 5(41.7%) males in the control group
and 7(58.3%) females, in SDF group there was
8(66.7%) males and 4(33.3%) females, while in
silver nanoparticles group there was 7(58.3%)
males and 5(41.7%) females. The mean age of
the cases in the control group was (32.50±11.55)
years, in SDF it was (28.42±10.47) years, while in
silver nanoparticles group it was (31.25±13.30)
years. There was no signicant difference between
groups regarding sex distribution (p=0.589) and
age (p=0.690).
Figure 1 - Consort 2010 flow chart for the trial design.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
Regarding teeth vitality, after three months,
all cases of all groups were positive. After 6 months
only one case in the control group was negative
while other cases were positive and the difference
between groups was not statistically signicant
(p=0.358). For spontaneous pain, after 3 months,
all cases were free from spontaneous pain. After
6 months, one case in the control and one in SDF
groups suffered spontaneous pain, while all cases
of silver nanoparticles group were free and there
was a non-signicant difference between groups
(p = 0.589).
Regarding the sensitivity to percussion, after
3 months, all cases were free from sensitivity to
percussion. After 6 months, 2 cases in the control
group and one case in SDF group had sensitivity
to percussion while all the cases of the silver
nanoparticles group were free but there was no
signicant difference between groups.
For both intervals, all cases in all groups
were free from presence of sinus/swelling/stula.
While for the radiographic abnormalities, after
3 months, all cases in all groups were free. After
6 months, one case in the control group had
radiographic abnormalities with no signicant
difference between groups (p=0.358) (Table I).
Overall success rate
After 3 months, all cases were successful in
all groups. After 6 months, 2 cases failed in the
control group and a single case failed in SDF, while
all cases of silver nanoparticles were successful.
No signicant difference between the materials
was found (p=0.336) (Table II, Figure 2).
Table I - Frequency and percentage values for assessed patient symptoms
Parameter Control SDF Silver nanoparticles p-value
Negative n (%) 1 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
NS 0.358
Positive n (%) 11 (91.7%) 12(100.0%) 12 (100.0%)
Spontaneous pain
Absent n (%) 11 (91.7%) 11 (91.7%) 12 (100.0%)
NS 0.589
Present n (%) 1 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%)
Absent n (%) 12 (100.0%) 12 (100.0%) 12 (100.0%)
Present n (%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Sensitivity to percussion
Absent n (%) 10 (83.3%) 11 (91.7%) 12 (100.0%)
NS 0.336
Present n (%) 2 (16.7%) 1 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%)
Radiographic abnormalities
Absent n (%) 11 (91.7%) 12 (100.0%) 12 (100.0%)
NS 0.358
Present n (%) 1 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Significant (p ≤ 0.05), ns; non-significant (p>0.05). [Chi-square test x
Table II - Frequency and percentage values for outcome status for different materials
Time Parameter Control SDF Silver nanoparticles p-value
3 months
Failure N (%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Success N (%) 12 (100.0%) 12(100.0%) 12 (100.0%)
6 months
Failure N (%) 2 (16.7%) 1 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%)
NS 0.336
Success N (%) 10 (83.3%) 11 (91.7%) 12 (100.0%)
Significant (p ≤ 0.05), ns; non-significant (p>0.05). [Chi-square test x
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
This study was designed to evaluate the
success rate of silver nanoparticles in comparison
to SDF in managing deep carious permanent
teeth. SDF has been reported as a successful caries
arresting agent for up to 10 years [15]. In the
current study, the concentration of SDF was 38%.
SDF is available in solutions with 10%, 30%, and
38% silver content, although the 38% solution
appears to be the most efficient at inhibiting
caries and fostering remineralization [16].
Silver compounds transform into metallic silver,
which causes carious tissue to become darkly
stained. SDF precipitates as a black precipitate
on the surface of carious dentin as a result of
the reaction between unreacted silver ions and
the partially denatured collagen. Because of the
oxidative qualities of the ionic silver used in the
formulation, extra unreacted silver ions continue
to precipitate as silver sulphide capping, which
results in staining [17].
Silver nanoparticles have drawn attention
in the recent years in medical fields. For
gram-negative bacteria, tiny spherical silver
nanoparticles can enter the bacterial matrix
and disrupt vital cell functions including DNA
replication [18]. NSF was the experimental
prepared material in the current study for
managing deep carious lesions. The benets of
using NSF over SDF were the fact that it did not
turn the dental tissue black, and did not produce
oxides when it interacted with oxygen in the
media [19]. The experimental prepared material
was composed of nanosilver for its antimicrobial
effect and uoride to enhance remineralization.
And also, to prepare a material similar in
composition to the ready-made SDF but in
nanoscale hoping to improve its cariostatic effect
and reducing the drawbacks of black staining
caused by silver in its molecular form and without
ammonia to avoid the bad taste.
The characterization of materials containing
AgNPs is a crucial step in their development.
UV-visible spectroscopy, which has been
demonstrated to be a useful and signicant method
for the characterization of metal nanoparticles,
was used to characterise the produced AgNPs.
The UV absorption spectral test were carried out
to monitor the reduction of silver ions to AgNPs
and conrm their formation [20]. TEM was used to
visualize the particle size and shape [21]. Weight
dilution method described by Haghgoo et al.
(2014) [13] was adopted in the preparation of
5% NSF and this concentration was used as it is
the minimum nano silver concentration to kill and
inhibit growth of cariogenic microorganisms such
S.mutans and S.Salivarius
In the current study, teeth were selected
according to pre-dened clinical and radiographical
criteria which ensured to great extent the absence of
irreversible changes in the dental pulp complex [22].
Only molars with class I primary deep carious
lesions were included in the current study. This was
done to decrease the variables as much as possible
as the number of surfaces in a dental restoration has
shown to be of different inuence in different type
of studies. In addition to their easier radiographical
interpretation [23]. No dyes were utilized during
Figure 2 - Bar chart showing success percentage values for outcome status for different groups.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
the caries removal process since they can lessen
visual and tactile subjective perceptions, moreover,
dyes are less specic to caries, causing excessive
removal of perfectly healthy tooth structure, and
raising the risk of mechanical pulp exposures [24].
For enhanced mechanical strength, wear
resistance, and improved aesthetics, an impervious
restoration is mandatory [25]. Additionally,
dental pulp healing is directly correlated to
the ability of both the interim and definitive
restorative material to create a biological seal,
along the entire interface, against both long-term
and short-term microleakage, rather than being
solely dependent on the purported stimulatory
effect of a particular type of medication [26].
Therefore, in the current study, all treated teeth
in all groups were restored with a light cured
composite resin to avoid bacterial leakage.
Radiographic follow up was performed
using digital radiography, in order that the
information from radiographic images would
be collected more easily and in a more objective
way, thus improving the performance of the
diagnostic process, in addition to minimize the
patient radiation. Paralleling technique was used
since it ensures image reproducibility which is
an important requisite for standardization [4].
It has been known that management of deep
carious lesions success or failure is dependent
upon accurate diagnosis at the time of treatment.
Considering the fact that more clinical failures
usually occur within the first-time interval
(3- 6 months), it is believable that improper
diagnosis may contribute to these failures. Hence,
in the present study the follow up visit were after
3 and 6 months [14,27,28].
The results of the current study showed
that, after 3 months, all cases were successful in
all groups. After 6 months, for the control group,
2 cases failed with no signicant difference between
intervals. For SDF group, a single case failed with
no signicant difference between intervals. For
NSF group, all cases were successful. Regarding
the NSF success rate in the current study all cases
were successful after 3 and 6 months. These results
come in accordance with Santos et al. (2014) [30],
who found that at ve months, the NSF group had
72.7% cases with arrested decay, and the control
group had 27.4% that might be attributed to the
synergism of the components of its formulation
(AgNPs and uoride) and the small size of the NSF
nanoparticles increasing the contact surface area.
Butrón Téllez Girón et al. (2020) [31] also found
that teeth treated with silver nanoparticles added
to fluoride varnish seemed to have enhanced
dental structure. They attributed this to the fact
that the added silver nanoparticles are more
effective in the dental remineralization thus not
only halting progression of the carious process but
also reverting it [30].
The clinical and radiographic success rate at
the end of the 6-month follow-up period in the
current study was 100% in NSF group, 91.7% in
SDF group and 83.3% in control group although
no signicant difference was found among the
three groups. This result was in accordance with
that of Tirupathi et al. (2019) [18] who compared
the success rate of 5% NSF and 38% SDF [18].
Higher success rate for NSF was observed with
no signicant differences between the 2 groups
during their 6 months follow-up. This might be
attributed to the fact that NSF is a better inhibitor
of S. mutans biofilm formation than SDF. As
these nanoparticles would easily enter the
polysaccharide matrix inside the cell, they could
prevent biofilm formation and maturation by
inhibiting the creation of exopolysaccharides [15].
The nano-sized particles of NSF are signicantly
smaller than SDF, hence the inhibition of the
bacteria with silver was stronger. As a result,
even low quantities of silver could signicantly
minimize the adverse effects of NSF while having
powerful antibacterial properties.
Regarding the success rate of SDF in this
study, after 3 months, all cases were successful
while a single case failed after 6 months
(spontaneous pain and sensitivity to percussion)
with no signicant difference between intervals,
which come in accordance with Divyashree R.
(2021) who reported that SDF seems to be a
good indirect pulp therapy (IPT) material as
it fulls the criteria for IPT procedure such as
good biological seal and maintenance of the pulp
vitality and there was no statistically signicant
difference between the clinical success rates of
SDF when used after 3 and 6 months [31]. They
hypothesized that both silver ions and uoride
ions are involved in the mechanism of action, with
uoride ions acting primarily on tooth structure
and silver ions acting primarily on cariogenic
bacteria. Santos et al. (2014) [32] compared the
effectiveness of SDF with temporary restorations
in the arrest of caries and they found that 38%
SDF was 1.73 times more effective in stopping
caries than an interim restorative approach after
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3956
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Ahmed Aly KH et al.
Success rate of silver nano-particles in comparison to silver
diamine fluoride in management of deep carious lesions:
a randomized controlled clinical trial
6 and 12 months. SDF acts as a uoride reservoir
for acid attacks by pathogenic organisms by
providing an alkaline environment that makes
CaF2 less soluble.
As for the success rate of the control group
in this study, after 3 months, all cases were
successful while 2 cases failed after 6 months
with no signicant difference between intervals
(p=0.500). The results of the control group in
this study come in accordance with a plethora
of studies that proved that if severely damaged
dentin is removed and a good interfacial seal is
created, the dentin-pulp complex’s healing and
self-repair processes can occur without the use of
a mineralization inducer [33-35]. In the current
study, the good clinical and radiographic success
reported with PCR group could be attributed to the
correct diagnosis and utilization of a well-sealed
coronal restoration to stabilize any remaining
carious dentine while reducing the availability of
exogenous nutrients thus preventing microleakage.
This study did have some limitations, rst,
even though the trial was carried out by a single
consistent operator who used the same clinical
judgement regarding degree of caries removal,
application of materials, and evaluating proximity
to pulp tissue, the investigator was not blinded to
the study groups due to noteworthy differences
in the materials used. Along with being a single
center study, this might affect the generalizability
of the study ndings. Another limitation was the
relatively small sample size and short follow up
period, which adds another burden on the external
validity of the study. Further clinical trials with
larger sample size and longer observations periods
are needed to provide a broader and more relevant
viewpoint regarding the long-term biological
effects of these materials on the dental pulp.
Under the limits of the present study, it could
be concluded that Application of 5% Nanosilver
to uoride varnish has same clinical efcacy as
SDF in preventing the progression of dentinal
caries without causing undesirable tooth staining.
However, further clinical randomized trials with
different shapes, sizes and concentrations of
Silver nanoparticles.
Author’s Contributions
KHAA: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Validation, Investigation, Formal Analysis, Data
Curation, Writing – Original Draft Preparation. MIR:
Conceptualization, Validation, Writing Review
& Editing, Supervision. AFAE: Conceptualization,
Validation, Writing Review & Editing, Supervision.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
The authors declare that no nancial support
was received.
Regulatory Statement
All procedures performed in the study
were in accordance with the ethical standards
of the institutional research committee of Cairo
university and with 1964 Helsinki declaration
and its later amendments.
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Kareem Hamdy Ahmed Aly
(Corresponding address)
Suez Canal University, Faculty of Dentistry, Ismailia, Egypt.
Email: Kareem.aly@dentistry.cu.edu.eg
Date submitted: 2023 Jul 12
Accept submission: 2023 Oct 11