Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3987
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
Densidade óssea e estabilidade dos implantes com fibrina rica em plaquetas avançada em overdentures mandibulares com
carga imediata
Eman Sabry Ata ALLAH1 , Fadel Elsaid ABD ELFATAH2 , Hoda Mohamed Amin RASHED2 , Mona Talaat Mohamed HASSIB3
1 - Kafr El-shiekh University, Faculty of Dentistry. Kafr El-shiekh, Egypt.
2 - Tanta University. Faculty of Dentistry. Tanta, Egypt.
3 - Kafr El-shiekh University, Faculty of Medicine, Diagnostic Radiology. Kafr El-shiekh, Egypt.
How to cite: Allah ESA, Abd Elfatah FE, Rashed HMA, Hassib MTM. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich brin in
immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(4):e3987. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3987
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin on bone density
and implant stability in immediately loaded- implant-assisted mandibular overdentures (Split-mouth study).
Material and Methods: Ten completely edentulous patients received two implants in the mandibular canine
region and locator attachments were used to retain immediately loaded- implant mandibular overdentures.
Each patient served in two Groups, one Group for each side. One side of the mandible received an implant with
topical application of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin in the implant osteotomy site (Group I) and the other site
received an implant without application of Advanced platelet-rich brin (Group II). Each patient was examined
clinically for implant stability using Osstell Mentor device and radiographically by ultra-low dose CT scan to
measure bone density around the implant at baseline, three, six months, and one year. Results: There were
no statistically signicant differences (P>.05) in bone density and implant stability among the studied Groups
during one year follow-up period. Conclusion: Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin has no effect on bone density and
implant stability in immediately loaded implant-assisted mandibular overdenture.
Advanced platelet-rich brin; Bone density; Immediately loaded implant; Implant stability; Locator attachment;
Mandibular overdentures.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é determinar o efeito da Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada na densidade
óssea e estabilidade dos implantes em Overdentures mandibulares com carga imediata (estudo de boca dividida).
Material e Métodos: Dez pacientes edêntulos foram submetidos à instalação de dois implantes mandibulares na
região dos caninos e pilares locator foram utilizados como sistema de retenção para as overdentures mandibulares
com carga imediata. Cada paciente participou nos dois grupos, sendo um grupo para cada lado. Um lado da
mandíbula recebeu implante com aplicação tópica de Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada no local do sítio
cirúrgico do implante (Grupo I) e o outro local recebeu implante sem aplicação de Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas
Avançada (Grupo II). Cada paciente foi examinado clinicamente quanto à estabilidade do implante usando o
dispositivo Osstell Mentor e radiogracamente por tomograa computadorizada de ultrabaixa dose para medir
a densidade óssea ao redor do implante no início do estudo, três, seis meses e um ano. Resultados: Não houve
diferenças estatisticamente signicativas (P>0,05) na densidade óssea e na estabilidade do implante entre os
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
Mandibular dentures pose challenges
related to poor stability and retention [1]. Dental
implants have greatly improved outcomes of
treatment in an edentulous patient. In many
developed countries, the two--implant for
the mandibular overdenture is considered a
minimum standard of care [2]. Mandibular
implant over denture has many benets such as;
improving stability, retention, chewing ability,
speaking, and decreasing the resorption of the
residual ridge [3].
Various loading protocols for dental implants
have been studied. Immediate loading protocol
may reduce some patient burdens such as
multiple visits, costs, waiting for the final
restoration, inconvenience, and morbidity
related to multiple surgical phases [4,5]. Many
attachments were used according to inter-arch
space. Locator attachments were indicated in
cases of limited inter-arch space and provided an
adequate means of retention in such cases [6].
Besides, the common challenges of immediate
loading, the repeated removal of overdenture
may be detrimental to early osseointegration.
The healing phase after implant installation is a
critical phase for immediate loading protocol so
it must be carefully monitored [7].
The Osseointegration of dental implants
is defined as the apparent direct attachment
or the connection of osseous tissue to an inert,
alloplastic material without intervening brous
connective tissue [8]. The biological fixation
of the implant is an early formation of peri-
implant bone trabeculae, which conrms tissue
anchorage. Biological xation is different from
primary stability. Implant primary stability is a
mechanical xation, which is obtained during the
insertion of the implant. Secondary stability is
biological stability obtained by bone regeneration
and remodeling [9].
There are several procedures to improve
osseointegration such as the application of
Bone morphogenetic proteins, Melatonin, and
Advanced-Platelet-Rich Fibrin (A-PRF). Bone
morphogenetic proteins are the growth factors
that are naturally found within the bone matrix
and they play a role in the regulation of bone
volume and bone regeneration. The applications
of recombinant human bone morphogenetic
proteins onto the implant surface before threading
the implant into the osteotomy site may improve
osseointegration and implant stability [10].
Melatonin hormone stimulates the synthesis
of type I collagen bers and acts on osteoclasts to
reduce the resorption of the osseous matrix. Local
administration of melatonin in the osteotomy
site increases bone density and improves the
osseointegration processes around immediate-
loaded implant supported overdentures [11].
A-PRF is the last generation of platelet
concentrates. Platelet concentrates are autologous
biological products generated from the blood of
patients and are rich in platelets and growth factors
(GFs). Soft and hard tissue regeneration can be
improved by using platelet concentrates alone or
as an adjunctive treatment in dentoalveolar and
maxillofacial surgeries [12,13].
Bone density can be measured by Hounseld
Unit (HU), which is the calibrated grey value. HU is
relatively consistent across different Multi-Detector
Computed Tomography (MDCT) scanners, unlike
CBCT. In addition, the calibration of HU is an
integrated part of quality control in MDCT. Ultra-
low dose- CT examination of the jaws may decrease
the effective dose to be equal to the full mouth
examination utilizing intra-oral lms [14,15].
Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) is
a noninvasive-diagnostic system, which can
measure implant stability through structural
and vibration principle analysis. RFA is simpler,
more objective, and more reliable than the
other noninvasive-diagnostic systems. Based on
RFA, Implant stability quotient (ISQ) values are
displayed on Osstell apparatus for measuring
implant stability [16,17].
grupos estudados durante o período de acompanhamento de um ano. Conclusão: A Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas
Avançada não tem efeito na densidade óssea e na estabilidade de implantes em Overdentures mandibulares
com carga imediata.
Densidade óssea; Estabilidade do implante; Fibrina rica em plaquetas avançada; Implante com carga imediata;
Overdentures mandibulares; Pilar locator.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
This study aimed to determine the effect of
Advanced-Platelet-Rich Fibrin on bone density and
implant stability in immediately loaded implant-
assisted mandibular overdentures clinically and
radiographically using Osstell and ultra-dose
CTscan at baseline, three, six months, and one year.
The null hypothesis of this study was that there
was no effect of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin on
bone density and implant stability in immediately
loaded -implant-assisted mandibular overdenture.
Ethical considerations
The purposes of the study, the nature of
implant surgery, possible risks, complications, the
photography of the procedure, and the frequency
of exposure to radiation were explained to
the patients. Informed consent was obtained
according to guidelines on human research
adopted by the Research Ethics Committee,
Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University which
approved the performance of this study after
fulfilling the necessary requirements of the
committee with code # RP-2-20-3.
Sample size calculation
The total sample size in this study is ten patients
based on the data taken from a previous study
which eevaluatedclinically and radiographically
the effect of leukocyte platelets-rich brin (L-PRF)
on the stability and crestal bone resorption of early
loaded implants [18]. The signicance level was
0.05, the power sample size was more than 0%
for this study and the condence interval was 95%
and the actual power was 96.08%. The sample
size was calculated using a computer program G
power version 3.
The formula for sample size was:
( )
Z P 1P
Sample Size ××
where: Z = Z value (1.96 for 95% condence
level); p = percentage picking a choice, expressed
as decimal; c = condence interval, expressed
as decimal.
Patient selection
Ten completely edentulous patients
(age Group 50-65 years) were selected from
the outpatient clinic of the Department of
Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta
University, to participate in this study. Inclusion
criteria were that the patients were free of any
systemic diseases that affect bone and soft tissue
healing, and had normal maxilla-mandibular
relationships with limited inter-arch space
where locator attachments were indicated.
The mandibular intercanine region had sufcient
bone to be appropriate for the planned implants.
The patients had the psychological and physical
ability to tolerate implant surgery. Exclusion
criteria were a history of chemotherapy or
radiotherapy, para-functional occlusal habit,
bad oral hygiene, and heavy smoking. These
factors have adverse effects on osseointegration
and this study aims to clarify the effect of A-PRF
on bone density and implant stability without
risk factors. The selected criteria were reported.
Five patients with these selected criteria came to
the Department of Prosthodontics every month.
Opaque-sealed envelopes were used for simple
randomization of the subjects.
Study design
This study was a split-mouth study; for each
patient, two dental implants were inserted in the
mandibular inter-foraminal area at the canine
region. Each patient served into two Groups, one
Group for each side. One side of the mandible
received an implant with topical application of
A-PRF in the implant osteotomy site (Group I)
and the other site received an implant without
application of A-PRF (Group II). The trial was
triple-blinded as patients did not know which side
A-PRF inserted into also observer/radiologist and
statistician were blinded.
Surgical and prosthetic procedure
Conventional complete denture was
constructed and was delivered for each patient.
Duplication of the lower denture was made for
the construction of a radiographic stent. Pre-
operative CBCT with radiographic stent was
obtained for each patient to evaluate the ridge
width, height, bone quality, and quantity at
canine regions of mandible [19].
The radiographic stent was modified for
use as a surgical guide for freehand drilling by
removing the lingual flange and leaving the
labial ange in the anterior region. Before the
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
operation, it was kept in 2% glutaraldehyde for
24 hours [20].
Pre-operative medications were prescribed
for all patients. Augmentin1g cap (Augmentin
cap, GlaxoSmithKline, England) was prescribed
every 12 hours before the operation and one
week after surgery. Patients were motivated to
maintain good oral hygiene and instructed to
use 0.12% Chlorohexidine mouthwash before
The non-limiting surgical guide was inserted
to identify the implant site and was then removed.
Bard-barker blade no.15 was used to make
crestal incisions one cm mesial and distal to the
planned implant site. A mucoperiosteal elevator
was used to reect the ap. A bone le was used
to atten the crestal bone and smooth any sharp
bone edges.
For each patient, two dental implants
(Superline, Dentium Medical Devices Tec.
Company, Korea) were inserted in the mandibular
canine region. The implants were 3.6 mm in
diameter and 12 mm in length.
The protocol [20] for implant osteotomy
site preparation:
1- The pilot drill (diameter 2.2 mm) was used
to initiate the drilling in vertical direction
with moving-up and down. A reduction
handpiece and electric motor at speed of
2000 rpm (for D1 and D2) were used with
copious amounts of chilled saline external
irrigation until reached the length of 9 mm
at both osteotomy sites;
2- The paralleling pins were used to detect the
parallelism and alignment of the osteotomy
sites. Drilling was completed until reached
12 mm depth;
3- The second drill (diameter 2.6 mm) and
nal shaping drill (diameter 2.85 mm for
3.6 mm xture) were used for widening the
osteotomy. The Countersink of diameter 3.6
was used in highly dense bone D1 and D2
mm for 3.6 mm xture at about 8 mm length.
Meanwhile, the osteotomy site was prepared;
Advanced PRF (A-PRF) was prepared by centrifuge
a plain glass tube lled with 10 ml blood from
patients’ brachial veins through laboratory mini-
centrifuge (Centrifuge model no.800D, Delta Lab
Company, China) for 14 minutes with a speed of
1500 rpm. Another glass tube of 10 mL of saline
was used in the centrifuge in order to act as a
counterbalance [21].
After centrifugation, A-PRF gel was at
the top and erythrocytes were at the bottom.
(Figure 1a) A-PRF membrane was obtained and
was cut into small sections using sterile scissors.
The membrane of A-PRF was laid on the orice of
the osteotomy site and was squeezed into the site
by threading the implant into the site (Group I)
(Figure 1b) However, the implants were installed
directly in the osteotomy sites at the right side
(Group II). The implants were installed into the
osteotomy sites by screwdriver and then by hand
ratchet until the implant platform became ushed
with the bone (Figure 2).
Prior to immediate loading, implant pri-
mary stability was assessed by Osstell Mentor
device (Osstell Mentor, Gothenburg, Sweden)
(Figure 3). Primary stability is a signicant fac-
tor for success of the dental implant and crucial
with immediately loaded implants. The goal
Figure 1 - (a) Preparation of A-PRF; (b) Membrane of A-PRF was laid
on the orifice of the osteotomy site and was squeezed into the site
by threading implant into the site.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
of primary stability is keeping micromovement
within accepted levels between 50 and 150 μm.
Primary (mechanical) stability leads to reaching
secondary (biological) stability. ISQ values above
65 are considered acceptable for immediate load-
ing if were not reached shifting to delayed loading
were preferred [22,23].
Locator abutments (Positioner abutment,
Dentium Medical Devices Tec. Company, Korea)
were mounted into the implants. each ap was
repositioned and primary closured was carried
by using interrupted 4\0 silk suture (Figure 4).
After surgery, Augmentin 1g every 12 hours
and Ibuprofen 400mg every 8 hours were
prescribed for one week. During the rst 24 hours,
patients were instructed to apply cold packs extra
orally at the operative site. On the second day,
they were instructed to use Chlorhexidine 0.12%
mouthwash every 8 hours and rinse with warm
saline until the rst postoperative week ended.
Patients were instructed to eat a soft diet and
avoid hard food during the healing period. After
one week, the sutures were removed.
Within two weeks post-operatively, the
pick-up procedure for the immediate loading
mandibular overdenture (Figure 5) was
completed as follow: a white block-out spacer
was adapted over the corresponding locator
abutment. The Locator metal housing with
processing insert was positioned over the locator
abutment and was marked. The undersurface of
the mandibular denture at the abutment sites
was sufciently relieved. Two small holes were
made in the lingual surface of the denture to
permit the escape of excess acrylic resin material
through the pick-up procedure. The denture was
tried to ensure complete seating. Locator metal
housing was picked up to the undersurface of
the lower denture using self-cure acrylic resin,
while the patient occluded in centric relation.
The block-out spacer was removed. Male nylon
inserts replaced the processing inserts. These
inserts were provided in different colors ivory,
orange, and blue with extra light retention, light
retention and medium retention, respectively.
The ivory insert was used rst then replaced by an
orange insert and a blue insert when the retention
reduced. The occlusion was checked for any
occlusal premature contacts and the overdenture
was polished. Patients were instructed to follow
strict oral hygiene measures. The patients were
recalled every 3 days in the first 3 weeks for
denture adjustment and occlusal renement.
Implant stability
Implant stability was measured by Osstell
Mentor device during the follow-up period. Locator
attachment (Positioner abutment, Dentium Medical
Figure 2 - Diagram showing the application of advanced PRF into the implant site.
A-PRF: Advanced PRF.
Figure 3 - Measuring implant primary stability by Osstell Mentor
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
Devices Tec. Company, Korea) was unscrewed by
a screwdriver. The smart peg was attached to the
implant by nger-tight and stimulated magnetically
by a measuring probe. The ISQ values were
recorded and the mean values of two perpendicular
measurements were obtained. The smart peg was
removed then the locator attachment was screwed.
Measurements were recorded on the day of surgery,
3, 6 months and 1 year for each implant [24].
Radiographic assessment
Radiographic examinations were carried out
by CT scanner (Aquilion One, 320 Multi -Detector,
Toshiba Medical Systems, Japan) using ultralow
dose protocol on the day of surgery, 3, 6 months,
and 1 year. Scan parameters were tube voltage of
80 kV, tube current of 50 mAs, pitch of 0.5mm,
and Field of view was about (7.5cmx10cm).
CT dose index volume was approximately
2.50 mGy [15].
Model Based Iterative Reconstruction
(MBIR) with a standard kernel was used to
reconstruct images. Using MBIR produces
images with less noise allowing even further
dose reductions than the traditionally used
filtered back projection. Peri implant bone
density was measured by Houseeld units (HU).
Measurements were performed at 0.5 mm away
from each surface of each implant to diminish
the scattered radiation effect. The bone densities
were measured on the sagittal and coronal views
(Figure 6). The mean values of readings were
used for statistical analysis.
Statistical analysis
Data from the study were collected, tabulated
and statistically analyzed. Data were fed to the
computer and analyzed using IBM-SPSS software
package version 20.0. (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp).
Quantitative data were described using range,
mean and standard deviation. Signicance of
the obtained results was judged at the 5% level.
The used tests were: ANOVA with repeated
measures for normally distributed quantitative
variables, to compare between more than two
periods, and Post Hoc test (Bonferroni adjusted)
for pairwise comparisons. Student t-test was
Figure 4 - Locator abutments were mounted into the implants.
Figure 5 - (a) Locator metal housing with white block-out spacer in
place; (b) Locator metal housing was picked up.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
used to compare between two studied Groups.
P < 0.05 was considered to be statistically
The results showed that implant stability
changed over time in both Groups. There was
a statistically significant difference between
baseline, 3, 6 months and 1 Year where
P<0.001 for both Groups. The mean and
standard deviation values of implant stability
decreased at three months of follow-up period
and then increased at six months and 1 year in
both Groups (Table I).
Using the student t-test to compare between
two Groups regarding implant stability revealed
that there was no statistically signicant difference
between Group I and Group II at all follow-up
periods. At baseline p0= 0.584, at three months
p0=0.677, at six months p0=0.600, at 1 year
p0=0.496 (Table I).
The results showed that peri-implant bone
density changed over time in both Groups.
The mean and standard deviation values of
peri-implant bone density in both Groups
decreased at three months of follow-up period
and then increased at six months and 1 year.
There was a statistically signicant difference
Table I - Comparison between the two studied Groups concerning implant stability throughout the evaluation periods
Implant stability
Group I Group II p-value
Mean ± SD. Mean ± SD.
Baseline 75.90 ± 4.53 74.80 ± 4.29 0.584 (0.557)
3 months 70.50 ± 3.41 69.80 ± 3.97 0.677 (0.423)
6 months 73.30 ± 3.47 72.40 ± 4.06 0.600 (0.533)
1 year 76.40 ± 3.86 75.20 ± 3.85 0.496 (0.695)
p1-value (F) <0.001* (48.916*) <0.001* (49.713*)
Baseline – 3 months <0.001* <0.001*
Baseline – 6 month 0.002* 0.041*
Baseline – 1 year 1.000 1.000
3 months –6 month 0.002* <0.001*,
3 months – 1 year <0.001* <0.001*,
6 months – 1 year <0.001* <0.001*
t: Student t-test; F: F test (ANOVA) with repeated measures, Significant between periods was done using Post Hoc Test (adjusted Bonferroni);
P: p value for comparing between both Groups in each period; p1: p value for comparing between the studied periods. *Statistically significant
at p ≤ 0.05.
Figure 6 - Measuring peri-implant bone density.
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Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
between baseline, 3, 6 months and 1 Year where
P<0.001 for both Groups (Table II).
Using the student t-test to compare between
two Groups regarding peri-implant bone density
revealed that there was no statistically signicant
difference between Group I and Group II at all
follow-up period. At baseline p0=0.947, at three
months p0 =0.911, at six months p0=0.908, at
1 year p=0.818 (Table II).
This study was a split-mouth design because
it permits reducing variability and bias through
self-controls increasing the statistical efciency.
It allows the greatest opportunity for comparability
and reduces the sample size [25]. However, it was
found that due to the mechanical connection of
the two implants of different intervention Groups
by superstructures, loads on one implant would
be transferred to the other; which may result in
carry-across effects. Carry-across effects on results
cannot be tested or assessed [26].
Two implants have been considered as
the minimum request for mandibular implant
overdenture treatment with a high success rate
and a cost-effective treatment for edentulous
individuals [27]. Immediate loading protocol
was followed in this study because it improves
the quality of life and patient satisfaction by
decreasing the rehabilitation time [28,29].
However regarding two-implant mandibular
overdenture with various loading protocols and
locator attachments, the implant survival rates
for locator with immediate loading were less than
that with delayed loading [30].
Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin was applied in
this study because it is an autologous bioactive
material that can accelerate soft and bone tissue
healing in implant surgery. Components of A-PRF
are fibrin, Leukocytes, and platelets. Growth
factors are released from activated platelets in
A-PRF and promote cell proliferation, collagen
synthesis, and osteoid production. Enhanced
implant osseointegration could make early and
immediate loading more predictable [31,32].
For this study, implant stability was
measured in ISQ value by the Osstell apparatus.
Osstell ISQ measurements are quantitative,
highly reliable, and reproducible measurements
for implant stability so were used to assess the
osseointegration, immediate load possibility, and
follow-up [33]. ISQ values in this study were
above 65 at the insertion of implants (implant
primary stability), which supports the use of
immediate loading [34].
CBCT has many applications for different
aspects of implantology either pre-surgical or post-
surgical such as assessing anatomical structures,
bone volume, shape, quality, static surgical guide
fabrication, dynamic guided surgery, the evaluation
of graft healing, and assessing complications related
to neurovascular trauma [35,36].
This study focused on monitoring the
changes in bone density and their relation to
immediate loading after the application of A-PRF
in osteotomy sites. Understanding these changes
Table II - Comparison between the two studied Groups concerning peri- implant bone density throughout the evaluation periods
Bone density
Group I Group II
Mean ± SD. Mean ± SD.
Baseline 1297.9 ± 108.6 1301.3 ± 115.4 0.947 (0.068)
3 months 1253.1 ± 112.3 1258.8 ± 111.9 0.911 (0.114)
6 months 1289.7 ± 99.38 1294.9 ± 100.0 0.908 (0.117)
1 year 1320.1 ± 97.95 1330.5 ± 101.1 0.818 (0.234)
p1-value(F) <0.001* (37.999*) <0.001*(41.753*)
Baseline – 3 months <0.001* <0.001*
Baseline – 6 month 1.000 1.000
Baseline – 1 year 0.016* 0.036*
3months –6 month 0.002* 0.001*
3 months – 1 year <0.001* <0.001*
6 months – 1 year 0.001* <0.001*
t: Student t-test; F: F test (ANOVA) with repeated measures, Significant between periods was done using Post Hoc Test (adjusted Bonferroni);
P: p value for comparing between both Groups in each period; p1: p value for comparing between the studied periods. *Statistically significant
at p ≤ 0.05.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
is necessary to achieve improvements in implant
survival rate [37].
This study did not depend on CBCT for
the evaluation of bone density throughout
follow-up periods for many reasons such as;
the lack of standardized grey value, limitations
of reconstruction algorithms currently applied,
and asymmetrical patient position. In addition,
CBCT lack Hounseld scoring (standardized grey
level calibration). Hounsfield units have been
designed for medical CT but are not applicable
for CBCT. Compared with Hounseld units for
medical CT, grey values for CBCT device has been
found to be unreliable and only can be used as a
qualitative method to determine the change of
the bone around dental implants with signicant
variations [38].
The radiographic images in this study during
follow-up were derived from ultra-low-dose Multi-
Slice Computed Tomography scans, because
Multi-Slice Computed Tomography (MSCT) is
the gold standard for measuring bone density
based on Hounseld values. In addition, the mean
absorbed dose using an ultra-low dose- MSCT of
2.5 mGy is equivalent to a full mouth survey with
intra-oral lms [39]. Density estimation errors
due to differences in angulation of scanning by
MSCT are less than CBCT. Misalignment during
scanning is affected by different types of sources.
MSCT scan uses a fan beam source, but CBCT
uses a cone beam source [40].
A statistically significant decrease was
recorded in implant stability from baseline to
3 months for both Groups. Implant stability
quotient (ISQ) values were to some extent low,
but within the acceptable range. The explanation
for that decreasing may be related to the
transformation from primary stability to secondary
stability in this phase; initial bone remodeling
is characterized by increasing osteoclastic
activity that led to decrease the bone-implant
anchorage [41]. In addition, the immediate
loading of non-splinted implants might increase
micro-movements and marginal bone loss
affecting implant stability. These results were
in agreement with other studies of immediate
loading for lower overdentures [42,43].
When comparing the two groups, there was
no statistically signicant difference between both
Groups at each follow-up period. These results
were in agreement with another study, which
reported the long-term effect of PRF on implant
stability [44].This can be related to A-PRF which
has an effect on osseous regeneration during
the early stage of the healing process. A- PRF
released the greatest amount of platelet-derived
growth factor AB and transforming growth
factor beta 1 on days 7 and 14, respectively.
On 14 days, A- PRF demonstrated the highest
alkaline phosphatase activity and A- PRF
treated osseous cells demonstrated the peak of
mineralization [45,46].
The results of this study were in disagreement
with other studies, which reported that PRF may
improve implant stability and the PRF Group had
higher ISQ values in comparison to non-coated
implants. This improvement can be explained
as they tracked the effect of PRF on the implant
stability during the early phase of osseointegration
at 1, 4, and 6 weeks with a lack of long-term
follow-up [47,48]. Kalash S et al. [49] reported
that A-PRF may cause improvement in implant
stability at 3 months and 6 months of follow-up.
This can be attributed to the use of xenograft in
combination with A-PRF around dental implants
in their study.
On comparison between both Groups at
all follow-up periods, no statistically signicant
difference regarding bone density was reported.
These results were in harmony with the study of
Alhaj et al. [50] who examined the efciency of
using an advanced platelet-rich brin–autogenous
bone graft mixture around immediately placed
dental implants in the mandibular molar
region. They reported no difference regarding
bone density when using this mixture around
immediately placed implants. The explanation
may be that the growth factors are released
rapidly leading to the short-term effect of PRF
on osseointegration [25]. In addition, the dense
clotting of platelets and brin on titanium surface
was 1000 times weaker with platelet concentrates
than with whole blood [51].
On the other hand, El Shafei et al. [52]
investigated the effect of using PRF alone and PRF
loaded with simvastatin (a pharmacological drug)
on bone changes around implant. They reported
that PRF loaded with simvastatin enhances bone
healing, particularly in patients with compromised
bone quantity or quality. Another experimental
study by To et al. [53] investigated A-PRF clots
in sockets of beagle dogs after tooth extraction
examined osteopontin and osteocalcin activities
during bone formation in the socket by using
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3987
Allah ESA et al.
Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular overdentures
Allah ESA et al. Bone density and implant stability with advanced platelet-rich
fibrin in immediately loaded- implant assisted mandibular
immunouorescence staining, and evaluated the
bone formation ratio by histological analysis.
The study results showed that the application
of A-PRF may enhance and accelerate new bone
formation by increasing osteoblastic activity.
Tracking the effect of A-PRF during the early
phase of osseointegration (short-term follow-up)
and small sample size are limitations of our study.
Further studies using different forms of platelet-
rich brin could be recommended.
Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin has no
effect on implant stability and bone density in
immediately loaded- implant-assisted mandibular
overdenture. Application of Advanced Platelet-
Rich in implant osteotomy site does not improve
the implant stability in immediately loaded-
implant assisted mandibular overdenture cases.
Author’s Contributions
ESAA: Conceptualization, Resources, Data
Curation, Methodology, Writing Original
Draft Preparation. FEAE: Conceptualization,
Supervision, Methodology, Writing Review &
Editing. HMAR: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Supervision, Writing Review & Editing. MTMH:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision,
Writing – Review & Editing.
Conict of Interest
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local human subject’s
oversight committee’s guidelines and policies of
the ethical committee; Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta
University. The approval code # RP-2-20-3
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Eman Sabry Ata Allah
(Corresponding address)
Kafr El-shiekh University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Kafr
El-shiekh, Egypt.
Email: e.sabry.575@gmail.com
Date submitted: 2023 Aug 08
Accepted submission: 2023 Oct 16