Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec.;26 (4): e3998
Torquato LC et al.
Systemic scleroderma: imaging findings of diagnosis and clinical management of temporomandibular joint disorders
Torquato LC et al. Systemic scleroderma: imaging findings of diagnosis and
clinical management of temporomandibular joint disorders
Systemic scleroderma – case report: imaging findings of
diagnosis and clinical management of temporomandibular joint
chosen as the last option, in the present case,
considering the systemic status of the patient,
non-surgical treatment was chosen, for which
therapy with an occlusal splint was performed.
The main idea, when using occlusal splints, is
to reduce the maximum load on the TMJ, in
addition to avoiding the maximum contraction of
the masticatory muscles, which will promote pain
reduction. In the presence of a diagnosis of SS, the
limitation of mouth opening found in patients is
a limiting factor for the prostheses manufacture
and plates for bruxism. Therefore, it is indicated
the manufacture of partial prostheses for easy
removal by the patient [20].
Like Matarese et al. (2016) [17], the present
case report demonstrates the need to apply
imaging tests of different modalities to study
the involvement of the temporomandibular
joints in patients diagnosed with SS. Although
studies report that the present syndrome affects
the TMJ, no studies were found in the literature
that used different imaging modalities to describe
these alterations in the TMJs. Ideally, the dental
treatment of patients diagnosed with scleroderma
should be conducted individually and immediately
after diagnosis. As suggestions for future work,
texture analyses of the temporomandibular
region could provide a more descriptive our
early data about TMJ involvement in SS, since
it was able to determine degenerative changes
in the temporomandibular region in patients
with migraine, once changes were related to the
masticatory muscles and internal derangements
of the articular disc [25].
The present case report indicates the
importance of application of different modalities
of imaging to assess TMJ degeneration and
achieve an accurate diagnosis, decisions taken
have a significant impact on the health and
quality of life of patients in these conditions, so
there is a need for multidisciplinary involvement
to arrive at the best treatment plan. After ve
years of using the stabilizing plate at night,
the patient reports greater comfort and muscle
relaxation upon waking up.
Author’s Contributions
LCT, ACM: Conceptualization. LCT:
Methodology. CCMM, NDA, WO, ABMF, SLPCL:
Methodology. CCMM, NDA, WO: Writing –
Original Draft Preparation. MANJ, ABMF,
SLPCL, ACM: Writing – Review & Editing. ACM:
Visualization. ACM: Supervision. ACM: Project
Conict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no
conicts of interest.
The authors did not receive support from
any organization for this work.
Regulatory Statement
This study was submitted and approved by
the Research Ethics Committee (CEP)/Plataforma
Brasil has approved this study under number:
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