Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Visualization, Writing – Original Draft
Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing, Project
Conicts of Interest
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
The work was supported by Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
(CAPES) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).
Regulatory Statement
This systematic review was conducted
through a search strategy in electronic databases.
The search was restricted to publications in peer-
reviewed journals, in which approval for ethics
committee were obtained in their original work.
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