Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4163
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
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Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Existe diferença nos níveis de estresse oxidativo entre indivíduos com diabetes tipo 2 com e sem periodontite?
Revisão Sistemática
Walder Jansen de Mello LOBÃO1 , Cláudia Callegaro de MENEZES1 , Guido Artemio MARAÑÓN-VÁSQUEZ2 ,
Daniele MASTERSON3 , Lucianne Cople MAIA2 , Maria Cynésia Medeiros de BARROS1 ,
Carina Maciel SILVA-BOGHOSSIAN1 , Carmelo SANSONE1
1 - Departamento de Clínica Odontológica, Divisão de Periodontia, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
2 - Departamento de Odontopediatria e Ortodontia, Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
RJ, Brazil.
3 - Biblioteca Central do Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
How to cite: Lobão WJM, Menezes CC, Marañón-Vásquez GA, Masterson D, Maia LC, Barros MCM, et al. Is there a difference in
the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review. Braz Dent Sci.
2024;27(2):e4163. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4163
Objective: The authors’ aim in this systematic review was to verify the scientic evidence for difference of
oxidative stress biomarkers in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without periodontitis. Material
and Methods: Observational studies, baseline data of prospective and interventional studies were searched on
the following databases: Virtual Health Library, Web of Science, PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Library,
Opengrey and Google Scholar. The electronic search was performed in June 01, 2020 until May 17, 2024 with
alerts until June 01, 2024. The quality assessment and the certainty of the evidence of the included studies were
evaluated through Fowkes and Fulton’s checklist and GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool. Results: Of 988
relevant articles, the authors included 9 studies for the nal analysis. Among those studies, 4 cross-sectional, 3
case-control, and 2 interventional studies were included. The analysis of non-randomized clinical trials properly
reported most of the criteria analyzed in Summary questions (Bias, Confounding and Chance) as present in 3
studies. In six studies confounding factors were no detected. Due to the variation in the study results and clinical/
methodological heterogeneity, a meta-analysis was not appropriate. The studies reported high concentrations of
oxidizing agents and low antioxidants levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis when
compared to with no periodontitis. Conclusion: Considering the few studies found, the methodological aws,
few markers studied and absence homogeneity in the evaluation of redox balance markers, as well as, the very
low certainty of the evidence among included studies, it was not possible to determine whether there are or not
differences in the oxidative stress levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes with and without periodontitis, and
therefore, further prospective observational and interventional studies are recommended.
Diabetes mellitus non-insulin dependent; Periodontitis; Periodontal diseases; Oxidative stress; Antioxidants;
Free radicals.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a
significant risk factor for periodontitis and
glycemic imbalance is the determining factor
for bone loss that increases the risk and
severity of periodontal disease [1]. The altered
immunological response in T2DM influences
periodontal diseases by altering the inammatory
responses, and periodontal wound healing.
Additionally, it promotes the accumulation of
advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that
induce high levels of pro-inammatory cytokines,
and causes oxidative stress (OS) [2].
Oxidative stress occurs when, due to a higher
concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
or a decrease in antioxidant capacity, there is a
lack of homeostasis [3]. This can occur in several
systemic conditions. According to the literature,
the tissue destruction that occurs in periodontal
diseases can be caused by the high production of
ROS by inammatory cells, leading to oxidative
stress [4,5].
The increase in ROS of local and systemic
forms found in these pathologies can signicantly
affect the functioning pattern of several tissues
and is closely related to the comorbidities
associated with T2DM [4-6]. The increase in
oxidative damage [7,8] and lower levels of
antioxidants [9,10] were found in patients with
periodontitis compared to periodontally healthy
individuals. The periodontal inflammatory
condition can be explained by the local
and systemic concentrations of some OS
biomarkers [8].
Periodontitis and T2DM are diseases with
characteristics of chronic inammation and a
permanent increase in OS [1,8]. However, no
systematic review has assessed the level of OS
biomarkers in type 2 diabetic individuals with and
without periodontitis. Therefore, the aim of this
systematic review was to answer the following
question: Is there a difference in the level of
OS in individuals with T2DM with and without
Registration and protocol
This review was registered in the PROSPERO
database under the protocol (https://www.crd.
york.ac.uk/PROSPERO) ID: CRD42020190010,
on August 7th, 2020 and was reported in accordance
with the PRISMA checklist of systematic reviews
and meta-analyses [11].
Objetivo: O objetivo dos autores nesta revisão sistemática foi vericar a evidência cientíca para a diferença
de biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo em indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 com e sem periodontite.
Material e Métodos: estudos observacionais, dados de base de estudos prospectivos e intervencionistas foram
pesquisados nas seguintes bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Web of Science, PubMed, Embase, Scopus,
Cochrane Library, Opengrey e Google Scholar. A busca eletrônica foi realizada no período de 01 de junho de
2020 até 17 de maio de 2024, com alertas até 01 de junho de 2024. A avaliação da qualidade e a certeza da
evidência dos estudos incluídos foi realizada através da lista de checagem Fowkes and Fulton’s e da Ferramenta
de desenvolvimento de diretrizes GRADEpro. Resultados: Dos 988 artigos relevantes, os autores incluíram 9
estudos para a análise nal. Entre esses estudos, foram incluídos 4 estudos transversais, 3 de caso-controle e 2
de intervenção. A análise dos ensaios clínicos não randomizados relatou adequadamente a maioria dos critérios
analisados nas questões resumo (Viés, Confundimento e Resultados ao caso) presentes em 3 estudos. Fatores de
confusão não foram detectados em seis estudos. Devido à variação nos resultados do estudo e à heterogeneidade
clínica/metodológica, não foi possível realizar uma meta-análise. Os estudos relataram altas concentrações de
agentes oxidantes e baixos níveis de antioxidantes em indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e periodontite
quando comparados a indivíduos sem periodontite. Conclusão: Considerando os poucos estudos encontrados, as
falhas metodológicas, poucos marcadores estudados e ausência de homogeneidade na avaliação dos marcadores
do balanço redox, bem como a baixíssima certeza da evidência entre os estudos incluídos, não foi possível
determinar se há diferenças nos níveis de estresse oxidativo em indivíduos com diabetes tipo 2 associado e não
à periodontite e, portanto, outras observações prospectivas e estudos de intervenção são recomendados.
Diabetes mellitus não insulino-dependente; Periodontite; Doenças periodontais; Estresse oxidativo; Antioxidantes;
Radicais livres.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Eligibility criteria
The eligibility criteria were dened based on
the PECO research strategy as follows:
1. Participants (P): T2DM individuals of
both genders and without distinction
in age and ethnicity. Studies including
individuals with the following conditions
were excluded: chronic kidney disease,
malignant neoplasms, AIDS (Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome), pregnant
or lactating women, immunosuppression
by medication, autoimmune diseases,
evidence of other systemic diseases ASA
III and IV, smokers or former-smokers for
less than twenty years, users of orthodontic
appliances, history of use of steroidal or
non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs in
the last three months prior to the study
and during research, use of antibiotics in
the last six months prior to the study and
during research, as well as individuals who
underwent supra and subgingival scaling
and/or periodontal surgery in the last 6
months before the investigation.
2. Exposure (E): Presence of Periodontitis.
Selection criteria established: Probing
depth (PD) 4mm, Clinical attachment
level (CAL) 4mm, presence of biofilm
and bleeding on probing (BOP) > 10%.
The examination should be performed by
calibrated examiners, performing a full-
mouth periodontal examination (six sites per
tooth), using the North Carolina periodontal
3. Comparison (C): Absence of Periodontitis.
Selection criteria established: PD 3mm, CAL
3mm, little or no biolm, and BOP <10%.
The examination should be performed by one
or more calibrated examiners, performing
a full-mouth periodontal examination (six
sites per tooth), using the North Carolina
periodontal probe.
4. Outcome (O): OS levels for different
parameters, such as AGEs, calcium, catalase
(CAT), glutathione reductase (GRd), iron,
magnesium, malondialdehyde (MDA),
nitric oxide (NO), oxidative stress index
(OSI), protein carbonyl (Protein CO),
small molecular antioxidant capacity
(SMAC), superoxide dismutase (SOD),
total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total
oxidant status (TOS), vitamin C, zinc. If the
outcomes of interest were not measured or
not reported the studies were considered
Information sources
A systematic search of the literature was
conducted on the following electronic databases:
MEDLINE using the PubMed, Scopus, Embase,
Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Virtual
Health Library (VHL). Other sources were
consulted through OpenGrey and Google Scholar.
The electronic search was initially performed in
June 2020, and database alerts with the search
strategy were created in each database and were
set to retrieve newly published articles until May
17, 2024.
Literature search strategy
The search strategy included Medical Subject
Headings (MeSH) terms, entry terms, free terms
and keywords related to the aim of this review.
No restrictions were placed on publication date
or language. The strategy was developed using
the boolean operators AND/OR, Medical Subject
Headings (MeSH) terms, keywords, and other
free terms related to “Diabetes mellitus, non-
insulin dependent”; “Periodontitis, Periodontal
diseases”; and “Oxidative stress, Antioxidants,
Free radicals, Oxidants”. The strategy was rst
idealized for Pubmed search engine use and
then, adapted to each database according to
their syntaxes rules. Specic search strategies
were developed for each database (Appendix
1) with no restrictions on language or date.
In addition, lters regarding VHL (virtual health
library) database to LILACS and BBO collections
were applied. A manual search was carried out
among the selected articles. Experts in the eld
were identied in the Scopus database by the
“Analyze results tool” and contacted for ongoing
studies or unpublished results regarding the
focused question, using e-mail contact for up to
ve attempts. The search strategy was organized
and carried out by an expert librarian (D.M.).
Articles from Google Scholar covered the
first 100 matches and were then manually
processed to check if possible eligible papers were
missed from the main database search engines.
When necessary, articles published in languages
other than English, Spanish, and Portuguese
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
were translated using the Google® Translate
Tool [12].
Selection process
Observational studies and baseline data
of prospective/interventional studies, with the
variables of interest, were included. Reviews, case
reports, case series, expert opinions, and animal
studies were excluded.
The retrieved articles were exported to
Endnote® Web [13] to list, organize and remove
duplicates. Authors and co-authors of studies that
were not retrieved in the full text were contacted
by e-mail up to ve attempts, from June 2020 to
May 17, 2024.
All titles, abstracts, and full-text reading of
the articles were independently analyzed by two
reviewers (W.J.M.L. and C.C.M.) to determine
whether they met the eligibility criteria. Whenever
differences occurred between them, a consensus
should be reached. When a study of interest had
no abstract available, the study had its full text
assessed for eligibility decision. At this stage,
articles that did not meet the eligibility criteria
were excluded. Next, selected articles were read
in full. If a study had a sample overlapping with
other studies and the same methodology criteria
assessed, the least complete study was excluded.
Whenever the two reviewers were unsure about
the inclusion/exclusion of any publication, a
discussion with a third reviewer (L.C.M.) was
taken to solve any disagreement. After full-text
examination were registered the reasons for
exclusion of articles.
Data collection process/ data items
Data extraction regarding authors, year
and country of the study, characteristics of
participants (sample size, sample age, and T2DM
duration in years), exposure (diagnostic criteria
for periodontitis), body uid collected (serum,
saliva, and gingival crevicular uid), assessment
methods to oxidative stress parameters and
statistics outcomes of interest (inferential and
descriptive data) were extracted independently
by 2 researchers (W.J.M.L. and C.C.M.).
Any differences between the two examiners were
solved by a third investigator (L.C.M.).
When missing data were detected, the
corresponding author was contacted through
electronic mail for up ve consecutive weeks.
In case there were no return from the authors to
identify data in graphs, It was used the digital
program WebPlotDigitizer online [14] to identify
data in graphs from authors who did not respond
to emails. Another author conrmed the accuracy
of extracted data.
Quality assessment
The internal validity of the included studies
was evaluated according to adaptations of Fowkes
and Fulton’s [15] critical appraisal of published
research guidelines (Appendix 2).
Effect measure
Due to the variability of the sample size
between the studies, an adaptation was performed
to determine the central value and variance of
the samples. For outcomes, mean and standard
deviation were used.
Synthesis methods and certainty of evidence
Narrative syntheses were conducted for the
results reported on each oxidative stress parameter.
The certainty of evidence was determined using
the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation Pro software
(GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool) for the
synthesized results on each OS parameter [16].
The risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness,
suspicion of publication bias, presence of a large
effect, dose-response gradient, and plausible
confounders were the items considered to rate
the overall certainty of evidence [17,18]. All the
judgments were adapted to qualify the evidence
synthesized in a narrative way [19].
Study selection
A total of 988 studies were identied and
retrieved: 956 from the database search, 8 from
the alerts, and 24 from other sources. The main
databases used as sources for studies were VHL
(n=282) and PubMed (n=239), followed by Web
of Science (n=192), Embase (n=83), Scopus
(n=72), Cochrane Library (n=50), opengrey
(n=0), and additional records identied through
Google Scholar (n=24). The 295 duplicated
titles/abstracts were eliminated through EndNote
Software, and 76 through manual exclusion.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
All titles and abstracts (n=617) were analyzed
and 585 were excluded according to the study
criteria, resulting in 32 remaining studies,
which were assessed for eligibility. Twenty-three
were excluded due to the following reasons:
absence of group T2DM without Periodontitis
(n=21), research participants with more than
one systemic disease (n=1), and an article that
contained a part of an included study in this
systematic review (n=1) (Appendix 3).
Regarding the records identied by other
resources, the rst one hundred matches from the
35700 results in Google Scholar were selected for
the study, and none were recorded in Opengrey.
There were found 36 duplicate records, which
were manually removed, and another 64 records
were excluded after title/abstract reading. Alerts
were set by June 01, 2024 in Databases, and
eight articles were retrieved. However, they did
not meet the inclusion criteria for eligibility.
Study selection process is shown in the owchart
(Figure 1). Nine articles were screened for the
nal analysis.
Study characteristics
The included studies were conducted
in institutions such as universities, clinical
centers, or hospitals in three different
countries (Table I). Among those studies,
4 cross-sectional [21,25,27,28], 3 case-control [23,24,26]
and 2 interventional [20,22] studies were
included. In all studies, low levels of antioxidants
were evaluated as primary outcome. Studies
varied greatly regarding age, ranging from
20 years [23] to 71 years [20].
Periodontal parameters, plaque index
(PI), BOP, PD, and CAL, were reported for
periodontitis diagnosis, represented as mean
and standard deviation [20-25,27] or by mean
percentage [26,28]. The patients in the included
studies had chronic periodontitis, according to
Figure 1. Flowchart diagram of literature search according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA)
guidelines, published in 2020.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Table I - Characteristics of the sample and data collection of the 9 included studies.
Authoretal. /
year / Country Study design
Characteristics of Subjects Exposure Outcomes Numeric Data
Sample size Sample age
Diabetes duration in
years (Mean±SD)
Diagnostic criteria
for periodontitis Body fluid Oxidative Stress Parameters
(Assessment method)
Oxidative stress markers (Mean±SD)
Allenetal. (2011) [20]/
T2DM: 20 T2DM: 55±7 T2DM: 5.7±16.9
- More than 16 teeth
with periodontal
pockets > 4mm in at
least 6 sites.
Small molecule
antioxidant capacity
Probing depth (mm) 523.4±111.1 452.6±100.1
T2DM + P: 20 T2DM + P: 56±7 T2DM+P: 7.0±14.5 Plaque index (%)
They should be
on dose of oral
hypoglycemic drugs,
statins, ace
inhibitors, β-blockers
and diuretics.
Bleeding on probing
(%) Protein carbonyl (ELISA) 1.99±0.85 2.71±0.94
Lathaetal. (2018) [21]/
India Intervention
T2DM: 10 T2DM: 56.8±8.71
The subjects
should have been
diagnosed with type
2 diabetes for at
least 5 years. They
should be on stable
dose of insulin/oral
hypoglycemic drugs.
- More than 20
teeth with clinical
attachment loss of ≥
5mm in at least 30%
of the sites.
2.19±1.62 2.17±0.52
Probing depth
T2DM + P: 15 T2DM + P:
Plaque index
Bleeding on probing
Clinical attachment
loss (Mean±SD)
Nitric Oxide
1.76±1.02 9.08±2.33
Note: All patients in the diabetes group were diagnosed based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL, HbA1c levels >5,6% and oral glucose tolerance test ≥200 mg/dL).
DNPH: 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazine method; T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals; T2DM + P: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis individuals; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; HbA1c:
Glycated hemoglobin; Nitro-PAPS: pyridylazo-N-propyl-N-sulfopropylaminoPhenol method; NR: Not reported; OCPC method: o-Cresolphthalein Complexone method; P: Periodontitis; qPCR: Quantitative Real-
Time polymerase chain reaction; † data obtained by WebPlotDigitizer online software.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Authoretal. /
year / Country Study design
Characteristics of Subjects Exposure Outcomes Numeric Data
Sample size Sample age
Diabetes duration in
years (Mean±SD)
Diagnostic criteria
for periodontitis Body fluid Oxidative Stress Parameters
(Assessment method)
Oxidative stress markers (Mean±SD)
Pendyalaetal. (2013) [22]/
T2DM: 30
40-65 years
Time of diagnosis
for T2DM was not
- More than 14 teeth
with two or more
tooth sites with PD
≥ 4 mm or CAL of
4 mm that bled on
Total antioxidant capacity
1.24±0.18 0.40±0.09
These patients
were not under any
oral hypoglycemic
agents and/or
insulin therapy
Probing depth (mm)
T2DM+ P: 30 Clinical attachment
loss (mm)
Probing depth ≥
4mm (%)
Clinical attachment
loss ≥4mm (%)
Plaque index (%)
Bleeding on probing
Pushpa Rani et al. (2013)
T2DM: 150 T2DM: 46.26 ± 10.02 Diagnosed by a
physician by means
of oral glucose
tolerance test, for
at least the past 5
- More than 30% of
the sites with CAL
≥ 3 mm and PD ≥ 5
mm, at least 2 teeth
in each quadrant
with the condition
of 20 teeth in all the
subjects. Serum
Vitamin C (DNPH method) 1.25±3.58 † 0.99±1.66 †
Probing depth (mm)
T2DM + P: 150 T2DM + P: 44.42 ±
Clinical attachment
loss (mm)
Zinc (Nitro-PAPS)
157.2±45.8 106.8±31.83
Note: All patients in the diabetes group were diagnosed based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL, HbA1c levels >5,6% and oral glucose tolerance test ≥200 mg/dL).
DNPH: 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazine method; T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals; T2DM + P: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis individuals; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; HbA1c:
Glycated hemoglobin; Nitro-PAPS: pyridylazo-N-propyl-N-sulfopropylaminoPhenol method; NR: Not reported; OCPC method: o-Cresolphthalein Complexone method; P: Periodontitis; qPCR: Quantitative Real-
Time polymerase chain reaction; † data obtained by WebPlotDigitizer online software.
Table I - Continued...
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Authoretal. /
year / Country Study design
Characteristics of Subjects Exposure Outcomes Numeric Data
Sample size Sample age
Diabetes duration in
years (Mean±SD)
Diagnostic criteria
for periodontitis Body fluid Oxidative Stress Parameters
(Assessment method)
Oxidative stress markers (Mean±SD)
Pushpa Rani (2015) [28] Cross-sectional
T2DM: 150 T2DM: 46.26±10.02
Diagnosed by a
physician by means
of oral glucose
tolerance test, for
at least the past 5
- More than 30%
of the sites with
clinical attachment
level (CAL) ≥ 3mm
and probing depth
(PD) ≥ 5 mm, at
least 2 teeth in
each quadrant with
the condition of
20 teeth in all the
Calcium (OCPC) 8.59±0.86 11.79±2.07
T2DM + P: 150 T2DM + P:
44.42±10.37 Probing depth (mm) Iron (Ramsay’s dipyridyl
method) 76.53±20.23 114.9±40.91
Clinical attachment
loss (mm)
Magnesium (Absorbance of
520 nm, with Xylidyl Blue
dye reagent kit)
1.56±0.42 1.45±0.41
Zinc (Nitro-PAPS)
157.2±45.8 106.8±31.83
Shettyetal. (2016) [23]
/ Índia Intervention
T2DM: 30
25-60 years
Time of diagnosis
for T2DM was not
- More than 20
teeth present. Used
the classification
of Löe (1967) to
periodontal disease:
gingival index,
plaque index and
retention index. Serum Magnesium (semi-
autoanalyzer) 1.01±0.28 0.92±0.23
T2DM+ P: 30 Gingival index (0, 1,
2 and 3)
Probing depth (0, 1,
2 and 3)
Retentetion index
system (0, 1, 2
and 3)
Note: All patients in the diabetes group were diagnosed based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL, HbA1c levels >5,6% and oral glucose tolerance test ≥200 mg/dL).
DNPH: 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazine method; T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals; T2DM + P: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis individuals; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; HbA1c:
Glycated hemoglobin; Nitro-PAPS: pyridylazo-N-propyl-N-sulfopropylaminoPhenol method; NR: Not reported; OCPC method: o-Cresolphthalein Complexone method; P: Periodontitis; qPCR: Quantitative Real-
Time polymerase chain reaction; † data obtained by WebPlotDigitizer online software.
Table I - Continued...
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Authoretal. /
year / Country Study design
Characteristics of Subjects Exposure Outcomes Numeric Data
Sample size Sample age
Diabetes duration in
years (Mean±SD)
Diagnostic criteria
for periodontitis Body fluid Oxidative Stress Parameters
(Assessment method)
Oxidative stress markers (Mean±SD)
Takedaetal. (2006) [24]/
Japan Cross-sectional
T2DM: 28
57.8± 12.1
T2DM: 8.0±7.7
- Subjects had ≥ 10
functional teeth and
more than one tooth
with CAL > 5 mm.
Serum Advanced Glycation End-
products (uninformed) 2.6±1.0 2.5±0.8
T2DM+ P: 69
T2DM+P: 8.6±7.6
Bleeding on
probing (Presence
or Ausence of
bleeding within 5
to 20 seconds after
Probing depth (mm)
The control with
medicaments was
not informed.
Clinical attachment
loss (%)
Note: All patients in the diabetes group were diagnosed based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL, HbA1c levels >5,6% and oral glucose tolerance test ≥200 mg/dL).
DNPH: 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazine method; T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals; T2DM + P: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis individuals; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; HbA1c:
Glycated hemoglobin; Nitro-PAPS: pyridylazo-N-propyl-N-sulfopropylaminoPhenol method; NR: Not reported; OCPC method: o-Cresolphthalein Complexone method; P: Periodontitis; qPCR: Quantitative Real-
Time polymerase chain reaction; † data obtained by WebPlotDigitizer online software.
Table I - Continued...
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Authoretal. /
year / Country Study design
Characteristics of Subjects Exposure Outcomes Numeric Data
Sample size Sample age
Diabetes duration in
years (Mean±SD)
Diagnostic criteria
for periodontitis Body fluid Oxidative Stress Parameters
(Assessment method)
Oxidative stress markers (Mean±SD)
Trivedietal. (2014) [25]/
T2DM: 30
20-65 years,
(≤40 years and >40
T2DM: 4.33±3.44
- Patients with two or
more tooth sites with
probing depth ≥ 4mm
or clinical attachment
loss (CAL) ≥ 4mm
that bled on probing.
method) 1.91±1..72 10.79±8.07
T2DM+ P: 30 - Minimum number
of teeth not
T2DM+P: 5.53±4.05 Plaque index
(Presence or
Superoxide dismutase (Mc
Cord and Fridovich)
Gingival index
(Presence or
Ausence) 13.45±2.80 14.08±4.28
Were controlled
diabetics being
treated with
stable doses of
oral hypoglycemic
agents and /
or insulin by an
Probing depth (mm) Catalase (Mc Cord and
Clinical attachment
loss (mm)
Glutathione reductase (Mc
Cord and Fridovich) 0.04±0.04 0.04±0.03
13.73±2.79 18.33±7.47
method) 13.01±5.55 15.91±6.98
Superoxide dismutase (Mc
Cord and Fridovich)
19.05±5.88 26.84±12.1
Catalase (Mc Cord and
Glutathione reductase (Mc
Cord and Fridovich) 0.06±0.03 0.06±0.03
6.28±4.96 12.15±6.11
Note: All patients in the diabetes group were diagnosed based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL, HbA1c levels >5,6% and oral glucose tolerance test ≥200 mg/dL).
DNPH: 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazine method; T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals; T2DM + P: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis individuals; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; HbA1c:
Glycated hemoglobin; Nitro-PAPS: pyridylazo-N-propyl-N-sulfopropylaminoPhenol method; NR: Not reported; OCPC method: o-Cresolphthalein Complexone method; P: Periodontitis; qPCR: Quantitative Real-
Time polymerase chain reaction; † data obtained by WebPlotDigitizer online software.
Table I - Continued...
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Authoretal. /
year / Country Study design
Characteristics of Subjects Exposure Outcomes Numeric Data
Sample size Sample age
Diabetes duration in
years (Mean±SD)
Diagnostic criteria
for periodontitis Body fluid Oxidative Stress Parameters
(Assessment method)
Oxidative stress markers (Mean±SD)
Vincentetal. (2018) [26]/
T2DM: 20
25-65 years
diagnosed with
type II DM by
a diabetologist
and under
treatment with oral
hypoglycemic drugs
and diet control
for a minimum of
6 months were
- Minimum of 20
teeth present with
at least 5 teeth
in each quadrant,
with a probing
depth (PD) of
≥5mm with clinical
attachment loss of
≥1mm in more than
30% of sites with
mild to moderate
periodontitis, and
presence of >30% of
sites with bleeding
on probing.
Gingival Fluid
Total antioxidant capacity
(Erel O’s novel automated
0.77±0.27 0.69±0.19
T2DM + P: 20 Total oxidant status (Erel O’s
novel automated method)
Plaque index
Bleeding on probing
Oxidative stress index
(Erel O’s novel automated
7.84±1.50 10.05±3.26
Probing depth (mm)
Clinical attachment
loss (mm) 1.00±0.52 1.39±0.62
Note: All patients in the diabetes group were diagnosed based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL, HbA1c levels >5,6% and oral glucose tolerance test ≥200 mg/dL).
DNPH: 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazine method; T2DM: Type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals; T2DM + P: Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis individuals; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; HbA1c:
Glycated hemoglobin; Nitro-PAPS: pyridylazo-N-propyl-N-sulfopropylaminoPhenol method; NR: Not reported; OCPC method: o-Cresolphthalein Complexone method; P: Periodontitis; qPCR: Quantitative Real-
Time polymerase chain reaction; † data obtained by WebPlotDigitizer online software.
Table I - Continued...
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
1999 AAP Classification [29]. The minimum
number of teeth of the research participants
in the included studies ranged from 10 [27] to
20 functional teeth [20,22,24].
Data on T2DM duration was introduced
in years and expressed in mean and
standard deviation. Most studies included
participants diagnosed with T2DM for at least
5 years [20,21,23,25,28]. A study included
participants with a minimum of 8 years of
diagnosis for T2DM [27], other with participants
at least 6 months of diagnosis [24], while two
studies [22,26] did not report on this data.
The OS biomarkers were analyzed
in more than one body fluid, including
serum [21-23,25,27], saliva [20,23,26] and
gingival uid (GF) [24], and were expressed in
mean and standard deviation, through different
methods, comparing gold-standard or not.
None of those studies directly cross-compared
biomarkers ndings between those body uids.
Among the OS biomarkers studied a large
number of antioxidants were evaluated such
as SMAC [28], TAC [24,26], vitamin C [25],
zinc [21,25], calcium [21], magnesium [21,22],
CAT, SOD and GRd [23]. In addition, two oxidant
agents were evaluated: NO [20] and iron [21].
Furthermore, biomarkers of cell damage due to
OS were also evaluated, such as Protein CO [28],
AGEs [27], MDA [20,23], TOS and OSI [24].
Only one study [23] evaluated the same
biomarkers (MDA, SOD, CAT, and GRd) in blood
and saliva, although no comparisons between
findings from both fluids were compared, as
mentioned before.
Quality assessment
For the quality assessment, the included
studies were classied according to the risk of bias,
confounding factors, and chance. Susceptibility to
bias and results occurred by chance were observed
in all analyzed studies [20-28]. Confounding
factors were observed in 3 out of the 9 analyzed
studies (Table II) [21,25,28]. According with the
criteria used, there was no sound study.
Results of individual studies and synthesis
Some of the included studies demonstrated
a significant correlation between high levels
of oxidizing compounds and individuals with
T2DM and periodontitis [20,21,27,28]. On the
other hand, other studies presented a decrease
in the levels of antioxidants in T2DM with
periodontitis, when compared to T2DM without
periodontitis [21-28]. Overall, the studies have
shown that individuals with T2DM presented high
OS levels, which are greater when associated with
In individuals with T2DM and periodontitis,
Protein CO levels were higher compared with those
without periodontitis. The same result of high levels
was expressed for free radical damage markers
(MDA, TOS, and OSI) in T2DM with periodontitis
individuals when compared to T2DM individuals
without periodontitis [20,23,24]. In T2DM with
periodontitis individuals, the NO levels were
higher than in T2DM without periodontitis [20].
Pushpa Rani [27] shown that elevated calcium
and iron levels may be a contributing factor in
many inammatory conditions in T2DM with
periodontitis individuals.
The included literature demonstrated that
Some antioxidants (SMAC, TAC, Vitamin C, Zinc,
Magnesium, CAT, SOD, and GRd) were detected
in low concentrations in individuals with T2DM
with no periodontitis. Additionally, those levels
were even lower in individuals with T2DM with
periodontitis [21-26,28].
Due to the variation in the study results and
clinical/methodological heterogeneity, a meta-
analysis was not appropriate.
Certainty of evidence
The certainty of the evidence was rated as
very low for all the syntheses. The risk of bias
affected the evidence because the included studies
had important methodological limitations that
could have altered the results. The evidence on
the outcomes of MDA and TAC was inconsistent
since there was variation in the reported effects
by the studies. The item imprecision was also
affected due to the reduced number of individuals
included in the syntheses (less than the threshold
of 400 recommended by GRADE) (Table III).
The certainty of the evidence for the outcomes
that included a single study (SMAC, Protein
carbonyl, NO, Vitamin C, Zinc, Ca, Iron, AGEs,
SOD, CAT, GRd, TOS, OSI) was lowered due
to the risk of bias and impression (insufcient
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Table II - Quality assessment according to Fowkes and Fulton
Guideline Checklist Allenetal.
(2011) [20]
(2018) [21]
(2013) [22]
Rani et al.
(2013) [27]
Pushpa Rani
(2015) [28]
(2016) [23]
(2006) [24]
(2014) [25]
(2018) [26]
Study design
appropriate to
Objective: Common design:
Prevalence Cross sectional NA NA NA 0 0 NA 0 NA NA
Prognosis Cohort 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Treatment Controlled trial NA 0 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA
Cause Cohort, case-control NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0
Study sample
Source of sample + + + + + + + + +
Sampling method + + + + + 0 + + +
Sample size + ++ + + + + + + ++
Entry criteria/exclusions 0 + 0 + + + ++ + +
Non-respondents NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Control group
Definition of controls ++ 0 0 ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++
Source of controls + + + + + 0 + + +
Matching/randomisation ++ ++ + ++ ++ 0 + + +
Comparable characteristics ++ + + ++ ++ ++ 0 0 +
Quality of
and outcomes?
Validity + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 +
Reproducibility NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Blindness NA NA NA NA NA + NA NA NA
Quality control + 0 0 ++ ++ 0 0 0 0
Missing data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Extraneous treatments NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Contamination NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Changes over time NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Confounding factors ++ 0 + ++ ++ 0 0 + 0
Distortion reduced by analysis ++ 0 ++ ++ ++ 0 0 + 0
Bias - Are the results erroneously YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
biased in a certain direction?
Confounding - Are the any serious YES NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO
Confounding or other distorting
Chance - Is it likely that the results YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
ocurred by chance?
Note: NA: not applicable; +: Minor problem; ++: Major problem; 0: No problem was assigned.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
number of individuals). Publication bias was
considered unsuspected, and since the evidence
was affected by some of the previously mentioned
criteria, no item was considered to raise the
certainty. The judgments issued for the evaluation
of the certainty of the evidence for the outcomes
involving more than one study are presented in
Table II.
This systematic review aimed to synthesize
the scientic evidence of studies on the association
of OS biomarkers in individuals with T2DM
with and without periodontitis. This systematic
review was based on 9 not-sound studies and
indicates that high levels of oxidizing agents and
low concentration of antioxidants in T2DM are
related with the presence of periodontitis when
compared to individuals without periodontitis.
This is the rst systematic review with quality
assessment on this topic.
After ling in PROSPERO, studies selection,
and full reading, it was observed that some
studies had diagnostic criteria for periodontitis of
CAL 3mm [27,28] and, if they were excluded,
some important data would be missing for the
systematic review. So we decided to include
them, considering that the registration of the
present study was made based on the APP
classification [29]. According to the actual
Classification of Periodontal Diseases and
Conditions [30], taking into consideration CAL,
periodontitis is characterized by: CAL 3mm in
interproximal areas of at least 2 non-adjacent
teeth or in buccal or lingual/palatal, without it
being due to: 1) traumatic gingival recession;
2) dental caries extending to the cervical area
of the tooth; 3) presence of insertion loss on the
distal face of a second molar and associated with
poor positioning or extraction of the third molar;
4) endoperiodontal lesion draining through the
marginal periodontium; or 5) occurrence of
vertical root fracture. Thus, this parameter had
to be changed for articles selection.
Data show that patients with T2DM and
periodontitis have impaired glycemic status and
exhibit signicantly lowered B-cell function and
higher levels of HbA1c and fasting glucose than
matched patients without periodontitis [20].
Those chronic inflammatory conditions are
generally thought to be associated with increased
OS with phagocytes, particularly neutrophils.
Those cells are implicated in periodontal disease
pathogenesis as they induce the generation
of an oxidative burst during phagocytosis
and killing [26]. On the other hand, ROS are
associated with microvascular complications of
T2DM. It is also known that severe periodontal
disease can lead to endothelial dysfunction,
which justify the assessment of effect of coexisting
T2DM and periodontitis on the levels of OS
markers [20].
Periodontitis increases plasma biomarkers
of OS as evidenced by the nding of reduced
SMAC combined with increased levels of protein
CO, which is a marker of protein oxidation.
In the co-occurrence of T2DM and periodontitis,
there is higher alterations in levels of these OS
Table III - Assessment of the certainty of evidence (GRADE)
Certainty assessment
N° of
Design of
the studies Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other
2 Observational* SeriousaSeriousbNot serious SeriouscNone ⨁◯◯◯
Total antioxidant capacity
2 Observational SeriousaSeriousbNot serious SeriouscNone ⨁◯◯◯
2 Observational* SeriousaNot serious Not serious SeriouscNone ⨁◯◯◯
* Baseline data from intervention studies were considered. a. The certainty of the evidence was downgraded in one level because the
studies had important methodological limitations and it is likely that they may have altered the results. b. The certainty of the evidence was
downgraded by one level because the studies reported different effects. c. The certainty of the evidence was downgraded by one level due to
the reduced number of individuals considered in the synthesis (less than the threshold of 400 recommended by GRADE).
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
biomarkers. This suggests signs of enhanced OS
in serum of T2DM with periodontitis individuals,
showing that periodontitis has a negative effect
on the already compromised oxidative status of
T2DM patients [28]. Vincent et al. [26] shown
high levels of TOS in T2DM with periodontitis
group when compared to periodontitis without
T2DM encouraging the aforementioned data.
Role of nitric oxide system in T2DM is few
studied and controversial to scientics research,
demonstrating higher level, low level, or no
change. In chronic inammatory processes, where
activity of PMNs, macrophages, and endothelial
cells is elevated, such as in periodontitis, the
expression of iNOS is increased. The positive
relationship between iNOS, inflammatory
cytokines and other mediators reveals an immune-
activated state due higher NO production. Thus,
it might be higher in individuals with T2DM and
chronic periodontitis when compared to without
periodontitis cells [20].
MDA is the major and commonly
studied product of polyunsaturated fatty acid
peroxidation that is shown to rise following OS.
Glycated collagen has been shown a role in lipid
glycoxidation compared to normal collagen that
results in increased MDA in serum and tissues
of diabetic subjects [20]. In T2DM individuals
with periodontitis, MDA was reported to be
higher when compared to individuals without
periodontitis [23].
It was reported that TAC levels in GCF was
lower in patients with T2DM and periodontitis,
compared to individual with only T2DM.
The decrease in TAC levels reported could be
attributed to elevated ROS levels that must be
neutralize causing depletion of antioxidants,
in addition to presence hyperglycemia, which
is the primary cause of inammation in T2DM
individuals [24]. In another study, the comparison
of the TAC in saliva revealed lower antioxidant
levels in T2DM with periodontitis compared to
non-diabetic individuals with periodontitis [26].
Excessive glucose levels induce free radical
production and enhance OS by increased
formation of AGEs. These pathologic mechanisms
in T2DM with the preexisting periodontal
disease could be responsible for exacerbated
periodontal destruction seen in diabetics [24].
Takeda et al. [24] reported that AGEs were
signicantly related to periodontal deterioration
associated with T2DM, showing that their level
may be a suitable biomarker to reect periodontal
status in those patients.
Micronutrients are regulated by homeostatic
processes and function as antioxidant in the
control of damage caused by ROS [31]. Calcium
and iron play an essential role in regeneration,
for coping with OS and for an adequate immune
response, but dysregulation these micronutrients
(high levels) in the serum may promote the
development and progression of oxidative
stress [32]. It has been reported that the mean
calcium level in T2DM with periodontitis
individuals was significantly higher when
compared to systemically and periodontally
healthy individuals. It was also demonstrated
that an increased serum iron levels in T2DM with
periodontitis can act as pro-oxidant agents, which
are responsible for the formation of ROS [28].
Additionally, it was reported that T2DM
with periodontitis had lower zinc levels
than those individuals with T2DM without
periodontitis [21,25]. Zinc deciency promotes
the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
receptors, which increase the intracellular
concentration of calcium. In conditions where
zinc is decient, the NADPH oxidase enzymes
and nitric oxide synthase are activated, favoring
the production of reactive species of oxygen and
nitrogen [33].
Being an essential dietary nutrient, vitamin
C is important for many enzyme reactions.
It is an electron donor, and this property might
account for all its known functions, such as water-
soluble antioxidant in humans and protects from
oxidative damage under conditions of increasing
oxygen concentrations and apoptosis [34].
Pushpa Rani et al. suggests that decreased
vitamin C levels are associated with an increased
risk for the development of oxidative stress
in type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis,
considering that the antioxidant activity of
ascorbic acid involves transfer of hydrogen rather
than an electron [25].
Magnesium it is a cofactor of several
antioxidant enzymes, including SOD, one of
the most important antioxidant enzymes [35]
and it has been demonstrated that magnesium
supplement has a beneficial effect on
periodontitis [36]. Furthermore, low magnesium
levels may favor the onset and progression of
T2DM, frequently seen in these patients [21,37].
Pushpa Rani [28]demonstrated that magnesium
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
mean levels in T2DM without periodontitis and
non-T2DM with periodontitis individuals were
greater than the ones found for T2DM with
periodontitis individuals and those ndings were
corroborated in another investigation [22].
The enzyme SOD is a key antioxidant
that catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide
-), generating hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
The products CAT, GRd and GPx accelerate
H2O2 reduction in water [38]. Trivedi et al.
demonstrated that SOD, CAT and GRd activities
were higher in T2DM with periodontitis group
compared with T2DM without periodontitis
group. In periodontitis, SOD, CAT and GRd levels
are low due antioxidant depletion, to ongoing
free radical activity and destruction of protective
antioxidant species [23].
Clinical investigations must always focus on
correct matching for gender, age, and periodontal
status to reduce potential confounding
factors. Latha et al. [20], Pendyala et al. [26],
Takeda et al. [27] and Trivedi et al. [25] follow
these restrictions and the distribution of age and
gender was similar between groups, suggesting
that they were well matched. Thus, their results
might present greater validity and relatively
fewer confounding factors.
The analysis of non-randomized clinical trials
properly reported most of the criteria analyzed
in Summary questions (Bias, Confounding
and Chance) as present in 3 studies. In six
studies [20,22-24,26,27] confounding factors
were no detected. Shetty et al. [23] dened their
study as a randomized clinical trial, but it has
four groups (i.e., T2DM with periodontitis,
T2DM without Periodontitis, non-T2DM with
periodontitis, and systemically and periodontally
healthy) with distinct interventions (scaling and
root planning, and oral hygiene instructions),
and there is no random allocation of groups/
treatment. In summary, their results are
inconsistent and the evidence regarding OS
biomarkers, T2DM and periodontitis relationship
is lacking strong evidence.
Of the nine included studies, three assessed
biomarkers in saliva and this suggests its
potential relevance as an important alternative
biological uid [20,23,26]. Included studies in
this systematic review are following the expected
direction of the association, that there is difference
in OS levels between T2DM individuals with and
without periodontitis. These studies reported the
relationship between high levels of oxidizing
compounds or decrease of antioxidants in T2DM
with periodontitis individuals, when compared
to T2DM without periodontitis individuals.
Therefore, these data suggest that periodontitis
has a negative influence on OS in T2DM and
recognize that an early diagnosis of periodontitis
may be important for prevention of a negative
impact on the OS biomarkers.
However, considering the few studies found,
the methodological aws, few markers studied
and absence homogeneity in the evaluation of
redox balance markers, as well as, the very low
certainty of the evidence among included studies,
ie there was no sound studies included in this
systematic review, these results should be viewed
with caution. Therefore, it was not possible to
determine whether there are or not differences
in the oxidative stress levels in individuals with
T2DM associated with periodontitis and further
prospective observational and interventional
studies are recommended.
The authors thank the Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil. for support during
the development and writing of these manuscript.
Author’s Contributions
WJML: Conceptualization, Validation,
Formal Analysis, Investigation, Methodology,
Resources, Data Curation, Writing – Original Draft
Preparation. CCM: Conceptualization, Validation,
Investigation, Methodology, Visualization,
Writing – Review & Editing. GAMV: Validation,
Formal analysis, Methodology, Visualization,
Writing - Review & Editing. DM: Methodology,
Visualization, Data Curation, Writing – Review &
Editing. LCM: Conceptualization; Formal Analysis,
Funding Acquisition, Methodology, Resources,
Visualization, Writing – Review & Editing.
MCMB: Conceptualization, Data Curation,
Formal Analysis; Investigation; Methodology,
Supervision, Writing – Review & Editing.
CMSB: Conceptualization, Funding Acquisition,
Investigation, Methodology, Supervision,
Validation, Visualization, Writing – Original
Draft Preparation; Writing – Review & Editing,
Project Administration. CS: Data Curation;
Formal Analysis, Investigation, Methodology,
Project Administration, Supervision, Validation,
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Visualization, Writing – Original Draft
Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing, Project
Conicts of Interest
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
The work was supported by Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
(CAPES) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).
Regulatory Statement
This systematic review was conducted
through a search strategy in electronic databases.
The search was restricted to publications in peer-
reviewed journals, in which approval for ethics
committee were obtained in their original work.
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Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
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Walder Jansen de Mello Lobão
(Corresponding address)
Departamento de Clínica Odontológica, Divisão de Periodontia, Faculdade
de Odontologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
Email: walderjansen@hotmail.com
Date submitted: 2023 Nov 21
Accept submission: 2024 June 27
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Appendix 1. Electronic database and search strategy
(Diabetes Mellitus[Mesh] OR Diabetes Mellitus[Tiab] OR Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2[Mesh] OR Diabetes
Mellitus Non Insulin Dependent[Tiab] OR Diabetes Mellitus Stable[Tiab] OR NIDDM[Tiab] OR MODY[Tiab]
OR Maturity Onset Diabetes[Tiab] OR Type 2 Diabetes[Tiab] OR Diabetes Type 2[Tiab]) AND (Periodontal
Diseases[Mesh] OR Periodontal Disease*[Tiab] OR Periodontitis[Mesh] OR Periodont*[Tiab] OR Aggres-
sive Periodontitis[Mesh] OR Aggressive Periodont*[Tiab] OR Chronic Periodontitis[Mesh] OR Chronic
Periodont*[Tiab]) AND (Oxidative Stress[Mesh] OR Oxidative Stress*[Tiab] OR Antioxidants[Mesh]
OR Antioxidant*[Tiab] OR Antioxidant effect*[Tiab] OR Free radicals[Mesh] OR Free radicals[Tiab] OR
Oxidants[Mesh] OR Oxidant*[Tiab] OR Oxidizing Agents[Tiab])
TITLE-ABS-KEY((“Diabetes Mellitus” OR “Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2” OR “Diabetes Mellitus Non Insulin Dependent” OR
“Diabetes Mellitus Stable” OR NIDDM OR MODY OR “Maturity Onset Diabetes” OR “Type 2 Diabetes” OR “Diabetes
Type 2”) AND (Periodontal Disease* OR Periodont* OR Aggressive Periodont* OR Chronic Periodont*) AND (Oxidative
Stress* OR Antioxidant* OR Antioxidant effect* OR “Free radicals” OR Oxidant* OR “Oxidizing Agents”))
((“Diabetes Mellitus” OR “Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2” OR “Diabetes Mellitus Non Insulin Dependent” OR “Diabetes
Mellitus Stable” OR NIDDM OR MODY OR “Maturity Onset Diabetes” OR “Type 2 Diabetes” OR “Diabetes Type 2”) AND
(Periodontal Disease* OR Periodont* OR Aggressive Periodont* OR Chronic Periodont*) AND (Oxidative Stress* OR
Antioxidant* OR Antioxidant effect* OR “Free radicals” OR Oxidant* OR “Oxidizing Agents”))
#1 MeSH descriptor: [Diabetes Mellitus] explode all trees
#2 “Diabetes Mellitus”
#3 MeSH descriptor: [Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2] explode all trees
#4 (“Diabetes Mellitus Non Insulin Dependent” OR “Diabetes Mellitus Stable” OR NIDDM OR MODY OR “Maturity Onset
Diabetes” OR “Type 2 Diabetes” OR “Diabetes Type 2”)
#5 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4
#6 MeSH descriptor: [Periodontal Diseases] explode all trees
#7 Periodontal disease*
#8 MeSH descriptor: [Periodontitis] explode all trees
#9 Periodont*
#10 MeSH descriptor: [Aggressive Periodontitis] explode all trees
#11 Aggressive Periodont*
#12 MeSH descriptor: [Chronic Periodontitis] explode all trees
#13 Chronic Periodont*
#14 #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13
#15 MeSH descriptor: [Oxidative Stress] explode all trees
#16 Oxidative Stress*
#17 MeSH descriptor: [Antioxidants] explode all trees
#18 (Antioxidant* OR Antioxidant effect*)
#19 MeSH descriptor: [Free Radicals] explode all trees
#20 “Free radicals
#21 MeSH descriptor: [Oxidants] explode all trees
#22 (Oxidant* OR “Oxidizing Agents”)
#23 #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22
#24 #5 AND #14 AND #23
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Appendix 1. Continued...
tw:(tw:((tw:((mh: “Diabetes Mellitus” OR mh: “Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2” OR “Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2” OR “Diabetes
Mellitus Non Insulin Dependent” OR “Diabetes Mellitus não dependente de insulina” OR “Diabetes Mellitus Stable” OR
“Diabetes Mellitus estável” OR niddm OR dmndi OR mody OR “Maturity Onset Diabetes” OR “Diabetes com início na
maturidade” OR “Type 2 Diabetes” OR “Diabetes tipo 2” OR “Diabetes Type 2” OR “Tipo 2 Diabetes”) )) AND (tw:((mh:
“Periodontal Diseases” OR “doenças periodontais” OR “periodontal disease” OR “periodontal diseases” OR “doença
periodontal” OR “doenças periodontais” OR mh: periodontitis OR periodontite OR periodontitis OR periodontite OR
mh: “Aggressive Periodontitis” OR “Periodontite Agressiva” OR “Aggressive Periodontitis” OR “Periodontite Agressiva”
OR mh: “Chronic Periodontitis” OR “Periodontite Crônica” OR “Chronic Periodontitis” OR “Periodontite Crônica”) ))
AND (tw:((mh: “Oxidative Stress” OR “Estresse Oxidativo” OR oxidative stress* OR “Estresse Oxidativo” OR “Estresses
oxidativos” OR mh: antioxidants OR antioxidantes OR antioxidant OR antioxidants OR antioxidante OR “antioxidant
effect” OR “Antioxidants effects” OR “Efeito antioxidante” OR “Efeitos antioxidantes” OR mh: “Free radicals” OR
“Radicais livres” OR “Free radicals” OR “Radicais livres” OR mh: oxidants OR oxidantes OR oxidants OR oxidant OR
oxidante* OR “Oxidizing Agents” OR “ agentes oxidantes”)))) AND ( db:(“LILACS” OR “BBO”))) AND ( type:(“article”))
(‘diabetes mellitus’:ti,ab,kw OR ‘diabetes mellitus, type 2’:ti,ab,kw OR ‘diabetes mellitus non insulin dependent’:ti,ab,kw
OR ‘diabetes mellitus stable’:ti,ab,kw OR niddm:ti,ab,kw OR mody:ti,ab,kw OR ‘maturity onset diabetes’:ti,ab,kw OR
‘type 2 diabetes’:ti,ab,kw OR ‘diabetes type 2’:ti,ab,kw) AND (‘periodontal disease*’:ti,ab,kw OR periodont*:ti,ab,kw
OR ‘aggressive periodont*’:ti,ab,kw OR ‘chronic periodont*’:ti,ab,kw) AND (‘oxidative stress*’:ti,ab,kw OR
antioxidant*:ti,ab,kw OR ‘antioxidant effect*’:ti,ab,kw OR ‘free radicals’:ti,ab,kw OR oxidant*:ti,ab,kw OR ‘oxidizing
Periodontitis and Diabetes and Antioxidants
Periodontitis and Diabetes and Free radicals
Periodontitis and Diabetes and Oxidants
Periodontitis and Diabetes and Oxidative Stress
Periodont* and Diabetes and Antioxidants
Periodont* and Diabetes and Free radicals
Periodont* and Diabetes and Oxidants
Periodont* and Diabetes and Antioxidants
Periodont* and Diabetes and Oxidative Stress
Periodont* and Diabetes and Antioxidant*
Periodont* and Diabetes and Oxidative Stress*
Periodontitis and Diabetes and Antioxidant*
Periodontitis and Diabetes and Oxidative Stress*
Periodontitis and diabetes type 2 and oxidative stress
Periodontite e diabetes tipo 2 e estresse oxidativo
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Appendix 2. Criteria’s adopted to risk of bias classication (adapted from Fowkes
and Fulton [15])
Study design
appropriate to
Prevalence -
Cross-sectional 0 – if the study, or part of study, included in the present systematic review reported oxidative stress in type 2
diabetics with periodontitis and had a cross-sectional design
Prognosis -
Cohort 0 – if the study, or part of study, included in the present systematic review reported oxidative stress in type 2
diabetics with periodontitis and had a Cohort design
Treatment -
Controlled trial 0 - if the study, or part of study, included in the present systematic review evaluate some type of treatment
related periodontitis or type 2 diabetes mellitus and measurement oxidative stress levels and had a controlled
trial design
Cause - Cohort,
0 - if the study, or part of study, included in the present systematic review evaluate some type of relationship
/ association / risk reported of oxidative stress alteration in type 2 diabetics with periodontitis had a cross-
sectional, case-control or cohort design, respectively.
Study sample
Source of
sample (0) case group was obtained from various referral hospital (multicentre).
(+) case group was composed of individuals from a reference center or referral hospital.
(++) case group was obtained from unspecified locations.
method (0) probabilistic sampling (simple random, stratified, blocks).
(+) did not use any type of randomization, but authors of the present systematic review judged that could not
influence in outcome evaluation, as all eligible participants from a specific site/place were included.
(++) did not use any type of randomization, but authors of the present systematic review judged that could
influence in outcome evaluation by using a convenience sample.
Sample size (0) sample size calculation was described considering all variables and study groups.
(+) did not perform sample size calculation but had a representative sample, using a sample size equal or higher
than 97 subjects (median of samples from included studies).
(++) did not mention such sample size calculation or representative sample, using a sample size lower than 97
subjects (median of samples from included studies).
(0) Selection criteria properly established. Periodontitis: PBS≥ 4mm, NCI≥ 4mm, presence of biofilm, bleeding on
probing (> 10%) and presence of suppuration. Examination performed by a single calibrated examiner or more
than one (calibrated), who underwent a complete periodontal examination (in the six sites of the teeth present),
using a standard probe for the diagnosis of periodontitis (North Carolina 15mm).
(+)Selection criteria established, but some criteria were not considered (do not mention one of the criteria for
diagnosing periodontitis previously shown or the examiner is not calibrated).
(++) Selection criteria loosely established or absence of two or more periodontitis selection criteria.
respondents N. A. - the authors of the present systematic review judged that the non-respondent’s rate could not influence in
outcome evaluation.
Control group
Definition of
controls (0) Selection criteria properly established. Absence of periodontitis: PBS≤ 3mm, NCI≤ 3mm, little or no biofilm, no
or little bleeding on probing (<10%) and no suppuration. Examination performed by a single calibrated examiner
or more than one calibrated, who underwent a complete periodontal examination (at the six sites of the teeth
present), using a standard probe for the diagnosis of periodontitis (North Carolina 15mm).
(+) Selection criteria established, but some criteria were not considered (do not mention one of the criteria for
periodontal health shown previously).
(++) Selection criteria loosely established. Absence of two or more selection criteria for periodontal health.
Source of
controls (0) control group was obtained from various referral hospital (multicentre).
(+) control group was composed of individuals from a reference center or referral hospital.
(++) control group was obtained from unspecified locations.
randomization (0) group control was paired according to gender, age and duration of diabetes.
characteristics (+) only matched by two of the criteria mentioned above.
(++) control group was not paired.study mentioned that case and control groups were matching for sex, age and
general health.
(0) There is no difference between the groups regarding age, gender and duration of diabetes.
(+) the groups are different only in relation to two criteria.
(++) the groups are different in relation to age or duration of diabetes.
Quality of
measurements and
Validity (0) Use of the gold standard method for determining the biomarker
(+) adequate test, but it is not the gold standard.
(++) Test not suitable.
Reproducibility (0) An experienced and calibrated evaluator and that there was acceptable reproducibility in the measurement
of oxidative stress markers.
(+) a trained evaluator, but the study’s reproducibility analysis was not performed.
(++) an uncalibrated evaluator, but the study was not reproducible or was not even mentioned in the study.
Blindness (0) Researcher who collected and analyzed samples were blinded to the study group.
(+) Researcher who collected or analyzed the samples was blinded to the study group.
(++) There was no blinding in any phase of the study.
Quality control (0) Adequate acquisition, processing and storage of samples. Adequate description of the parameters used to
measure oxidative stress.
(+) one of the points described above was neglected or not mentioned.
(++) two or more points described above were neglected or not mentioned.
NA – Not applied.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Compliance NA (question did not apply to study methodology)
Dropouts NA (question did not apply to study methodology)
Deaths NA (question did not apply to study methodology)
Missing data (0) The study reports the number of missing data (up to 30%) and the reasons. (or the absence of missing data).
(+) the number of missing data is reported without explaining the reasons (with up to 30% of the missing data).
(++) nothing is specified or there was a loss greater than 30%.
Distorting influences?
treatments NA (question did not apply to study methodology)
Contamination NA (question did not apply to study methodology)
Changes over
time NA (question did not apply to study methodology)
factors (0) Presence of comorbidities: chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, obesity and
immunosuppressed by medication. Other metabolic changes. Age and gender. Duration of diabetes.
(+) was assigned when 1 or 2 of these characteristics were present
(++) if there were 3 or more.
reduced by
(0) Stratified data analysis was performed, or regression analysis considering possible confounding factors. Or,
there was no need due to the absence of confounding factors.
(+) adjustment of the analyzes was performed only in relation to some confounding factors.
(++) there were confounding factors, but this was not considered in the analyzes.
Summary Questions
Bias - Are
the results
biased in
a certain
Yes / No
- Are there
any serious
or other
Yes / No
Chance - Is
it likely that
the results
occurred by
Yes / No
NA – Not applied.
Appendix 2. Continued...
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4163
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis? Systematic review
Lobão WJM et al. Is there a difference in the oxidative stress levels between
type 2 diabetic individuals with and without periodontitis?
Systematic review
Appendix 3. Studies excluded and reason of the exclusion
Reason 1. Absence of group T2DM without Periodontitis
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7. Javid AZ,etal. The effects of ginger supplementation on inflammatory, antioxidant, and periodontal parameters in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with
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8. Koregol AC,etal. 8-Isoprostane in chronic periodontitis and type II diabetes: Exploring the link. Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects
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9. Koromantzos PA,etal. Effect of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy on C-Reactive Protein, Oxidative Stress, and Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and
MMP-2 Levels in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Periodontology 2012; 83(1):1-10.
10. Lobão, WJM,etal. Redox biomarkers in saliva and nuclear abnormalities in jugal epithelial cells of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus and
periodontitis. Arch Oral Biol 2024; 161:105915.
11. Masi S,etal. Mitochondrial oxidative stress, endothelial function and metabolic control in patients with type II diabetes and periodontitis: A
randomized controlled clinical trial. International Journal of Cardiology 2017; 15 (271):263-268.
12. Mizuno H,etal. The effects of non-surgical periodontal treatment on glycemic control, oxidative stress balance and quality of life in patients with type
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13. Patil VS,etal. Chronic Periodontitis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Oxidative Stress as a Common Factor in Periodontal Tissue Injury. Journal of Clinical
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14. Pradeep AR,etal. 4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal, an oxidative stress marker in crevicular fluid and serum in type 2 diabetes with chronic periodontitis. Contemp
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15. Sonoki, K,etal. Decreased Lipid Peroxidation Following Periodontal Therapy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. J Periodontol. 2006; 77(11):1907-1913.
16. Thomas B,etal. A comparative evaluation of antioxidant enzymes and selenium in the serum of periodontitis patients with diabetes mellitus type 2.
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17. Thomas B,etal. Serum levels of antioxidants and superoxide dismutase in periodontitis patients with diabetes type 2. Journal of Indian Society of
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18. Zhu C,etal. The therapeutic role of baicalein in combating experimental periodontitis with diabetes via Nrf2 antioxidant signaling pathway. J Periodont
Res. 2020; 55(3):381-391.
1. Gholinezhad H,etal. Using Ginger Supplement in Adjunct with Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy Improves Metabolic and Periodontal Parameters
in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Chronic Periodontitis. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Herbal Medicine 2019;
1. Navarro MLR,etal. Niveles de proteína carbonilada y capacidad antioxidante total en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de reciente diagnóstico y
enfermedad periodontal. Revista ADM 2019; 76 (4): 208-213.
2. Penagos AGV, Núñez VMM. Relación del estrés oxidativo con la enfermedad periodontal en adultos mayores con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Revista ADM
2006; 63 (5):189-194.
Reason 2. research participants with more than one systemic disease
1. Bastos AS. Lipid Peroxidation Is Associated with the Severity of Periodontal Disease and Local Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012; 97 (8):1353-1362.
Reason 3. summary study of a larger included in this systematic review
1. Pushparani DS. Serum zinc and iron level in type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis. International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2015; 7 (1):165-171.