Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/Jun;27 (2): e4366
Pereira ER et al.
Dimensional accuracy of pro visional complete crown made by the 3D printing method
Pereira ER et al. Dimensional accuracy of provisional complete crown made by
the 3D printing method
Considering the results obtained, the present
study concludes that, based on dimensional
accuracy and volume deviation, the printing of
provisional complete crowns with an LCD-type
3D printer has adequate accuracy both with an
angle of 150 degrees about the X-axis, and with
an angle of 180 degrees about the X-axis of the
construction platform. There is no difference
between printing three or four complete crowns
printed at the same time on the same construction
platform. Thus, the printing of four complete
crowns on the same construction platform has
of three complete crowns, as it offers similar
precision and shorter manufacturing time.
Additionally, this type of manufacturing facilitates
obtaining the part, reduces allergenic risks to the
patient, and mitigates potential human errors
during the conventional manufacturing process.
Author’s Contributions
ERP: Investigation, Data Curation and
Writing – Original Draft Preparation. LGBS: Data
Curation, Formal analysis. MSC: Writing – Review
& Editing. GCL: Writing – Review & Editing. RMA:
Supervision and Project Administration.
Conict of Interest
the publication of this article.
was received.
Regulatory Statement
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