Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4375
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4375
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Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-
supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Avaliação extensométrica de microdeformações ósseas em prótese implanto-suportada de arco completo: materiais cobalto-
cromo e fibra de vidro
William Simões de OLIVEIRA1 , Mariana Simões de OLIVEIRA2 , Alinne Siqueira CARVALHO1 ,
Guilherme de Siqueira Ferreira Anzaloni SAAVEDRA3 , Marco Antonio BOTTINO3 , Lafayette NOGUEIRA JÚNIOR3
1- Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
2- Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.
3- Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Materiais Dentários e Prótese, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
How to cite: Oliveira WS, Oliveira MS, Caravalho AS, Saavedra GSFA, Bottino MA, Nogueira Júnior L. Strain gauge evaluation of bone
microstrain in full-arch implant-supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and berglass materials. Braz Dent Sci. 2024;27(3):e4375.
Objective: This study addresses the strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-supported
prostheses using two distinct materials: Cobalt-Chromium (CoCr) and Fiber Reinforced with Composite (FRC).
Material and methods: By employing strain gauge analysis, this study compares the mechanical properties of CoCr
and FRC, noting that FRC bars exhibit signicantly smaller microstrain under load, suggesting a more balanced
strain distribution. Results: This nding may be attributed to the intrinsic material properties of each, where FRC
offers relative exibility and a modulus of elasticity closer to that of human bone tissue, promoting harmonious
integration with peri-implant tissue. Additionally, the potential toxicity of CoCr alloys is addressed, emphasizing
the importance of alternative materials that minimize health risks. Conclusion: This study contributes to the eld
of implant-supported rehabilitations, suggesting that FRC may offer signicant mechanical and biocompatible
advantages over CoCr. However, it underscores the need for further research to validate these ndings.
Cobalt-chromium alloys; Dental prosthesis, Implant-supported; Elastic modulus; Fiberglass; Osseointegration.
Objetivo: Este estudo aborda a avaliação do extensômetro da microdeformação óssea em próteses implanto-
suportadas de arcada completa utilizando dois materiais distintos: Cobalto-Cromo (CoCr) e Fibra Reforçada com
Compósito (FRC). Material e métodos: Ao empregar análise de extensômetro, este estudo compara as propriedades
mecânicas do CoCr e do FRC, observando que as barras do FRC apresentam microdeformação signicativamente
menor sob carga, sugerindo uma distribuição de tensão mais equilibrada. Resultados: Esse achado pode ser
atribuído às propriedades intrínsecas do material de cada um, onde a FRC oferece relativa exibilidade e módulo
de elasticidade mais próximo ao do tecido ósseo humano, promovendo integração harmoniosa com o tecido
peri-implantar. Além disso, é abordada a potencial toxicidade das ligas de CoCr, enfatizando a importância de
materiais alternativos que minimizem os riscos à saúde. Conclusão: Este estudo contribui para o campo das
reabilitações implanto-suportadas, sugerindo que a FRC pode oferecer vantagens mecânicas e biocompatíveis
signicativas sobre o CoCr. Porém, ressalta a necessidade de mais pesquisas para validar esses achados.
Ligas de cobalto-cromo; Próteses dentárias, Suportadas por implantes; Módulo de elasticidade; Fibra de vidro;
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4375
Oliveira WS et al.
Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Oliveira WS et al. Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-
supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Oral rehabilitation with implant-supported
prostheses has revolutionized treatment for
edentulous patients, offering solutions that
signicantly improve quality of life. Since the
introduction of the concept of osseointegration
by Brånemark [1], dentistry has witnessed
signicant advances in the design and selection
of materials for prostheses, aiming to optimize
their longevity and functionality. The selection of
material for prosthesis infrastructure is important,
given its direct inuence on load distribution and
structural integrity of oral rehabilitations [2,3].
The introduction of alternative materials
in the manufacturing of infrastructures for
implant-supported prostheses has been a eld
of intense research in recent years. The growing
interest in materials such as fiber-reinforced
composite (FRC) is due to its unique properties,
including excellent mechanical strength and lower
thermal conductivity compared to traditional
metals like cobalt-chromium (CoCr). Recent
studies [4] highlighted the potential of FRC in the
manufacture of prosthetic bars, demonstrating
its ability to efficiently distribute masticatory
loads while minimizing strains transmitted to
peri-implant bone.
Furthermore, biocompatibility is an
increasingly considered factor in the choice of
materials for implant-supported prostheses.
The literature shows that FRC-based materials
offer additional advantages in these aspects,
favoring a more harmonious integration with
peri-implant tissue and not undergoing oxidation
or releasing ions or byproducts into the body.
The use of FRC in prosthetic infrastructures
not only meets functional requirements but
also promotes a favorable environment for
the maintenance of peri-implant health [5],
as corroborated by Pesce et al. (2019) [6],
who demonstrated the favorable mechanical
properties and biocompatibility of ber-reinforced
The choice of material for prosthesis
infrastructure is fundamental for the success
of oral rehabilitation. Al Jabbari (2014) [7]
extensively explored the mechanical properties
and biocompatibility of CoCr alloys, noting their
exceptional strength and durability. However, the
rigidity of these materials may result in a less-
than-ideal load distribution, leading to adverse
microstrain in the surrounding bone tissue.
In contrast, Ferreira et al. (2014) [8] investigated
the use of FRC, emphasizing its ability to offer
a more favorable load distribution due to its
relative exibility and modulus of elasticity closer
to that of natural bone.
Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate bone
microstrain in edentulous jaws rehabilitated with
four internal connection Morse cone implants,
supporting hybrid prosthesis infrastructures made
of CoCr and FRC. The objective is to investigate
if there are significant differences in strain
distribution between the two different protocol
prosthesis infrastructures, hypothesizing that the
distinct material properties of CoCr and FRC will
inuence the bone microstrain.
For this study, a synthetic bone model
simulating an edentulous jaw with mild atrophy
was used, manufactured from polyurethane and
endowed with elastic properties similar to human
bone tissue [9,10]. Four cylindrical Morse cone
implants (Torque Hard, Conexão Sistemas de
Prótese, Arujá, São Paulo, Brazil) with a diameter
of 4.0mm and length of 13mm each, were used.
Additionally, prosthetic abutments (Solid Micro
Units) manufactured by the same company, with
Morse cone connection and a transmucosal height
of 2.5mm, were employed.
The installation of the implants in the
mandible model (Polyurethane) was carried
out freehand taking care so that they were
equidistant and parallel to each other. Then,
they were fixed in the resin to simulate
osseointegration. The scanning and design phase
of the infrastructures was carried out using an
intraoral scanner and CAD software, allowing
the prosthetic infrastructures to be designed and
manufactured to t precisely to the previously
installed implants (Figure 1).
The prosthetic infrastructures included
Protocol-type bars made of CoCr (n=5) and
FRC (n=5). These infrastructures were digitally
designed using an intraoral scanner and
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software and
subsequently manufactured using subtractive
and additive manufacturing technologies,
respectively, and had dimensions of 4.3x7x65mm
(Figure 2). The design of the bar in its bilateral
distal portion was made in an airplane wing
shape. The length of the cantilevers was 12mm.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4375
Oliveira WS et al.
Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Oliveira WS et al. Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-
supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
The bars were screwed onto the jaw model and
the torque used was the torque suggested by the
For the evaluation of bone microstrain,
strain gauges (PA-06-060BA-120-L (Excel
Sensores Ind. Com. Exp. Ltda, Taboão da Serra,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, resistance 120 Ω; gauge length:
1.5 x 1.3 mm) were xed on the surface of the
jaw model according to the spaces available
between the implants (Figure 3), and their
output channels and connection to the data
acquisition machine were identified through
colors. Red and yellow strain gauges were placed
on the distal surfaces of the posterior and anterior
implants on the right side, respectively. Green
and blue strain gauges were placed on the distal
surfaces of the posterior and anterior implants
on the left side, respectively. The prosthetic
infrastructures manufactured in CoCr and FRC
were then subjected to static vertical loads of
100N at the end of the right cantilever, near the
red strain gauge, to simulate masticatory forces.
A load application device (LAD), developed by
Nishioka et al. (2015) [11], was used (Figure 4).
The electrical cables were identified
with colored tapes according to the previous
description of the strain gauge group and
soldered to a copper electronic plate, connecting
Figure 1 - Polyurethane prototype resembling an edentulous
mandible with a flat base and borders with Conexão Torque Hard
implants and prosthetic abutments installed.
Figure 2 - Top view of Cobalt-chromium and Fiberglass bars in the
finalization process.
Figure 3 - Strain gauges fixed on the models.
Figure 4 - Test specimen finished with Cobalt-Chromium bar
subjected to static compression with a force of 100N on the right
cantilever end.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4375
Oliveira WS et al.
Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Oliveira WS et al. Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-
supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
them directly to exible electrical conductors with
a diameter of 1.5 mm each, which in turn were
connected to a data acquisition machine (ADS
2000 - Lynx Tecnologia Eletrônica Ltda. - SP -
Brazil) through a base with identied connectors
to minimize manipulation to the connectors of
the Data Acquisition machine. This machine is
responsible for receiving the signals resulting
from the variation of the electric current owing
through the strain gauges, amplifying them, and
converting them into digital signals. These signals
were then sent to the computer, providing data
on the microstrain ε/a) suffered by the test
specimen (TS), through the AqDados7.2 software
(Lynx Tecnologia Eletrônica Ltda. - SP - Brazil).
The statistical analysis of the data collected
through the strain gauges was performed using
ANOVA (Tables I and II) and Tukey’s post-
hoc test (Table III), aiming to compare the
Strain distribution between the infrastructures
manufactured from the two different materials
and determine the existence of statistically
signicant differences between them.
In this study, it was observed that the FRC and
CoCr bars exhibited distinct patterns of microstrain
under a static axial load of 100N. The FRC bars
demonstrated a more balanced distribution of
strain, with signicantly lower average microstrain
values compared to the CoCr bars, as evidenced
by ANOVA and Tukey’s test statistical analyses,
which revealed statistically signicant differences
between the materials (p <0.05).
Specically, the FRC bars exhibited lower
microstrain on the Yellow and Blue strain gauges,
Table I - One-way ANOVA (Fischers’s) statistical test for FRC and
CoCr bars obtained through Jamovi computer software (Version
F 34.3 17.4
df1 3 3
df2 96 96
p <0.01 <0.01
Note: df = degree of freedom.
Table II - Descriptive table of means, standard deviation, and standard error of the tests performed on FRC and CoCr samples, obtained
through Jamovi computer software (Version 2.3)
Red Yellow Blue Green Red Yellow Blue Green
N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Mean 565.4 162.8 59.8 242.5 530.4 470.6 898.9 82.5
SD 280.2 156.1 67.3 178.3 138.0 345.4 704.3 81.3
SE 56.0 31.2 13.5 35.7 27.6 69.1 140.9 16.3
Note: Red = posterior implant on the right side; Yellow = anterior implant on the right side; Green = posterior implant on the left side; Blue =
anterior implant on the left side.
Table III - Tukey’s Post-Hoc statistical tests comparing the extensometers associated with Fiberglass and CoCr bars, obtained through Jamovi
computer software (Version 2.3)
Red-FRC Yellow-FRC Blue-FRC Green-FRC
Red-CoCr Mean difference -35.0
p-value 0.578
Yellow-CoCr Mean difference 308
p-value <0.001
Blue-CoCr Mean difference 839
p-value <0.001
Green-CoCr Mean difference -160
p-value <0.001
Note: Red = posterior implant on the right side; Yellow = anterior implant on the right side; Green = posterior implant on the left side; Blue =
anterior implant on the left side.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4375
Oliveira WS et al.
Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Oliveira WS et al. Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-
supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
suggesting a better capacity for load absorption
and distribution. On the other hand, the CoCr bars
showed higher microstrain values, particularly
on the Blue strain gauge, indicating a possible
concentration of strain and a less favorable load
distribution, which may negatively inuence bone
integrity and long-term implant stability.
Long-term clinical success largely depends
on the appropriate choice of materials and
prosthetic infrastructure design, which should
optimize load distribution and minimize strains
transmitted to peri-implant bone [12].
The significant difference in microstrain
between FRC and CoCr bars can be attributed to
intrinsic material properties. FRC, with its modulus
of elasticity closer to that of human bone tissue,
allows for a more homogeneous load distribution
and reduces the risk of concentrated strain points,
which are detrimental to osseointegration and
implant stability. This nding is corroborated by
previous studies [4,13] which highlighted the
mechanical superiority and biocompatibility of
FRC in dental applications. Thus, when compared
to other bar materials like titanium and CoCr, the
ber-reinforced resin bar exhibited lower weight
and reduced approximately 25% of the generated
strains [14].
On the other hand, the greater microstrain
observed in CoCr bars can be explained by the
rigidity of this material, which, despite its strength
and durability, may lead to inadequate load
distribution. This observation is consistent with
the literature, which emphasizes the importance
of the relative exibility of the prosthetic material
for favorable load distribution [7]. Additionally,
the potential toxicity of CoCr raises additional
concerns about its biocompatibility, especially
considering the release of metallic ions into the
oral environment, which can trigger adverse
tissue reactions [15,16].
The choice between FRC and CoCr should
not be based solely on mechanical considerations
but also on biological, aesthetic, and nancial
criteria. While FRC bars have demonstrated
mechanical and biocompatible advantages in
this study, clinical experience, ease of handling,
and cost are also relevant factors in clinical
decision-making [17].
This study used the strain gauge method to
measure and analyze the biomechanical behavior
of two different material bars. It measures
localized surface strain through changes in
electrical resistance, offers high precision, and
real-time data acquisition, and is relatively
simple and cost-effective to implement [11].
Finite Element Analysis (FEA), a numerical
method that subdivides structures into finite
elements, allows for comprehensive internal
strain analysis across complex geometries and
conditions. Although highly versatile, FEA
requires sophisticated software, and signicant
computational power, and depends heavily on
model accuracy [3]. Photoelasticity employs
polarized light to visualize stress distribution
in transparent materials, providing full-field,
non-intrusive stress patterns. However, it is
predominantly qualitative and limited to specic
materials [13].
Although a single operator performed the
experimental work to ensure a standardized
process, our data must be cautiously extrapolated
to the clinical setting, as the complex biothermal
mechanical factors of the oral environment are
not considered in vitro testing.
This study contributes to the understanding
of the biomechanical implications of different
infrastructure materials in implant-supported
rehabilitations, suggesting that FRC may offer a
promising alternative to CoCr alloys. However,
additional clinical studies are needed to validate
these in vitro ndings and explore the long-term
clinical impact of these observations.
This study showed that FRC bars exhibited
significantly smaller microstrain under load
compared to CoCr. The behavior suggests
that FRC is superior in force absorption and
distribution when used for full-arch implant-
supported prostheses. However, the importance
of conducting further research, including clinical
studies, to fully understand the impact of these
results and improve oral rehabilitation techniques
using implants, is emphasized.
Author’s Contributions
WSO: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing
Review & Editing. MSO: Writing Original
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4375
Oliveira WS et al.
Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Oliveira WS et al. Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-
supported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Draft Preparation, Writing Review & Editing,
Translation. ASC: Methodology, Writing –
Original Draft Preparation, Writing Review &
Editing. GSFAS: Supervision, Writing Review
& Editing. MAB: Supervision, Writing Review
& Editing. LNJ: Conceptualization, Supervision,
Writing – Review & Editing.
Conict of Interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to
This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Regulatory Statement
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William Simões de Oliveira
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Av. Engenheiro Francisco José Longo,
777 - Jardim Sao Dimas, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Email: drwilliamsimoes@gmail.com
Date submitted: 2024 May 15
Accept submission: 2024 July 29