Evaluation of the methods used for impression making for different implant systems in prosthetic dentistry


  • Yasar Özkan
  • Mutlu Özcan
  • Fidan Akalin
  • Yasemin Kulak-Özkan
  • Luiz Felipe Valandro
  • Renata Faria




Fabrication of an implant supported fixed or removable-partial-denture requires precise transfer of the intraoral structures and the implant components to the plaster model. With the increase in the number of implant systems, impression making procedures also increased depending on each system. This article summarizes and describes the procedures and factors that affect adequate impression making for several implant systems based on the information from English peer-reviewed journals identified by a Medline search covering the years from 1979-2005, text books, and the information obtained from the manufacturers of the most commonly used implant systems.
Clinical relevance: since impression making methods vary depending on each implant system, clinicians should study the procedures for each system in order to achieve successful implant supported fixed- or removable-partial-dentures.





Clinical or Laboratorial Research Manuscript