Strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implantsupported prostheses: cobalt-chromium and fiberglass materials
Objective: This study addresses the strain gauge evaluation of bone microstrain in full-arch implant-supported prostheses using two distinct materials: Cobalt-Chromium (CoCr) and Fiber Reinforced with Composite (FRC). Material and methods: By employing strain gauge analysis, this study compares the mechanical properties of CoCr and FRC, noting that FRC bars exhibit significantly smaller microstrain under load, suggesting a more balanced strain distribution. Results: This finding may be attributed to the intrinsic material properties of each, where FRC offers relative flexibility and a modulus of elasticity closer to that of human bone tissue, promoting harmonious integration with peri-implant tissue. Additionally, the potential toxicity of CoCr alloys is addressed, emphasizing the importance of alternative materials that minimize health risks. Conclusion: This study contributes to the field of implant-supported rehabilitations, suggesting that FRC may offer significant mechanical and biocompatible advantages over CoCr. However, it underscores the need for further research to validate these findings.
Cobalt-chromium alloys; Dental prosthesis, Implant-supported; Elastic modulus; Fiberglass; Osseointegration.